The Yōkai Boys and Sister's Heartbreak (Part 2)

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The next day

Kurama POV:

I asked the fox to meet me in the supply closet to talk.

"Waht do you want that you asked me to meet you in such a place, tengu?" Tomoe asked annoyed.

"I overheard yourconversation on the roof the other day, you see. Being wise to the ways of the world, I thought I'd give the ignortant fox a word of warning." I said turning to him.

"The conversation on the roof?" Tomoe asked stupidly.

I smiled, I decided to mock him. "There's no one more important to me than you, Nanami. Get used yo it!" Then I got serious, "The conversation that went something like that."

 "I never said anything of the-" I cut him off.

"Good grief. What a careless fox you are. Nanami is in the age range known as adolescene and normal girls her age begin to seach for a mate. You don't want to be the oject of a human's affections, right? You should be a little more careful about how you handle her. When you consider that she also is one of your ladies and mistresses, you've got yourself a serious situation. And I would hate to see Melody worry over a broken hearted Nanami."

"You are saying that my behavior will beguile Nanami?" Tomoe asks.

"It's got to be tough being a familiar. Looking after one human, and a young girl, at that. You shall just find a way to takes Nanami's mark and give it to me. So then, Melody and I could run that shrine-"

"This is absurd. Presently, there is only two beings in this world who can give me orders and you say, one of them, is the same as all those other girls, who lose their heads over love and other such nonsence? Do not take me for a fool, tengu." Tomoe said with a venomous tone.

"Good grief. It's time." I said as we start to exit the room.

Ocne we open the door, we see two human girls standing in front us.

"Parden us," Tomoe says as we walk to class.

"When I become the land god, my first order is for my familiar to kill himself." I say as tick marks appear around us.

"How happy for you that you have such big dreams." Tomoe fires back with a glare.

Melody POV:

The bell rang and exams were finally over... Someone break out the fireworks...

Nanami was talking to her two new friends, Kei and Ami. I noticed Tomoe and Kura disappeared, this could mean one of them is dead.

"Nanami, Melody, let go home," I heard Tomoe. I looked at  the door to see both boys walking into the classroom.

I grab my bag and we left.

Kura and I walk side by side, while holding hands. Tomoe and Nanami walked ahead of us.

"So, you want to tell me what you two were talking about?" I asked as I leaned on his shoulder.

"Just guy stuff, nothing to worry about," Kura said before kissing my forehead.

Too late for that.

"Hey guys," Nanami said as she stopped.

We look at her and she said, It's still just past noon, so why don't we take a little detour somewhere?"

We hopped on a train and went to the aquarium.

"We're here! The aquarium! We haven't been here since grade school, right Melody?!" Nanami asks.

"Yeah, it's been awhile." I said looking at fish tanks. "Why do you think Nanami broght us here?"

"She wants a date with Tomoe," Kura said as he shook his head.

"Well, I guess we're on a date too." I smiled at him.

"I like the sound of that. It's been a long time since we've had a date," Kura wrapping me in his arms.

"Well, we've been busy. You and your tours, me and my god work, ya know." I answered him.

"True, but I don'tlike being away from you for to long." Kura said giving me a kiss.

As we walk with Nanami and Tomoe, I notice Tomoe has a gloom and doom aura surrounding him... Again...

Then, when they were looking at the sea lions, Tomoe picked up Nanami...

"He's an idiot..." I said in a deadpan voice.

"Yes, yes he is." Kura agreed with me.

After an hour we exited the aquarium and Tomoe said, "All right then.You were able to see lots of fish, so you must be quite satisfied. Ah, we have a happy ending!" Then he grabbed Nanami by her collar, "Now, time to go home!"

I leaned to Kura's ear and whisper, "We should leave, now."

"Agreed." Kura replied. And with that we sneek away.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"-Or be taken out alive~" I finished sing.

I looked at Kura, who was staring at me in a daze, and smiling like an idiot. But, he's my idiot.

"Well?" I asked setting down my bass.

"Absolutely amazing..." He answered.

Then I heard the door open and turn to see Tomoe carrying an unconscious Nanami...

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!" I asked/screamed. I ripped Nanami out of Tomoe's arms and held her gently in mine.

"She said she liked me and I... I told her I would never feel the same..." Tomoe answered looking at the floor

Then I realized he... He... He broke Nanami's heart... Her fragile heart...

"Kura... Take Nanami to her room," I said as a black, red, and purple aura wrapped around my figure. (look at pic for her pissed off expression)

Kura gently took Nanami from me and walked out of the room...

I turned to Tomoe and walked towards him. Then I kicked him through the wall and we were now outside.

My fox ears and tail appeared and I started threwing my Fox-fire at him. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO NANAMI?!?!?!?!?! ALL SHE DID WAS TELL YOU HER TRUE FEELING ABOUT YOU AND YOU BREAK HER FRAGILE HEART?!?!?!?!"

"Melody, I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way!!!" Tomoe shouted he dodged the flames.

"YOU ARE THE BIGGER IDIOT IN THE WHOLE WORLD TOMO-NII!!!!!!!!!!!!"I shouted then realized I called him by that name from the dream...

I stopped threwing fire at him and he looked at me in shock.

"M-Melody, w-what did y-you call me?" Tomoe muttered out in a hushed tone.

I made my ears and tail disappear, I ran to my room. As soon as I get to my room, I slammed my door and lock it. I slide down the door and started crying.

Why am I crying? It's Nanami who should be sad...

"Melody? It's Kura, let me in." I heard Kura through the door.

I stood up and unlocked the door, letting in Kura. Iwalk to my futon and lay down, Kura joining me. He started stroking my hair and said, "Melody, don't worry about that fox."

I nodded my head and fell asleep in his arms...

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