Tomoe's Crossdressing and Memories of the Past (Part 1)

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Melody POV:

Since the whole Narukami accident, things have changed a bit. One thing, Tomoe's hair grew long, and other was Nanami's love for Tomoe grew bigger too.

We were eating breakfast and Nanami's face was flushed.

"Is it bland? Soy sauce?" Tomoe asked noticing Nanami's behavior.

"No thanks," She said quickly.

Then Tomoe got behind her and felt her forehead.

"As I suspected, you have a fever..." Tomoe said staring at her.

I stood from my seat and went to my room and changed into my uniform.

As I came out I see Orikiri and Kotesku grabbing Nanami's leg.

"Master Tomoe, do something!" Kotesku pleaded.

Suddenly Nanami started to fall forward, saying to let her go. I went to catch, but Tomoe caught her before I could.

"I cannot allow you to go in your condition.This is good though, take time off from something as unimportant as school for a while." Tomoe said with a smirk.

That fox...

"Well just because it's not godly doesn't mean it not important!!" Nanami shouted.

"I am saying this with your best interest at heart." Tomoe say as they went to chibi form...

"In that case, why not change yourself into Nanami..." I said smirking.

"Lady Melody you're brilliant! That way Lady Nanami won't have an absence." Orikiri continued.

Tomoe went gloom and doom, while Nanami was happy sunshine.

"That's it!" Nanami shouted happily.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Why did you have to say that?" Tomoe complained in Nanami form.

I was trying my best not to laugh, but it's extremely hard not too.

"Well, my sister's well-being is on the line here. I don't want her repeating the year and it's a punishment for leaving Nanami like that for Naru-bitchy." I said smirking.

"I guess you a point," Tomoe said as he crossed his arms.

"Try to act like Nanami okay?" I asked.

"That will be hard..." Tomoe complained.

We entered the classroom and I saw Isobe laughing about something,

"Remember, no killing." I said mockingly.

"This is going to be hard..." He said before walking over to Isobe, who was in Nanami's seat.

I walked to mine and got out my phone. Kura hasn't texted in two days, it's so unlike him to do that. Since we've started going out, he usually called or text me, to see if I was okay or wanted to hear my 'beautiful' voice.

Suddenly, smoke filled the room and I heard Kura's theme song play.

"Good morning," I heard kura. I turn to see my pop star in the doorway. "For the fist time in a week. The famous and talented, pop star Kurama has come to school."

That bird of mine...

"I bought you two souvenirs," Kura said walking in 'Nanami's' direction. "Nanami, you..."

Oh no, did he figure out it really Tomoe?!?!?!

"You've become more womanly in the short time I haven't seen you, good for you." Kura said he patted 'Nanami's' head.

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