Tomoe's Crossdressing and Memories of the Past (Part 2)

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Melody POV:

I wake up to a grey sky and rubbed my pounding head.

"Ow, that hurt." I whined. I looked at hand noticing my nails were sharpebed to a point, like Tomoe's, and black. "What the hell?" Then I saw I was wear a long black cloak.

I notice a girl who looked Nanami, who was wearing an old fashion kimono, walk by. I stood up and said, "Excuse me."

She looked at me and her widened. "Miss, what are you doing out here?!"

"I'm sorry, it seems I fell asleep here," I said as I rubbed my head, which was covered by a hood.

"Come with me," the girl said taking my hand.

After two minutes of walking I heard something. "It hurts..."

"Do you hear that?" the girl asks.

"Yes," I answered.

We walked to a little further and saw a young boy covered in cuts and bruises.

"What's wrong, little boy?" the girl asked the child.

"Miss, you can't go back to the village. Those Yōkai bastards... Attacked and..." the child panted out.

"Yōkai?" the girl asked.

"Akura-ou is looking for you." the child said looking at the girl.


"I ran away as fast as I could, but... that bastard got everyone..." the child said as he cuddled into her.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We found shelter in an abandond house, the was taking care of the boy's injures.

"Finding this empty house nearby sure saved us from the rain. It's shelter us, we can leave when the rain stops." the girl said.

"Yeah," I said looking out the doorway.

Suddenly, my body started moving on it's own, again. I lite a small flame and sent it out somewhere.

"But, I was lucky." the child said. I turned and the child said with a smirk, "Because you just happened to be working out in the fields." His voice got deeper, "A fine virgin like you... There's no way Lord Akura-ou would pass over someone like you!"

Then the child turned into a giant green skinned Yōkai and slammed the girl on to the floor.

"He takes every prey of value away from us, after all. I'll devour you good before Lord Akura-ou finds us."

Before he could eat her, my body was no longer in my control and I shot a white and black flame at the Yōkai. My flame was followed by a blue and black flame. Wait, that's Tomoe's Fox-fire!

The flames clash on to the Yōkai and I smirked as it was burning alife. It crashed to the floor, still breathing and said with it's final words, "Lord Tomoe... Lady Miki... I..." And with that it died.

"Trash always burns well, don't you agree, Miki? And thank you for senting out a signal." I heard Tomoe's voice.

I turn too see him, only he had his long hair free and he wore a flame designed kimono.

I smirked and said, "Yes, it does, Tomo-nii. And your welcome," then I ripped off my cloak, I saw I was wearing a short grey and blue kimono and thigh length black boots. I then pulled out a blue fan with whitish-pink sakura flowers on it. (look at pic)

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