Love me love me: yander five x oc male part 2

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⚠️ warning, mention of sexual content, and death and murder. ⚠️

3rd pov

As Alex left the house, five jumped at the top of the stairs as he walks over to the window to watch Alex walk in a different direction. Five gritted his teeth as his hand made fists. He then walks to his father's room and looked around before his hazel eyes spotted something. Then walks towards the bag and opened it to see something that was very useful. As he started to smile wickedly before he closes the bag and left it in his room before he started to follow Alex. Trying to find out why the tall male left the service. But five couldn't find him, he search around the neighborhood but the black hair boy wasn't near. He decided to leave the park when he heard the familiar laughter he dearly loves. He jumped closer to the sound when his eyes widen in shock. He watched Alex kissing the neck of some random guy he did not know. Five felt enraged as he watches the two flirting. Five watches the shorter male grabbed Alex's tie and brought him close to help a body as he whispered words into Alex's ear. Fives hands form into a fist as he watches Alex smirk as the two head in the opposite direction. Five looked at the store next to him before he look back at where Alex and the disgusting man hore before he wickedly smiled. As he walked into the store to grab some items he needed for his plan.

Time skip

A few hours later when Alex's boyfriend had walked out of his apartment as he walked away, he was pulled into an alley and hit in the head with a metal bat he fell unconscious. Five took him to the basement of his home as he brutally killed Alex's lover. Five then cleans the mess as he teleported back to his room and take out a phone and sends Alex the body of the stealing boyfriend that five had called him by, while Alex wonders why his lover wasn't responding to his messages. Until a random number sends him the horrific photos of his dead boyfriend's body. Alex froze as he leans back to the wall and slides down tears fall from his face as he cries the heart of his once lover.

The next day arrives Alex walked into the umbrella academy and went straight into his room as he lay on his bed, not wanting to do anything. Five wakes up from his slumber he walked out of his room to get ready for the day when he looked into Alex's room and sees him with lifeless eyes. Five was hurt that the slut had made him feel empty and not him. So five quietly knocks on the door before he walked in.

Five: hey.

Alex: hi-five.

Five: you seem upset.

Alex: that's one way to put it.

Five: is there something I could do?

As five walked closer to Alex, Alex said nothing in response. They stayed like this before thought he should leave and hoped that Alex would stop him from leaving. As he got up, Alex grabbed him by the arm and held on tightly.

Alex: don't go... I can't lose you too... not again.

Five smiled before his face changed into a softer look as Alex opened his blanket for five, and five climbed in.

Five: you want to talk about?

Alex: someone killed my boyfriend...

Five: I'm sorry.

Alex: you didn't meet him but thanks... You know something.

Five: what?

Alex: I thought I wouldn't be this depressed since you jump into time.

Five: what did you mean?

Alex: when you left, my world felt like it was crumbling down. Like my life purpose was gone into thin air... is that so wrong?

Five: would you believe me when I say that, I never forgot about you when I jumped And wished that I had never done it alone?

Alex: yeah, your one to never lie, well from what I know.

Five: I'm always going to be the same five.

Alex: can I hold you?

Five: of course, whatever you need.

As Alex wrapped his arms around five, five did the same as they stayed in each other warmth.

As the days goes by, five continued to be by Alex's side as he noticed Alex had been paying a lot more attention to him, which he loved. The days turned into weeks and weeks into months. That was how long five to hide the truth that he was the one who killed Markus. And Alex slowly started to have feelings for five. One day Alex decided to move on from Markus and try again with five. His first love, and well it worked. Five happily accept as all his work had paid off. They were officially a couple as their siblings accepted it and some didn't care. But one person didn't say a word as five happily gave Alex kisses all over his face. Alex decided to go out and get some food for himself and five others. As he left five went into their shared room when someone else walked in.

Klaus: hey five,

Five: hi Klaus, what's wrong?

Klaus: oh it's just that I was wondering if you "done" something.

Five: what do you mean?

Klaus: did you kill Markus? Alex dead—

But five jumped where Klaus was and pinned him to the wall and places a knife near his neck.

Five: never speak of that name.

Klaus: you did... did you...

Five: of course, because I deserve to be with Alex, no one else.

Klaus: five, why

Five: because Alex and I were meant to be together. Always have and always be. Now if you ever speak about this again or to Alex, I won't hesitate to do the same to you.

Klaus nervously nods as five steps away and places the knife away when Alex walks in.

Alex: I got food, oh hey Klaus you need something?

Klaus: no... just... telling five that you two are super cute together.

Alex: oh well thanks.

Klaus: well I got to go so bye.

As Klaus hurried out of the room.

Alex: well that's weird.

Five: yeah anyways let's eat okay?

As five walked over and wrapped his arm around Alex's shoulders as he gives a passionate kiss which Alex returned.

Klaus never said or told anyone else about what five had done. Every day he saw how happy Alex was with five. Klaus and Markus watched them in fear and anger that five would take anyone out of his picture. As five finally had his desire was finally coming to life. Five couldn't believe having sex with Alex being alive was much far better than him having to ride Alex's dead body to euphoria.

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