A Snake Wants My Sister To Be His Bride!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, Hell No!!!! (Part 2)

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Melody POV:

I stood in the empty Black Limbo...

Suddenly, I see a figure, from what I could make out it was female. She was walking towards me. She had white hair that fainted to black at the ends, pale skin, a red flower in hair, and... White tiger tail and ears!!! (look at pic)

She's a Yōkai!!!!!!!

She stood in front of me, for some reason her face was burred out. She lifted her left hand and put it over my heart. "Remember who you were and then you shall be whole, again..." Her voice familiar.

"MELODY!!! MELODY!!!!" I heard Tomoe voice cry out.

The woman disappeared...

"Wait!!!!!! What do you mean?!?!?!?!?! Wait!!!!!!" I shouted.


Back to Reality...

I shot up from my futon, I looked around to see my room at the shrine...

"Melody!!!" I Tomoe from beside me. As turn I was tackled by a hug, I see Tomoe shaking as he cling to me. "Oh Melody, I was so worried!!" He leaned back and grabbed my shoulders. "Are you okay? Is there something I can get you?"

I stare at him... He was worried?

"Tomoe, calm down. I'm fine, I just need some sleep," I said as I stood up with his help.

"Okay." Tomoe said as he relaxed.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tomoe and I took the night fog carriage to Lake Yonomori.

"Melody are you sure this is the place?" Tomoe asks.

"Yes," I said sternly. "We were in an artifical space and the snake name was Mizuki."

"WHAT?!?!?! HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tomoe screamed. He then glared down at the water.

"Ready?" I asked.


We jumped into the water and quickly swim into the barrior. Once in I ran to the 'shrine', Tomoe followered and we were both pissed off.

"There." I said as we neared it.

"Help me!!!!!!! Tomoe!!!!!!!!!! Melody!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Nanami scream.

Then we appeared at the door and we samshed it open with our Fox-fire.

"You dare lay a hand on my Lady and mistress / sister? You had better be prepared to pay for this!" Tomoe and I yell in unison.

"Tomoe! Melody!" Nanami shouted happily.

"Now get away from her!" We said together. Then we threw our fires at him, causing to jump away.

"Nanami!" We yelled and ran to her. We hugged her together and relax knowing she safe in our arms. "Thank goodness... you're safe."

She wraps her arms around us and says, "You're late."

I smile, that's my sister for ya.

"Oh boy. I never imagined that you'd find this place. You're as ill-mannered as ever, Tomoe." I heard Mizuki say.

I spun around and threw a ball of fire at him, "LIKE YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!!!!!!!!!!!"

I dodge it just in time.

I noticed that the fire was going out.

"The fire?" Nanami asked.

"Try to burn down a water god's shrine? How flagrantly sacrilegious. Well, you're a former wild fox, so that's just like you. So? Don't ell me you actually intend to fight with me? You realize that you started out as a Yōkai and I'm a divine familiar, so normally, you kind wouldn't be aloud to talk to me, let alone fight me." Mizuki bragged.

"HA! A water god's... What a joke. This is just a artifical place you created to play as a familiar," I said while smirking at his terror filled face.

"She right. And now, master former divine familiar... It time for you to pay for trying to take my Ladies and mistresses!" Tomoe shouts as he shots more fire around the room.

"Extinguish!" Mizuki screams as he try to put out the fire.

"Too late. The Fox-fire has already surrounded the shrine from all sides. If you hadn't given me a reason to burn it down, you still would have your shrine. Loss one.  I am taking Nanami and Melody back with me, so I guess you lose your family. Loss two." Tomoe explains.

"And loss three will be your life," I says as a flame appeared in my hand.

Suddenly, the two creepy shrine burst through the door and scream, "Master Mizuki! The yard is on fire!"

Mizuki then ran out outside.

"Let go," I said following the snake.

"Right," Tomoe answered.

Once I saw Mizuki, I stopped and looked at a plum tree. I feel energy within it, Yonomori must have put some of her life force in it.

"So this is your cornerstone?" Tomoe asks.

"Your right. This is lady Yonomor's tree, it's all i have left now. Can you understand, Tomoe? As a fellow familiar?" Mizuki pleads.

"Yes I do understand very well... So much that it hruts!" Tomoe says furiously.

Here we go...

"Which is why.. burning it to cinders would pay for your crimes!" Tomoe shouts, his flames at the ready.

"No please," Mizuki begs.

I sigh, "Tomoe, that's enough." I said boredly.

"She's right, Tomoe." Nanmi said calming him down. She walked to a crying Mizuki, "Mizuki, so Tomoe is going to takes us back home. I'm sorry we couldn't stay here forever with you."

I'm not...

"But, I promise when ever you feel lonely I'll come back to visit... You and the plum blossoms." Nanami said as she made a blossom grow.

I smile... You're really becoming a true goddess little sister.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I watch as Nanami and Tomoe walk side by side as we walk home. A pink aura surrounds the two, they will fall in love one way or another...

I look to the sky and smile, but then I remember...

"Remember who you were and then you shall be whole, again..."

What does that woman mean and why was she there?

I look back at the two bickering couple and smirked.

Oh well, I guess only time will tell...

A/N: Who was the woman? I guess we'll find out soon enough. Comment and vote.

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