Being Gods and Remembering (Part 1)

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Melody POV:

I was standing in the black limbo, again. I see the tiger Yōkai from before, she was sitting on a pillow and looking at me.

"Sit," she said as another pillow appeared beside her.

I carefully walk over and sit down. She looked at me with worry.

"I don't have much time, so I'm speeding up the process." she said.

"Time? Process? Who are you? And why are you haunting me?" I asked.

"I'll put this short for you. My name is Miki and I'm your past life." she answered.

"My... Past life..." I said hushed.

"Yes. My Tomoe's little sister. I take after our mother, while he take after our father. 500 years or so ago, I was killed by a Yōkai hunter." Miki explained.

"So I'm your reincarnation?" I asked.

"Yes. And now, I'm going to merge into to your soul. Don't worry, you are the one in control. I'm give you my powers and memories. You may even change into my form if you wish to do so." Miki said grabbing my hand.

"Why?" I asked.

Miki smiled and said, "You are just like me, but more." Then she get serious, "Be warned, there is one person who is after you and he won't stop at nothing to have you."

I nodded, know she won't tell me.

"Good, now..." She then put her free hand over my heart and said, "I give you my anything and control. Become whole... Become a Goddess and... A Yōkai..."

With that she disappeared and my body started acheing...

Tomoe POV:

Melody collasped in my arms and yelled, "Melody! Melody!!"

I ran her to her room and lay her down.

I need to get Nanami back and quickly...

I transport myself to the roof, looking over the city.

"Oh, hey, Tomoe. You're making me do all the hard work. Why ar-" Mizuki said, but I ignore him.

I jumped off the roof and summon my Fox-fire. "Fox-fire, find Nanami!" I commanded my flames as I fell towards the city.

I landed on a roof and my flames came after a few minutes. "Master Tomoe."

"We have seached everywhere, but we have no clues as to Lady Nanami's whereabouts."

"We can not sense her presence, either."

"There were no signs of her along the Hiruna River, either."

"Um, she wasn't over by the station, either."

I glare at the flames and they got scared.

"We will continue to seach for her!" they scream together and flew off.

I then remember when Mikage left and Miki's dieing words...

"Tomo-nii... I'm not leaving you... I'm just going to take a long nap... For awhile... This isn't good-bye... It's see you later..."

Both times haunted me...

Then I notice the school, so I ran towards the building to see if Nanami's there. I got inside, hide my ears and tail, and opened the door to Nanami, Melody, and my classroom.

I ignore the students and noticed Nanami not among them. I slammed the door and ran to the roof, she wasn't there either. Then I ran to check the bathroom and found she wasn't there.


Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulder and yelled, "Hey!"

I turn to see the tengu...

"What's wrong? I know bring hostile is your thing, but you're taking to far." Tengu said.

I glare at, I don't hve time for this.

He eyes widened, he said, "Did something happen to Nanami or Melody?!"

I got defenive and slapped his hand away. "This matter is not of your business." I said angerily.

"If Melody is hurt, it is my business!!!!!!!! Have you forgotten I am her mate!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tengu yelled.

"No... I have not forgotten..." I said hushed.

"Hey Kurama, have you seen Nanami? We can't find her anywhere." Mizuki asked while on his Shiki and eating something.

After asked, I jumped kicked him in his chin.

"Sorry, don't see you there," Mizuki while holding his crying.

"Nevermind ther, just go!" I yelled.

"Okay, why are always so violent?" Mizuki complained as we took off.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Melody POV:

I watch Miki's memories as if their were my memories. She and Tomoe were adorable as kids and never fight as most siblings do. Then, when they were 500 or so, they meet a power Yōkai named Akura-ou. He face was still burry for some reason. They join together and became a powerful and deadly force, they killed and conconquered many places and people.

After a hundred years or so, they meet Yukiji. Tomoe fell in love with her and Miki saw Yukiji as a little sister. They secretly met her behind Akura-ou back.

I witnessed her death... When they were rading a village, a human was brave enough, stab Miki from behind... Right though her heart...

She told Tomoe and Akura-ou not to hold a grudge, but Akura-ou killed everyone in the village and burned it to the ground. A little over dramic if you ask me...

Tomoe, on the other hand, saw through the power and realized his sins. He left Akura-ou and stay with Yukiji. He kept Miki's fox necklace he had make her along time ago, to remember her forever.

Miki decided to watch over Tomoe after her death.

But, not long after, Akura-ou found out and wasn't pleased. They fought and it didn't end well for either of them.

Later, Yukiji died and Tomoe made a contract with a fallen god.

Then, on the verge of death, he stumbled upon Mikage's grounds. He met Mikage and became his familiar, but the price was most of his memories. Mikage was kind enough to let Tomoe remember Miki and how she died so knew he had family.

Mikage left Tomoe for twenty years and Tomoe felt so alone.

Watching that hurt, he was so alone after all of this and he didn't remember most of his 1000 years of life.

No! I won't let him feel lonely ever again!


I woke up!

I shot up and to the mirror, I looked the same, but I will need to unlock Miki's form later.

Then I noticed the miasma outside had grown thicker and a giant creature was there. It looked like a spider and it didn't look friendly.

I ran out of room and saw Nanami wearing the traditional Kagura dancing clothes.

"Nanami..." I said shocked.

"Melody, I heard for Orikiri and Kotetsu you weren't feeling well." Nanami said we ran outside.

"I fine now Nanami and I'm going to help you. I got the music, you focus on dancing." I said making my flute appear.

"Right," Nanami said as got outside.

This end now, spider freak!!!!!!!

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