Little Sister Quits (Part 2)

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Melody POV:

Tomoe wasn't kidding about his teaching, he's worrking Nanami to the bone. She looks like she was in hell everytime Tomoe knocked her down and I can't blame her. I was working on pairing for the nxt in the love department.

"Let's see... Ren and Kimiko... Haruka and Runa... and lastly... Tomoe and Nanami." I set the pairs up and made their love start to bloom. I needed to help Tomoe and Nanami's relationship before it falls flat.

Otohiko POV:

"Nanami Momozono, 17. A typical high school girl, the likes of which you can find anywhere.

Appearance, C

Athleticism, D

Spiritual power and Divine power, both D

Truly, not a singal quality to recommend her. Just a mortal human. A super ordinary person... Not even."

I leaned on my hand, "Why did Mikage end up choosing a girl like her? It's behind my comprehension. Even that time with Lady narukami and that time at the beach, I took the liberity of testing her a little. And I guess it looked like she pulled throgh in her own way, but I just don't get the feeling that she's qualified to be a land god. Maybe Mikage's glasses were clouded."

They are not clouded." I heard from beside me.

I jumped and said, "You scared me! You were there, Mikage?!"

"Yes, I was here." He answered. "She is the girl who won my confidence. But, what really amazed me was her sister. Melody is the only born god." With that he turned into a butterfly and flew away.

I smiled and remembered I have to see how Melody is doing. I quickly telaport to her location in the shrine. I watched her work on her love goddess duties.

"Melody Momozono, 17, one hour older than Nanami.

A punk rocker high school girl, who exceeds expectations.

Appearance, A+

Athleticism, A+

Spiritual power and Divine power, both A+

Truly a goddess of wonders and she will be for eternity. Not surprised she pass will flying colors, but..." I said pulling out a vile of miasma. "there is still one final test."

The next day***************

Melody POV:

I shot up out of bed hearing Nanmi scream. Luckily, I was wear a t-shirt and pants. I ran down the hall summoning my battle axe and ripped open the door to see Nanami in a mini tornado.

"Nanami!" I shouted.

"Oh, You decided to join us Melody-chan." I heard a male's voice.

I turn to my right to see an orange haired man wearing girlish clothes. By the tornado, he's Otohiko, the god of wind. I also like to call him a drag queen.

"As you two are going to hold a sacred festvial in Mikage's name. I'm going to test you two. To seewhether you can really carry out the duties of gods or not." Otohiko dropped the tornado.

Nanami fell, but I caught her just in time.

Otohiko disappeared.

"Who the heck was that-" Nanami strated.

"He is the wind god, Nanami." I answered.

Suddenly, the air grew heavy and I ripped open the outside doors... Miasma!!! And a lot of it!!!!!!!!

The miasma was turn everything dirty and dead.

"What? Why?" Nanami asked.

Nanami ran inside and then came back in a kimono and han white talismans with her. She strated trying to purify, but the miasma was too strong. Nanami was panicing and I decided to use a...

"Sonic Blair!!!!!" A white sound blasted into the air and some of the miasma disappeared.

Nanami was leaning against a tree and I saw Tomoe running this way.

"Nanami! Melody!" he yelled.

"Tomoe..." Nanami said in a hush tone. "I tried to exorcise it, but..." Then she fell unconscious.

I ran over as Tomoe picked her up.

"Nanami!" Mizuki screamed as he reached us. "Are you okay?!"

"Mizuki, can you exorcise this?" Tomoe asked.

"What? Don't be ridiculous. But I'll give it a try." Mizuki said.

Tomoe and I went inside and put Nanami in her room.

"The shrine..." Nanami whined.

"Stay in bed." Tomoe ordered.

"We will take care of the rst somehow." I said.

"Exorcising the miasma from the land is the land god's duty." Nanami stated. "I have to do it."

"You need not come." Tomoe said. "Do not move from this place." Tomoe then shut the door.

We ran outside and used my powers to change from my pj's into fighting clothes. (look at pic)

We get outside to see Mizuki throwing sake... Moron...

"Do you not have more?!" Tomoe asks.

"What do you think my precious sacred sake is?!" Mizuki asks. "Beside, this is a temporary solution. Once it dries, it loses its effectiveness."

"You like that?" I asked pointing at the dead trees.

"What a useless bastard you are!" Tomoe yelled.

"You can't do anything, so I don't want to hear it from you!" Mizuki yells back.

Even when there is a crisis, these two still fight with each other...

I felt a presence leave the shrine. Both, Tomoe and I turn to shrine.

"Tomoe do you feel..." I said.

"Yes... Nanami..." Tomoe said.

We ran to her room and found it empty...

"Nanami..."Tomoe and I said together.

We check every room until we came across the sacred bells. Tomoe face was laced with terror and then he screamed, "Nanami!!!!!!!!!!"

He fell to his knees, I bent down and grabbed his shoulders.

"Tomoe! Tomoe, calm down! We'll find her, just calm down!" I shouted.

He then hugged me close and said, "You two can't leave! I lost two important people! I lost Mikage! And I lost my little sister before! You two can't leave!!!"

Little... Sister...

Suddenly, my world went black............

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