The Yōkai Boys and Sister's Heartbreak (Part 1)

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Melody POV:

I was sitting in my seat studying for finals, the only time I need to paid attention to classwork. I look over at Tomoe and Nanami, they were studying and having lunch together. My sister was complaining about the finals and the mushrooms Tomoe had put in her lunch.

I stuffed a mushroom in my mouth and continued reading my textbook, ignoring all the camotion around me.

Then, black feathers rain down upon me, Kura's back.

"Yo. Fox." Kura said to Tomoe.

Oh no, he wants to annoy Tomoe... This won't end well...

"Accompanying Melody and Nanami again today? Working hard there, I see." Kura said as a green aura filled the room.

This looks bad...

"And I see that you are applying yourself to keeping the girls eating out of your hand. Aren't you courting with Melody? What kind of mate does that to their love?" Tomoe asks with a cruel face.

"Melody knows I love her to no end. But, sticking to the two like a leech is a sure way to get them to hate you." Kura answered with a deadly glare and smirk.

"Ah, yes. Coming from a guy Nanami already hates, your words carry a certain weight." Tomoe replied.

"She does not hate me." Kura said as they clashed heads.

"You said something devouring her heart and now she hates you."

"I never said that to Nanami."

I shook my head and saw Nanami talking to a girl. I got out of my seat and grabbed the boys by their collars. "Boys, play nice. We don't want to cause anymore of a scene than you already have, right?" I asked as a black aura appears around me.

Both of the boys flinched and said, "No, of course not Melody!"

I calmed down and said, "Good. come on kura, we have studying to do." I dragged Kura to my seat and we started to study.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kura was apologizing to his fans says he doesn't take gifts from fans.

"Kurama!" Nanami said as she stuck a one talisman on Kura's back. On the talisman was the word air, what did she do now?

The fangirls girl then walked past him as if he was air... I put a hand over my mouth to cover the laugh.

"What the...? My presence suddenly became as good as air." Kura said as he ran a hand through his hair.

Once again, covering a laugh...

"Would you mind leaving that on for a short while?" Nanami asked. "You see, Kurama, I have a favor to ask you and Melody." Mine and Kura's eyes went wide.

I don't like the sound of this...

Kurama POV:

Nanami had asked to wait outside the chemistry room to meet this girl about something. She said the girl is aware I'm dating Melody and won't take to do anything. But...

Seriously?! No one's approaching this pretty-boy super star?! Seriously? But, it actually a good thing, too. Because I know my heart belongs to Melody and there is no way I'm going to pass-up my mate for one of this humans.

"Kurama!" I heard a female voice from behind me.

Someone noticing my presence!

"Sorry, I'm late because the teacher asked me to do something." The girl said as she approaching me. But, she was looking around as if I wasn't there.

"Here!" I said slightly annoyed.

She jumped and looked at me. "Oh... The other day... Thank you for helping me. I hadn't even thanked you yet, so..."

I put a hand to my chin, I had no idea what she was talking about. "Who are you again?"

She froze, oops. Looks like this won't end well. Some boys from class were walking by and the girl turn to run and said, "N-Nothing!"

She tripped and fell to the floor, a sweatdrop rolled down my head. I noticed her skirt wasn't cover her underwear and I saw a strawberry on them.

Wait... two things popped into my head... One, she the girl from the locker room inccident and two, I shouldn't be looking at another girl's panties when I'm dating my Melody.

"That hurt..." the girl whined as she sat up.

"Hey, did you see? Nekota's panties!" the blond kid said.

"I-Isobe!" the said nervously. Wait, Isobe, this prick is the kid who is always pissing off Melody and Nanami.

"Strawberry panties! A giant strawberry like a little kid!" Isobe screamed.

"No!" the girl shouted.

"Strawberry panties! Starting today, your nickname is strawberry panties!" Isobe screams as he laughs

This kid has no dignity...

"Stop it!" the girl cried.

I had enough of this kid, now I know why Melody wants to gut him like a fish.

"Shut up." I said in a deadpan tone. The two boys freeze and I continued, "So, you saw a girl's underwear. Quit making it a big deal. You brats."

They turn to me and said, "Kurama." "I didn't know you were there." "We're sorry!"

I shook my head, then I look at the girl and say, "Miss Nekota, right?"

"Y-Yes." she answers as she turns to me.

I squat down and smile. "And what's your first name?"

"Ami..." She answers in a sweet tone.

"You know I'm taken, right?"

"Yes, you and Melody make a great couple. I would never try and break you two up!" she says excitedly.

I give for a closed eye smile, she reminds me of Melody went she looks at me as if I was the only man in the world.

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