Five x oc : punishment

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Five - sub

Alex Kim - dom

Warning: smut, public sex, daddy kink.

Chapter: short? Medium length.

Summary: imagine five keeps being a brat as they walk back home one night. While Alex was having the worst headache and with five constant behavior, Alex decided to give five a punishment in public.

3rd pov

It was late at night. Five and Alex were walking home since they got out from work. Alex was having the worst headache and five didn't care since he was complaining about what happened at work. Five was getting upset because multiple people were flirting with Alex. Five and Alex had been dating for a few months, so when five saw Alex getting hit on. He was getting his revenge by being a brat not caring if Alex got angry or not.

Alex: can you drop it, my head fucking hurts.

Five: oh I'm sorry is the big baby whinnying about a headache? Well too bad.

Alex: I don't get why you can't do one simple thing. It's only shutting up for a few minutes.

Five: oh maybe my boyfriend could have done one simple thing and stopped flirting with the ladies.

Alex: Is this what this is about? I told them I was dating someone else. Now because of them, they gave me a fucking headache. Now my boyfriend is on the fucking list of being a bitch today.

Five: and what are you doing to do about huh? You can't do shit.

Alex: wanna continue? Do you think I won't do anything?

Five: yeah, I do. Why because my boyfriend doesn't have the balls to do anything.

Alex then grabbed fives wrist before walking a nearby concert bollard. Alex then pinned five on the bollard as he grabbed both fives arms and put them behind five's back. Five was shocked before he felt Alex pull his pants and his boxer off.

Five: Alex wait!

But Alex already pulled out his member and inserted his member into five. Alex immediately thrust hard and fast, not letting five get used to Alex's large member. Five started to moan loudly as Alex keeps trusting. It was late at night but no one was around so it wasn't much of a concern for Alex. As five moans, Alex kept one of his on fives arm while one was placed on fives hips.

Alex: you didn't think daddy wasn't gonna punish you, did you?

Five moans louder as he felt Alex trust much harder. Alex slapped fives ass which let out a much girly Yelp.

Alex: use your words love.

Five: n-no ah~ daddy.

Alex: since you were being a brat, I should punish you by cuming inside of you and leaving you here to clean your mess.

As Alex thrust slowly but hard which made five cross his eyes in pleasure, as five stick his tongue out and moans.

Alex: you'll probably like that don't you slut?

As Alex continues to fuck five senseless. Five tried to keep quiet but Alex kept trusting much hard and faster that five gave up on keeping his moan in. Five held both of his hands onto Alex's wrist as he got fucked. Alex then teased five by stopping from time to time. As five whines and tries moving back to feel the amazing amount of pleasure, his boyfriend was giving him. Alex noticed and stopped five from moving as he decided to tease five one last time.

Alex: what's wrong love?

Five: please~

Alex: please what baby boy?


Alex smirks as he immediately fucks five, as he watched five moans in pleasure. Not caring if they were having sex in public. Alex moved five to make him arch his back until he heard five screaming in pleasure.

Alex: found it.

As Alex continues to hit the spot, five was seeing stars as he could hear his boyfriend's moans which makes him tighten. The two continued to have sex until five felt like we were getting ready to release.

Five: daddy, I'm gonna cum

Alex: then keep calling me daddy.

As Alex kept thrust at a much faster pace. Five kept moaning as he shouts to the whole world.

Five: daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Oh god, daddy!!

As Alex cums into five, five cums on the bollard. Alex watched some of his cum slip out five. Alex continues to slowly thrust as five moans softly.

Alex: wanna continue?

As Alex let's go of fives arms. Five placed both of his hands on the bollard.

Five: just, a quickie, I'm getting tired.

Alex smirks as he kissed five and started to trust as five moans into Alex's mouth. The two pulled away before Alex continues to fuck five in the same doggy style, while five moaned softly so that he doesn't disturb the people anymore. A few hours later, Alex and five came on last time. Alex pulled out as he watched the cum pour out five whole five moans loudly. Before falling on the ground. Alex put his pants on before helping five get cleaned up for the most part. Alex then picks up five and carries him home. Before kissing fives head.

Alex: I love you five but try that shit again and I wouldn't punish you in front of people next time.

Five: love you too.

If being a brat causes him to have good and hot sex. Five was more than happy to be a brat to Alex. Even if he has to be sore for a week or more.

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