A Tengu Pop Star... WHAT THE BLOODY FUCKING HELL?!?!?! (Part 2)

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Melody POV:

Nanami putting on her shoes and I was waiting patiently by the door.

"See you later!" Nanami yelled.

"Nanami, Melody, you two are forgetting some things. The three-tiered box lunches that I, Tomoe, put my all into making and the cat hood decorated with a seasonal flower made by yours truly." Tomoe said holding up the items.

I grabbed one of the three-tiered lunch boxes and put it into my bag.

"Sorry, I'll say no to the cat hood today. I'll fine without it. I'm only going to school, after all." Nanami says with a sweatdrop on her head.

Here we go...

"What are you saying? Walking around without that hood is like heading off to battle naked. Say such things once you are able to defend yourself. To begin with, I believe school is-" Tomoe gets cut off by Nanami.

"I think one tier is enough for lunch. See you later!" Nanami says as she runs out the door.

Then Tomoe falls over. I sigh, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on my sister. You do what you can manage." I said before I ran off to catch up with Nanami.

"Whew! It feels so good not to wear that annoying hood!" Nanami cheers. I giggle at her.

"Momozono!" I heard a voice from behind. We turn to see three girls from our class. "Morning!"

"Morning!" My sister answers back.

"Hey, is Tomoe coming again today?"

"If he comes, we want you to introduce us to him."

I should have known...

"Um, we brought our lunches today,so I don't think he'll come." Nanami says.

"Aw, that's no fun." the girls say as they walk away. Bitches.

"Just ignore them, Nanami. Come on," I said patting her back.

Suddenly I hear a horn go off and I pulled Nanami back just before a car hits her. The door opens to reveal... KURAMA...

"Morning Melody. Nanami, no hood today? I like it. Hop in, I give you two a ride to school." Kurama says taking off his sunglasses.

Then fangirls appeared behind us, taking pictures and had heart in their eyes...

Honestly, the human race it meeting it down fall...

"We're good, thanks," I said as I grab Nanami arm and turn to leave.

"Aw, why not? Are you two being shy?" I heard and felt Kurama right behind me. I turn to to see he was stand too close. "Or are you thr-" he started.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt, "It's because we hate you. And, if you get too close to me again, I will throw to a mad mod of crazy psychotic fangirls." I said with a black aura around me, again.

The fangirls started to yell at me for touching their idol, I turn to them and give a death glare. They shut up instantly. I let go of his shirt, grabbed Nanami and walked away.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was nearing the end og the school day and I was in music class. The teacher assigned the class a song workshop. I was just finishing writing the lyrics to one of my song when I heard.

"Hm, excuse me," A girl's voice said at the door. "I'm looking for Melody Momozono."

I raised my hand and said, "Over here."

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