Hey partner part two

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Alex pov
I woke up on my couch surprisingly, I sat up as I rubbed my head thinking that it was all a dream.

Five: hey, you're awake.

Nope, not a dream at all. I looked over to see five making coffee as he sets one in front of me.

Five: should've had known you would pass out on the roof before f I told you you were my deviled husband.

Alex: so im not dreaming, am I?

Five: no, and I'll explain.

And let's just say it was complicated, I mean he jumped his family from 2019 because of an apocalypse, now is somewhat stuck in the 1960s and brought the apocalypse back with them. And then somehow I'm married to the kid and is the devil.

Five:... and that we are a couple from a different timeline, only what it seems like this is you but as a regular old human.

Five pov

Hopefully, he doesn't pass out like earlier. As silence Enter the room, Alex started to laugh.

Alex: haha and you said you don't have a sense of humor—

I looked at him seriously as he slowly and awkwardly (and cutely) stopped laughing.

Alex: you're serious, you and I— I'm the devil!

Five: yes, everything I told you is true.

Alex: but this is crazy! I can't be the son of Lucifer!

Five: your Lucifer and your dad is god sooo I mean you do believe in your dad.

Alex: I-I can't be Lucifer five, I have praised God for a good harvest every day and ask him to take care of me. If people knew I was the devil they will have me tried up and burn me into the flames of hell.

Five: and I never thought you liked your dad... well I guess that's before all the toxic things happened up in heaven.

Alex: what the heck are you talking about?

Five: (sighs) and you can't even say fuck, look I know that this is too much for you but you have to believe me. All we have to do is stop the apocalypse, then jump back to 2019 and we're home free.

Alex didn't say anything but started to walk up to the door. He quietly opens the door before looking at me.

Alex pov

Alex: five I think you should leave.

Five: what?

Alex: look it's just a lot to take in five.... I'll see you tomorrow.

Five didn't say anything as he got up from the chair, as he made his way out the door.

Five: if you need more time to take in fine... but please trust me when I get back.

Alex: fine, just... never mind. Good luck.

3rd pov

As Alex close the door. Five stood there looking at the door before slowly walking away from Alex's home. He walked over to the barn, seeing that he didn't have a place to stay. As he made it to the barn, Alex picked up the empty coffee cups as he went to clean them, thinking about what five said. All he knew was his life, how normal it was for him. But being the devil, he couldn't wrap his mind around it. He was raised like the rest of the city folks, but the only two disagreements he had with was the society of whites having rights and people who were gay. He believed that everyone was equal, no matter what race they were. He was Those small percentage that respected colored people as humans. And because he was bisexual he accepts anyone that were colored or in the LGBTQ community. Everyone had the right to happiness. And the god stuff... he didn't know what to take from it. The devil himself, what people saw as the evil god that eats your soul and punishes you for the sins you had made. As Alex walked to his bedroom, he turned off his lights as he went to bed, he couldn't help but look at his ceiling and thought everything of what five had said. While five looked out into the night sky, watching the stars shine bright at night. As his mind drifts to Alex, how he wished he would hold him, and tell him that everything would be alright. But all he can do is wait and hope that he stops the apocalypse and find the rest of his family.

Next day


Alex pov
It was the next morning, it was time to get ready for the day. I dressed and walked outside, to milk the cows and feed the chickens. As I open the barn doors, I see five sleeping on the haystack that was good for the horses. I smiled a little before picking him up. For a guy the same age as me, he's lighter than a chicken feather. I took him inside my house, as I planned to leave him on my bed but as I walked up the stairs, he started to snuggle onto my chest. I Ignore my thoughts as I made it to the bedroom and laid him down. He didn't let go of me until he wanted to roll onto his side. As I quickly walked out and went to do my morning chores, waiting for time traveler number five to wake up.

Five pov
I woke up from the sound that the tracker was making. I looked around to see that I was in Alex's room. I got up and made myself presentable as I jumped downstairs and made a cup of coffee. Minutes later Alex walks with a basket of eggs, as he was lance them down on the table.

Alex: nice that you're awake.

Five: yeah, did you take me to your bedroom?

Alex: well when I was about to begin my chores, I saw you sleeping on the horse's food, I took you in so you could sleep better.

Five: thanks, so have you thought about what I said yesterday?

Alex: my answer hasn't changed, five.

Five:(sigh) I'm going around town to find the rest of my family, I once I find them. I'm going to get you, and you have no right to tell me no.

Alex: Fine, I'll probably be here all day anyway.

I nodded as I place my glass down and jumped into town, only hoping that he can convince Alex that he can learn his true self. And not some cute and sexy cowboy.

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