Little Sister Going to a Mixer

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Melody POV:

I sat in my seat and watch the class fawn over Tomoe and Kura.

Then a girl screams, "Look! They've come back to school for the first time in ages!"

"Kurama and Tomoe!"

"They're just so beautiful, the same as ever!"

"Kurama just came home yesterday from a location shoot overseas!"

"I heard Tomoe wasn't feeling well and was in the hospital!"

"His health must be frail."

"I just can't get enough of the sickly aura that he sort of has about him!"

Hearing all this... Kill me...

I started banging my head on my desk.

"Hey Melody, you okay?" Nanami asks me.

"I. *bang* Hate. *bang* Fucking. *bang* Fangirls. *bang*"I said as I bang my head repeatedly.

"Hey, hey, you two there without boyfriends." I heard Kei say to Nanami and Ami. "This a mixer that's set to happen this weekend. Ami, Momozono, I included you guys in the group count, so make sure you're totally ready for it."

"A mixer?!" Ami and Nanami scream.

This won't be good...

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was dragged, by Tomoe, with the boys to watch Nanami. We were in the room next the group and we created a barrior around the room. Also, we wore traditional clothing, strangely, I was wearing a short kimono like from the dream... (look at pic)

"I see. From what I can hear of the conversation next door, that's... A mixer." Kura says.

I sat between him and Tomoe, who is smoking on his pipe. Mizuki was drinking sake and I was fanning myself.

"A mixer?" Tomoe asks. "What is this mixer?"

"Oh, please, Tomoe. You don't even know what a mixer is and you're sitting there looking like alady-killer? How embarrassing." Mizuki said. "A mixer is ferivd men and women who don't know each other get, lusting for a sumptuous feast. Right, tengu?"

I facepalmed myself... Mizuki you're an idiot...

"Wrong. Shut up. What kind of sketchy gathering is that?" Kura asked.

"Why is Nanmi attending such an event?" Tomoe asks.

"Oh, she probably wanted to get a little wild. It's natural for someone her age. Surrounded by non-humans as she is, maybe it makes her want to go fool around with some fellow humans." Kura leaning back in his seat.

"What are you implying about girls my age and my sister, Kura-chan?" I asked as a black aura surrounded me.

"N-Nothing Melody! I-I'm just saying that she wants to hang out with some humans, that's all!" Kura said quickly fixing his choice of words.

"I thought so," I said fanning myself.

Then Tomoe threw the hot ashes from his pipe on to Mizuki.

"Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!" he screamed. And turned into a snake and slithered out of the room.

Tomoe then followed after him.

"Oh boy, you pushed to an edge." I said leaning into him.

He wrapped his arm around me and said, "I know. I'm trying to help with his stubbornness. He needs to accept his Nanami's mate."

"He doesn't know that yet, Kura. His love needs to grow more before that," I said.

"Well, then I'm helping him one way or another," Kura said.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watch as Tomoe admits he a child and the love aura between the two has grown.

I quick port myself and watch Kura sing. He brought me on stage and sang for me.

In all, it was a good day.

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