Finding a Home

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Melody POV: (the girl in the pic is Melody)

"That pathetic old man!!!!!! How dare he do this to us!!!!! I mean, honestly, how could abandoned us like that!!!!" I shouted to no one in particular as my black hair blow in the wind.

"Melody, calm down please?" my sister, Nanami, asks.

"Sorry sis, I just can't stand that old man..." I said as I put down both my bass and guitar, in their cases.

"I know... But, where will we go now?" Nanami asked sadly.

"Maybe I can call A-" I began until I heard screaming. "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah, come on," Nanami as we head towards the screaming.

I screaming got louder and I see a blond hair man... In a tree... Scared of a... Dog... What has this world come to for adults...

"Someone!!! Please get this dog away from me!!!!" the man screamed.

I facepalmed myself... I got down on my knees and said, "Come here, little doggie. Come here."

As I called, the dog immediately ran towards me and jumped into my arms.

"Wow Melody, you were right. Animals love you," Nanami said as she pet the dog head.

"I told you," I said petting the dog's back. I looked back at the man it the tree, seeing him look at me in amazement. "You can come down now, I got him."

"Thank you," The man siad as he climbed down.

I walk a bit away and put the dog down. "Go now, little guy. I bet your family misses you," I said petting him one last tim. The barked gleefully, licked my hand, and ran off.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"We got played..." I said looking at the run down shrine, but with a little cleaning and air freshener... It could be a home...

"I never trusting an adult again!!!!!" I heard Nanami shouted, stompping away.

"Nanami, wait!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed... Then air got thick... Oh no, spirits still life here...

"Lord Mikage..." a voice said.

"Lord Mikage, you have returned..." another voice spoke.

Then red flames surrounded us.

"GHOSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Nanami screamed backing away into the shrine.

"Nanami!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and ran to her side.

"Mikage..." I heard a husk voice said from behind Nanami... There was a dark aura too... Wonderful a Yōkai lives here... Mother, If you hear me tell me why was I cursed with these abilities...

"You left for twenty years, and now that you're back... I'M GOING TO KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Yōkai screamed as he rushed towards my baby twin sister.

I threw myself in front of her and shouted, "YŌKAI, STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The Yōkai stop in front of my face and calmed down a bit. He back away and looked at me.

"Oh my, I nearly attacked The Goddess of Animals, Music, Love, and Lust. Forgive me of my out brust, Young Goddess. If I knew you were coming, I'd have the place cleaned up for you." The Yōkai as he bowed.

WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It turns out the former god of this shrine give Nanami his land god abilities and The Yōkai, Tomoe, refused to be Nanami's familiar...

Anyways, I knew I was a god by birth, but a god of four powerful attributes to human and Yōkai society is to much for me... Well, the upside is I live forever and never have to worry about death... Tomoe offered to be my familiar, strangely... But I told him, unless he agree to be my sister's familiar as well, there is no way. He actually respected my decision and said if I ever changed my mind to see him in Over Yander.

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