Love me love me: yander five x oc male

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Five: power bottom
Alex: submissive seme male

Imagine: image five comes back to 2019, to finally be with Alex, but only to find that Alex was seeing someone that isn't him. Five develops an obsession with Alex every since they were kids.

3rd pov

Yander: "to be sick", a yandere is often sweet, caring, and innocent. Before switching into someone who displays an extreme, often violent or psychotic, level of devotion to a love interest.

Five had always had an interest in his brother. Which he wasn't for sure at first. Until Alex was kind and caring to five. Five only had a soft spot for Alex. On day five wanted to time travel, Alex had told him that it would be his mistake. Five ignored him and did it anyway. Alex was upset but decided that he wasn't to be upset that five made his choice. He was going to live his life and move on from five. While five was in the apocalypse, finding the dead bodies of his family. Five found Luther's body first, before recognizing everyone else. Five started to frantically look for Alex. Soon he had found a 28-year-old man with the same feature he loved about Alex. He pulled him out, as five caresses Alex's face. Five realized how much he love Alex. He left everyone's bodies to except for Alex's. He dragged the body until he found a red wagon. He puts the body in and started to grab anything to survive. Over the years five took care of Alex's dead body. He had asked Delores if Alex would like him back. Five had changed his clothes and cleaned as much he could. Five started to act more differently over the years. Let's just say, five used Alex's dead body to his satisfaction with his desire. After many years He has noticed that Alex's body was decomposing. So he waited until all that was left were piles of bones. He moved to a broken-down library that he now lives in. He had equations everywhere, Delores was sitting on a desk, next to a skeleton sitting on a chair. One day he was recruited by the handler, as he lived his life, hoping he would see his beloved once again.

April 20th,2020
It was a sunny day, the hargreeves gather back to their home. Alex was on his way with Vanya, he had met her when he had walked out of the same apartment Vanya was living but he was meeting someone else before he had got a call about his father. Now that they arrived, Alex was welcomed by his other sister Allison. Diego walked in and spoke his mind about Vanya but Alex could care less. It was Diego after all, as Alex walked to the liberty to grab a book, trying to pass time before the funeral. While everyone was gathering in the living room, Luther was the one who brought Alex (personally) to the team meeting. Meaning that Luther carried the chair that Alex is sitting on and carried him to the other room. As Alex listen to what Luther was saying, he started to think about the guy he was seeing. It must be said after five left. Alex decided to move on from five and find someone hi else. He had dated some people from both genders. Most of them didn't last long, up until now.

Alex pov
It's been 12 years since five left, today dad died, and well honestly... No one cares, well except for Luther. He was a bastard that didn't love us like he was supposed to as a parent. I only came because if I didn't show up, either would probably come looking for me until he gets his answer about not going to the funeral. And I don't want to deal with that gorilla. I was hoping to spend some with a guy I have been seeing. His name is Markus, his a light skin guy with adorable brown eyes. Markus and I had have started officially, two months now. He makes me the happiest guy in the world, he loves me as much I love him. After a while of waiting for everyone to come back home, we all gathered in the living room for a family meeting. And we'll it didn't end too well but what do I care. These bastards are exactly like sir Reginald, they just don't know it. I decided to go to my room and be on my phone, texting Markus, when suddenly something was happening in our backyard. I ran out and follow everyone else outside. Everyone wonder what the hell is in front of us, Luther thought that it was a black hole... Yeah, he's an idiot. I assume it's some time portal. As Klaus runs past me and throws the fire extinguisher, a certain person falls out from the time portal.

Klaus: is it me or is that little five?

We all looked at five, and honestly... I don't care. As five was done looking at himself, he then looks up to look up at us, before his eyes landed themselves on me. But an uneasy feeling started to fill my body. I shook it off as we all made our way to the kitchen. As I listen to five and everyone else talking, I got a text from Markus.

Baby: Hey, I was wondering if you want to come over to my place?

Alex: Yeah. I'll go when this funeral is done.

Baby: see you then! 😉

I smiled as I looked up to see that five was looking at me. He turns away, with a frown look on his face. I chose to ignore it as he gets up and leaves. Well, this second meeting went well. I walked out to the back and looked at Ben's statue before everyone else walks out to start the funeral. A moment later, mom and Diego walked out with Luther "leading" then. As everyone walked out, too, we stand around Luther as he starts the service. In the middle of the service, I snuck out thinking I left without no one knowing. But unfortunately, one person noticed my disappearance.

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