Don't take my light away: part 2; spencer ried x oc male

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Reid- bottom

Vincenzo- top

Vincenzo pov
We made it to the flower shop, I order from not too long ago. I got out of the car and headed in, as I walk in I see a lot of beautiful flowers. I made it to the register and the nice lady was ready to help me.

Rosie: Hello I'm Rosie, what can I help you with today

Vincenzo: I'm here a bouquet of purple flowers.

Rosie: oh yes, I'll get them out for you.

Vincenzo: actually, do you mind holding for a few more hours? I'm not out of work yet.

Rosie: Alright, is there something else you want me to do sir?

Vincenzo: can I have a card to write down something on the flowers and another piece of paper you have?

Rosie: of course!

Rosie walks into the back to grab some paper. I looked outside to see my "butler" standing next to the car. I looked at him, seeing that he was much different from earlier. My train of thought was cut off when Rosie came back.

Rosie: here's the card and the piece of paper.

Vincenzo: thank you.

I started to write some cliche stuff on the card for Reid. Then I started to write on the other paper in Italian for personal reasons. I put the two down in fort of her.

Vincenzo: do you mind if I have a small bouquet of yellow and red roses?

Rosie: of course!

She makes the Boquete for me as she finished it and gave it to me. After that, I paid her and headed straight to the door. Before I could open it, Rosie calls me out.

Rosie: could I have a name for the flowers!

Vincenzo: Kenji, Kenji lee

I smiled before walking out of the store. I walked to the car, and my butler opens it for me. I got in, and place the roses next to me. I watch my butler walk around to the driver's seat after he had closed my door. We started to drive away, I grabbed a bottle of water and started to drink it. Seeing that I need to prepare for a meeting, then for a few minutes, I started to feel sleepy. I should have known something like this would happen.

Reid pov
I was staying with the police officers trying to find something that connect the suspect. I looked at the men and from what I see that they had black hair. I had to ask Garcia to look I got the victim's personal information. A few minutes later the hours came back. They gave their observations in both crime scenes. They were left in dumpsters near the successful building. After we try to point or suspect, Gracia walks in and turns on the projector.

Garcia: okay so both victims both work in a self-built company. And guess what, the two were successful. Lucas lee, was 29 when he died but he started his company when he was 19. Micheal smith was also 29 and started his company when he was 14

Derek: so the suspect is killing men that are successful and rich. But why kill them?

Emily: maybe he was jealous that their companies were a success instead of his?

Hotch gets a phone call and answers it. We waited until he finished talking on the phone.

Hotch: we have a missing person.

Derek, hotch and Emily went to the local hospital where a victim survived an attack. While The rest of us went to where the man was being attacked. As we got closer, I noticed the familiar building. No, it can't be, please not him.

Vincenzo pov
I was slowly waking up, I tried moving but I couldn't. I finally worked up and saw that I was tied to a chair. I tried moving again but then the door opens.

???: it's been a while love, you had me fooled but I finally found you.

I remember that voice, the same person I thought I would never see again. I looked up to my ex-boyfriend.

Vincenzo: Markus?

Markus: it's finally good to see you love.

I looked around, trying to see where we were.

Vincenzo; where are we?

Markus: well it's been a while, you just don't remember it just yet.

As Markus walked closer to me, he then sits on my lap as he lays his head on my chest.

Markus: I missed you Kenji.

Kenji... yeah im fucked. As he then gets up and places a kiss on my forehead.

Markus: I have to go but I'll be back to check on your love, now I have some things to do. So until then...

Markus then inserts a substance, making me feel sleepy. I just woke up god damn it.

As I felt my eyes feel very heavy. Markus comes next to my ear.

Markus: nighty night.

As I fall in the darkness, hoping that Reid was safe and well.

Reid pov
We walked back to the Bau,  I rushed to the board and saw everyone else in there.

Hotch: so the new victim's name is Kenji Kim, he was abducted a few hours. He created his company when he was 15.

No, not my light. No, not again...

Reid: I know Kenji.

Rossi: you do?

Reid: he's my friend, we live together as roommates. He talked about owning a company. I know where he lives.

Hotch: then let's go.

We drove to Kenji's house and we saw everything looking fine. We walked in and everything was fine. Nothing seemed out of the normal I try looking around the whole everyone looked In the room. As I looked at the box Kenji was about them throughout. Derek and Rossi came into the dining room.

Rossi: Reid, are you and Kenji close?

Reid: Yeah, he's like a best friend.

Derek: Reid, tell us the truth.

Reid: What are you talking about?

Rossi: Reid, we found this photo im your dresser. I don't think friends kiss each other Reid.

As I looked at the photo, my eyes widen as I wished I had hidden that photo well. I'm sorry Kenji, but I can't lose you too, I'll find you, I promise.

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