Don't take my light away- spencer reid x oc male reader

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Reid- bottom

Vincenzo- top

(other oc, but I don't own his name or character)

Imagine: Spencer Reid and Vincenzo are in a relationship and we're planning on going on a date.  But what happens when their date had to be rescheduled for unfortunate reasons.

Spencer pov:
It was a beautiful Monday morning, I was getting ready for the day. when a certain person knocks on my bedroom door.

Vincenzo: Hey pretty boy, breakfast is ready.

Reid: aw thanks, babe.

As I walked over to my boyfriend for 2 years. we met at a coffee shop, I was getting coffee for the team when I turned around to see a very handsome man that looked somewhat my age. He was wearing a black suit with a floral medallion classic tie. He had his hair was a comma hairstyle. I was so memorized by his looks that I didn't notice him in front of me talking to me. It's was the first time we had ever met but we stayed in touch. We had 10,523,477 including text and phone calls before we went to our official date. I'm so happy that I get to call him mine. I haven't told the others that I was gay, I just didn't want them to think of me differently. I shook my thoughts away as I put my bag on my shoulder before walking up to Vincenzo.

Reid: happy anniversary, babe.

Vincenzo: happy anniversary,amore.

As we kissed, Vincenzo pulled away and stared at me loving, I blushed and looked away. But before I could step back, Vincenzo picks me up bridal style as he Carried me to the table.

Reid: babe!

I squeal, as he spins me around before he stops and places a kiss on my lips. I pulled away and laughed as he sets me down on the floor. Everything at this moment felt so right. I get to spend time together with Vinny. As he places my favorite breakfast meal in front of me. We ate peacefully but I got a phone call from hotch, telling me that we have a case. I hung up as I got up to leave.

Reid: I'm sorry that I can't help clean the dishes, Vinny.

Vincenzo: it's fine amore, I got it.

I smiled, as Vincenzo walked me to the front door, but before I could open the door, Vincenzo stopped me by asking me a question.

Vincenzo: hey amore, if you are not busy later... would you like to go out for dinner later.

Reid: I'll love to amore.

He smiles, as I kissed him goodbye. I walked out of the apartment and got in the car as I made my way to the Bau.

Vincenzo pov
After Reid left, I went back to the table and started to clean the dishes. After I was done, I grabbed my suitcase and fixed my tie, and made sure my hair was perfect, before leaving the apartment. I locked the door and headed straight downstairs and called my assistant Lola. As I was on a phone call with her, I felt like someone was watching me. I looked around to see no one. I ignored it and got in the car that was waiting for me and headed straight to work.

Spencer pov
As I made it to the meeting room, everyone else was already inside.

Derek: what got you all smiley pretty boy? Got laid?

I didn't notice the smile on my face, but I laughed it off and said no. Garcia walked in and gave me a paper file on the victims, as she starts the meetings. As she puts photos of our victims.

Garcia: we have two victims who were found last night at a bar. The victims' names are gorge Williams and max smith. They were beaten and stabbed countless times.

Emily: how come we haven't been notified?

Garcia: the bodies weren't found until this morning at 6:30.

Derek: so our unsub is on a killing spree.

Rossi: or a start, he only killed two people.

Hotch: where were the bodies found.

Garcia: in town, in Virginia. I'm going to send the locations to you now.

As we all got in the car and drove to our destination. Hopefully, we can find the suspect before he kills another person.

Vincenzo pov
I was at my office, getting ready for a meeting when my assistant walks in.

Lola: hello boss, your 8 o'clock appointment is here. Shall I send them in?

Vincenzo: yes, send them in. I'll be there in a minute.

As she walks out, I reach into my pocket and started to call a number to a flower shop.

Call: hello, this is roses, Rosie! How can we help you?

Vincenzo: I'm wondering if you guys make bouquets? Maybe lilacs?

Call: yes, we make bouquets, would you like me to add more to the Boquete, sir?

Vincenzo: yes, just anything purple, please.

Call: alright, that will be 28.99. It will be ready in 20 minutes. What is the name of this order?

Vincenzo: thank you, the name is Vincenzo Cassano.

Call: okay, see you then. Bye.

Vincenzo: bye.

As I hung up, I put my phone back in my pocket and grabbed my files before heading straight to the meeting room. I walk into the room as I stood at the end of the table, while everyone else came in and stood next to their spots until everyone walked in. After the last person walked in, we all took our seats and started the meeting.

3rd pov

While everyone was busy with the meeting, the FBI was figuring out who are their unsub. A man who's 5'8 tall walks over to Vincenzo's car. He saw the butler standing next to the car, so the man takes out his weapon and knock him out unconscious. As he drags the butler's body to a storage room and started to change his clothes to the butlers. As he steps out from the door and closes it as he started to fix himself, to make sure he looked the part. A few minutes later, Vincenzo walks out to the parking lot, and the "butler" opens the door for him Vincenzo gets in with no hesitation as he tells the man to go to a near flower shop. The butler nods as he closes the door and walks in and drove to his "bosses" destination. It wouldn't be too long before his master plan gets into action.

"Soon you'll finally belong to me, my love."


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