Happy Valentine's Day ( five x oc male reader)

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Five: bottom
Alex: top
Soft/ cringy?

February 14th, 2022

Pogo narrator;
It was a bright and sunny day on this particular day. A couple of ventures out to celebrate their love called Valentine's Day. A couple spends their time together, most of the umbrella academy are spending their day like any normal person who doesn't have a valentine, except for two certain people.

3rd pov
Everyone in the academy was downstairs in the living room watching tv while eating come chocolates together. While five was in his room reading a book, minding his business when he noticed a black and red light in the backyard. He smiled before going back to his book not realizing what he was in for.

Alex walks in from the back, struggling to walk in. Fives siblings looked to see a well-dressed devil who had some items in one of his hands while the other was trying to fix his hair. He looked up to see fives siblings with a very nervous look. Diego whistled while Vanya, Allison, and Klaus started to squeal in excitement, while Luther was confused.

Luther: why are you all dressed up, and why are you holding a bear and roses— Ooh

Alex: well I'm gonna ask five to be my valentine... do I look okay? Does my hair look funny?

Vanya walked up to the nervous boy and place her hand on his shoulder.

Vanya: you look great.

Allison: five have to say yes.

Alex: thanks, I should go ask before he'll try to find me here.

Diego: good luck buddy

As Alex started to make his way up the stairs.

Klaus: don't worry Alex, you tootally gonna smash later!

Alex rolled his eyes as he headed his way to five's bedroom door. He knocks as he hears a "come in". Alex opens the door as he sees five reading a book.

Alex: hey love.

Five: hey, I saw your portal from the backyard. What took you so long?

Alex: well I had to carry something in.

Five eyes haven't moved from the book he was reading, but a smile crept up to his face. As he hears his lover's voice. Alex took the opposite to walk behind five, as he moves the roses and the teddy bear behind his back.

Alex: so I heard that you humans celebrate something today, On February 14th.

Five; you mean Valentine's Day, where all the
Cliché couples spend their day most disgustingly and romantically and I mean who wants to do that. Yes, yes we do.

Alex smirked as he knew that, that's wasn't the case for five. While five knew damn well that he had always wanted to celebrate Valentine's Day but didn't have a partner, now that he has one. Five wanted his lover to ask him to be his even though he was already his boyfriend.

Alex: well I was wondering if...

As five hoped his lover would ask him. As he gave his life his full attention.

Alex: if you wanted to be my...

Fives thoughts: Please say it

Alex: will you be my valentine!

As Alex pulls out a bouquet of red roses and a stuffed bear that had a cup full of five favorite coffees and the mug said: forever together, my coffee prince. As five madly blushes as he used one of his hands to cover his mouth.

Five: yes, of course, I'll be your valentine babe!

Five noticed how red his devil lover was. He noticed how well-dressed his lover was. Wearing a black suit and his hair was also parted to five's favorite style.

Alex: so do you mind that I-I take you out on a date?

Alex never celebrated Valentine's Day because heaven or hell don't have a day to celebrate with their loved ones, and even though Alex was five's boyfriend, it was still nerve-racking to ask him to be his once more. Five nods excitingly as he told his lover that he was going to read, as five grab his roses and stuffed bear of Alex's hands before placing a kiss on his cheek. As Alex goofily smiles before walking away, waiting for his boyfriend. Alex walked to the kitchen to wait for him as he sighs dreamily, thinking about how to spend time with his lover. Klaus was the first one to notice and started to ask him questions, while Vanya and Allison went upstairs, waiting for the day to come to dress up five. The moment the two walked in five was pacing back and forth realizing that he didn't have anything to wear. He notice two figures at his door with evil looks on their faces, five looked at them with a confused look but decided to let them do whatever they wanted cause he had no plan whatsoever. A few minutes later five was ready, he was wearing a black suit with a white collar shirt with blue designs and fixed his hair in a different hairstyle that he wasn't used to. He smiles at himself before walking away with our thanking his sister, even though they knew he was thankful. Before heading his way downstairs. Diego, Luther, and Klaus were listening to stories that Alex was telling them about how he asked five to be his boyfriend. They remind Alex that they acted like a group of kids who were listening to a story of how mom and dad fell in love. Luther and Klaus were listening in very closely, while Diego would look uninterested until violence would occur but in reality, Alex knew Diego was listening in very close to the whole story. Before Alex could finish, he heard a cough from a familiar person. Alex turned around and his jaw drop to the floor. Five looked amazing cute, his hair was curled. Five smiles at Alex's reaction until the two fell into goo-goo eyes at each other before the two were snapped out of their daydream by either of the siblings. They blushed before they head out the front door. Mainly because Klaus was pushing them out the door so his siblings don't have to deal with being reminded how single they are.

Klaus: now you two have fun but not too much fun.

Both five and Alex rolled their eyes as they waved goodbye to fives siblings Alex turned to look at five as he reached out his elbow.

Alex: shall we?

Five smiles before leaking his arm around Alex's.

Five: we shall.

As the couple walked over to the car as Alex opens the passenger door for five.

Alex: my love.

Five: thank you.

As five happily takes a seat as Alex closes the door and got in the driver's seat and started the car. As they started to begin with a lot of love and affection.

Arthur note:
Hey happy Valentine's Day everyone, hoped you guys had a wonderful day, single (me) or taken, Who cares. I hope you liked this chapter and hope you all had a wonderful day/night/evening.

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