Falling; Aidan x M/n

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Lyrics - italic
Aidan age 18
M/n age 19
All 3rd POV
Phone call#:

( image: m/n and Aidan break up and the two listen to m/n cover at the same time. Feeling lost without each other's touch and writing their statements)

LA - rainy day, Monday morning.
3rd POV

It was a rainy day, m/n was finishing with a new song cover. He had been working for a while, he had been too busy to talk to Aidan because of the crazy schedule. While M/n was being stressed and working for his new cover. Aidan had been feeling lonely. He hasn't been able to have a decent conversation with his boyfriend. He had been busy with the stuff m/n was doing and Aidan started to feel like their relationship have been drifting apart. Don't get him wrong, he loves M/n with all of his heart. But he couldn't help but feel like he was slowly being drifted away from his lover, it has been going for a few months and Aidan couldn't keep the feeling of being left alone. As Aidan walked up to his bedroom. I looked at all the photos he had of him and M/n. He felt his heart hurt as he went to grab his phone. As he opens it, he clicked on the contacts and looked for his lover's phone number. Before he clicked it on the call button, he looked back at the photos before taking a deep breath and pressing the button. He waited for a few agonizing minutes. Listening to the phone ring for his lover to answer. After those few minutes M/n answers.

Phone call #:

M/n: hey babe, what's up? I miss you

Aidan: Hey babe, I miss you too. But babe...Um, we need to talk.

M/n: look I know we haven't been talking for a while but I promise, once I'm done with this last song. We go on a date.

Aidan: M/n it's been a month since we last talked. I mean, you have been so busy with other activities. You don't even have time to talk to me even if it's a few minutes.

M/n: I'm sorry babe, I'll make it up to you. I promise.

Aidan: I'm sorry M/n but I can't wait anymore. I'm tired of being lonely.... I'm breaking up with you... I'm sorry.

Aidan waited for his response. Before he could hang up, he heard M/n sadly sigh before talking.

M/n: I'm sorry that I made you feel that way... if this is what you want... then okay... I respect your feelings and your decision.... Thank you... for being my boyfriend for 3 years...

Aidan: I'm sorry M/n... goodbye.

M/n: goodbye Aidan...

As Aidan hangs up, he started to cry as he curls up into a ball. While M/n looked at his phone and dropped it on his desk. I looked at a picture of him and Aidan when they were at a fair that was two years ago. M/n shed a few tears before getting up from his room and started to pick up the things Aidan gave him. Aidan was doing the same thing in his bedroom. As they two silently picked up the belongings. M/n putting them in a box as memories flew through his mind. Aidan was looking at pictures that he took down one by one. He heard a knock from his bedroom door. His mother looked at her son as she could see the tears and red puffy eyes. He walked over and hugged her son. As Aidan hugs back and started to sob. Even though he was the one who broke the relationship first. That didn't mean he wasn't as heartbroken as M/n was feeling.

A few days later, Aidan and M/n dropped their boxes for the other to take. Aidan couldn't look M/n In the eyes. While M/n was fighting the urge to cry.

Aidan: I'm sorry m/n... for everything.

M/n: I'm the one who should be apologizing... but... even if you move on... I'll support you and love you.... I hope... we can stay friends...

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