The Past and Music (Part 2)

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Nanami POV:

Mizuki, Kurama, and I were riding in a turtle taxi, head to the Dragon Palace.

"Wow, this is incredible!" I shouted in excitement. "So, you really do ride a turtle to get to the Dragon King's Palace."

"Nanami, that window will pass through everything except water, so be careful." Mizuki states.

I'll be able to save Tomoe now and get Melody back.

Suddenly, the image of Tomoe and Yukiji poped into my head.


"What is it?" he asks.

"Do you suppose Tomoe... still has feeling for Miss Yukiji? I'm... A little scared of seeing him." I said as I clench my fists.

I'm sure to draw comparisons. His feeling towards her were more fierce. But with me... He won't even touch me.

No! This isn'tthe time for that!

"Wanna just grab Melody and forget Tomoe?" Mizuki said cheerfully.

"Like hell we are leaving the fox behind," Kurama shouted. "I may hate the guy, but his a brother to Melody. So, no way are we forgetting him."

Kurama is so thoughtful to Melody, he won't even leave Tomoe behind for her sake.

Suddenly, the turtle honked and stopped.

"What's wrong, Turtle Taxi?!" I asked.

"We have a customer getting on at an unscheduled stop." the turtle answered.

Then the doors open to reveal a pretty Yōkai carrying two purple packages. "Parden me for presuming to share your ride." the woman said with a bow.

One of the dragon folk?

"Hello." Mizuki and Kurama greeted.

"P-Please, the pleasure is ours. Nice to meet you." I said quickly.

The woman sat across from me and next Kurama.

Not good! All women except me look like beautiful goddesses to me, even my own sister looks more godly!

"What business does a god of the land have at the Dragon King's Palace?" the woman asked.

"Um... A lot of things happened and... Someone I care about is being held as collateral. And I need to get my sibling back as well." I explained.

"My, how terrible for you. I am sure he and your sibling arewaiting for you, as well. I too, am on my way to the Palace to see my beloved husband and an old friend. I hope we can both see those we care for soon," the woman said opening the top package. It was a beautiful floral fabric.

"Wow, what beautiful embroidery!" I complemented. "What is it?"

"This is a haori half-coat that I made for him. I spent seven days on the embroidery. On days I can not see him, that is how I give shape to my love for him." she explained as she pet the coat.

What a beautiful piece of clothing. Even if I spent ten years, I don't think I could make something like this.

Then the taxi started rocking and I saw the half-coat fly out the window.

"The half-coat!" I screamed. I stood up and went to the window to try and grab it, But Mizuki stopped me.

"Watch out!" He shouted stop me.

"Mizuki, her half-coat flew out there just now! We have to go look for it!" I screamed.

"No." I heard the woman say. I turn to her, Kurama was helping her sit up.

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