Being Gods and Remembering (Part 2)

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Melody POV:

Nanami and I stood in front of the creature as it showed it ugly head.

"A tsuchigumo?" I heard Tomoe asks.

"I-It has begun to show its true form. It is a Tsuchigumo!" Orikiri said fearfully.

The Tsuchigumo moved two of its arms closer to us. I saw Nanami panic a bit, as I glared at the damn spider freak.

"I-It's way scary!" Nanami said paniced.

"Lady Nanami! Lady Melody!" Orikiri said.

"Relax you two." I said boredly.

"Nanami! Melody!" I heard... Tomo-nii.

We turn to him and smile.

Him looked surprised.

Nanami used the calm techinque Tomo-nii showed her earlier. I smile and remember our old way of saying 'I'm okay'. I moved my left hand of my heart, then my left eye, and blow him a kiss.

He eyes widened ashe stared at us.

Kotetsu gave Nanami her sacred bells and I made all the traditional instruments appear.

I started playing my music as Nanami rang her bells. A gold aura appeared around her and I saw a silver aura appear around me. As we played and danced the Tsuchigumo started backing off.

We were coming to the part where Nanami slips up and... SHE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bells flew from her hand and the aura's went away. The Tsuchigumo started to attack,

"Lady Nanami! Lady Melody!" Orikiri and Kotetsu screamed.

The Tsuchigumo shot a hand towards Nanami and I ran infront of the hand. But, I wasn't the only one to stop it.

Tomo-nii and I held back the hand with our Yōkai strength. Then we shot our flames at the hand, but the flames only held back the hand.

"Tomoe! Melody!" Nanami shouted.

"Nanami!" Tomo-nii said before he kissed Nanami's hand. He lifted his head and said, Both, you and Melody, are the girls I have recongnized as my ladies and mistresses. You have nothing to fear."

Then Tomo-nii and I got knocked back, but I quickly appeared by my instruments.

"Nanami, the bells!" Mizuki said as he threw her the bells.

"Mizuki!" Nanami yelled.

"I'll help you with your kagura dance, too." Mizuki as he blow into the flute.

Thank god, The Tsuchigumo knocked him back.

I started playing the music again as Nanami was ready to give it another go. I noticed butterflies surrounding Nanami and they formed into her clothes, creating a whole new dancing outfit. Then she destoryed The tsuchigumo with purifying rays of light. She cleaned the shrine, the air, and everything.

After she finished she collasped to her knees, I ran over and hugged her.

"Nanami." Tomoe said as he and Mizuki came over. "Are you hurt in any way?"

"I did it. I did it, Tomoe." Nanami said breathlessly.

His eye glazed over and he smiled while saying, "Yes."

"Lady Nanami. Lady Melody. As you see, Kotetsu is also fine." Orikirii said as they flew to us.

"Oh, Kotetsu!" Nanami said delightfully. "I'm so glad! Yeah... I'm so glad!"

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