God of Thunder and Tiny Tomoe (Part 1)

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Narukami POV:

I looked at the pictures of two human girl who were the new gods apparently.

"Nanami and Melody Momozono. High school students. Why has two girls such as them become the gods of Mikage Shrine? Where has Mikage gone?" I asked the wind god.

"His whereabouts have been unknown for twenty years now."



"Would you please give me Tomoe?" I asked Mikage politely.

"Um... I would rather not." Mikage answers.

End of Flashback:

"He refuses to give me Tomoe and then he goes missing for twenty years?!" I screamed.

"You have to feel sorry for Tomoe. Serving as a familiar to those human girls." The wind god comments

"Unforgivable!" I screamed as my lightening goes through the roof. "Nanami and Melody Momozono. Whether you two humans are worthy of being gods or not..." I said before the pictures turn to ashes. "I, the Lady Narukami, god of thunder, shall take your measure!"

Melody POV:

"Seven lightening strikes to the east... Narukami must be having one of her tantrums, again." Tomoe said looking out the window with a dead duck in his hand.

I sipped my black coffee and said, "If my memory is correct, she is the god of thunder, right?"

"Yes, she is. Melody, you never cease to amaze me. How is it you know so much about gods and Yōkai?" Tomoe asks as his plucked the feather off the duck.

I look at my coffee and smiled, "My mother taught me most of why I know and the rest is just natural."

Tomoe looks at me and smiled. Ever since Mizuki tried to make Nanami his bride, Tomoe and I formed a sibling bond and to be honest, It feelt like we were actual siblings. We even called each other brother and sister.

"By the looks of it, she is headed this way." Tomoe say bring his focus back to the duck.

"I overslept!" I heard Nanami yell. "Tomeoe, why didn't you wake me up?!"

I grabbed my lunch, gave Tomoe a peck on his cheek, and said, "See ya later, big brother."

"See you, little sister, and be careful," He replied with a smile.

"Got it," I said before walking out the door.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"I heard Kurama isn't feeling well, so he won't be coming to school." I heard one of his fangirls say.

I got out my phone and you can guess who I started texting...

M: Oi, Kura. Why aren't you here suffering with me?

K: I'm not feeling well.

M: Bullshit.

K: Damn, I can never pull a wall over your eyes, can I?

M: No.

K: Ok, I'm just skipping today.

M: You lucky bitch.

K: Hey, you still got that spare key to my apartment?

M: Yeah.

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