The Past and Music (Part 1)

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Nanami POV:

Mizuki and I were riding on his Shiki, we followed the past Tomoe to a house. We landed and followed Tomoe footprints in the snow that lead to a door.

"I can smell the salt on you. Did you go all the way to the sea to buy medicine?" A voice said through the wall.

I opened the door a crack so I could see.

"Yes. And by going there, I was able ti obtain a fine medicine. Take this and you will surely be cured of your illness." Tomoe said to a beautiful woman.

"Tomo-nii is that what I think it is?" I angelic female asked. I looked at the direction of that voice and saw... The Tiger Yōkai from before.

She was stunning, in a way she reminded me of Melody...

"Yes it is, Miki. Don't worry about me." Tomoe said turning back to the woman. "Yukiji. Share an eternity... in life with me and Miki." Tomoe said kiss a lock of Yukiji's hair.

I silently gasped and back away with a hand over my mouth.

The same face... The same voice... And yet, a Tomoe like this...  Is familiar to me. So, it was all... a price he paid for the sake of that woman. What a beautiful woman.  

"I imagine it will be hard for you to swallow it like this." Tomoe said to Yukiji.

"Such fine medicine is rare. We will fetch you some suitably fresh spring water to go with it. Wait a while, come Tomo-nii." Miki said as she stood up.

Mizuki and I moved out of the way, so we wouldn't be seen. Tomoe hopped on to his small carriage and Miki shifted into a white tiger, following after Tomoe.

Who is Miki...?

Melody POV:

Ryuo and I walked to his office. He pulled out a chair for me to sit, I sat down and he took his seat. He looked and said, "Melody, it's been ten years and 184 days, since Kamehime and I last saw you. What happened? You and your mother never came after that."

I looked down at my hand, I felt tears staart to fall down my face. I looked at him and his eyes widen, he doesn't know. "Ru-kun, m-my mother is..." I couldn't finsih my sentence. I put my hands over my face and started crying loudly.

I felt arms wrap around me and put me to a chest. "Cry it out, Meme." Ryuo said gently.

"I-I tried t-to use my p-powers to sav-ve h-her, b-but it d-didn-n't w-work..." I cried into his chest.

"Sh, my little seashell, sh. Everything is okay, she's in a better place." Ryuo choos to me.

"You know Ru-kun, something I see you as my father figure..." I musterd out trying to calm down.

Ryou POV:

"You know Ru-kun, something I see you as my father figure..." Melody said calminmg down a bit.

When I heard that... I remember the music box Kamehime and I wanted us to give her.

I let her and walked to my desk. I opened the bottom left drawer and pulled out a black music box that was decorated with seashells. I turned it on and let the music play as I calmed her down. (look at the pic and play the song, note once again, I don't own either of this)

As the music play Melody started relaxing in my arms, from this day on, I will protect Melody as her real father didn't.


I watch Melody and Kamehime play with some turtles as her mother and I talked.

"So, how is your husband?" I asked.

She stiffened, she continuesto watch the girls, like I do. "Ryuo, he gotten worst... Not only with gambling, but with Melody too. One day when I came home, he threw a beer bottle at her..."

"What?! What kind of father would do something like that to this innocent little angel fish?!" I shouted, making should only she could.

"He catch Melody creating a butterfly..."

"That's no excuse!" I shouted. "Ryuo, what do you think of Melody?"

I looked at Melody and saw her giggling as the turtles tickle her. I smile and said, "She a wonderful child that I envy you for."

"Watch over her, please..."

End of Flashback:

I then notice Melody fell asleep in my arms. I carefully picked her up and walked to the room I give her when she visited that week ten years ago.

I tuck her in the bed and set the music box on the nightstand, so she'd have sweet dreams.

She may never come back after this, but I'll still watch over...

With that I left the room and went back to my office. I dialed Kamehime and waited for her to pick up...

"Hello Honey"

"Hello Love, guess who here."

"I don't know, who?"

"Little Meme is back."


"Yes she is"

"OH, I can't wait to get home. We can give the gifts we got her so long ago and I made her a beautiful kimono."

I smile, "See you soon, Love."

"See you soon, Love. Bye."

We hung up, I pulled out my records, and started working.

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