The Beach and The Dragon King's Eye (Part 1)

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Melody POV:

I stood outside the classroom while talking to Kura on the phone.

"So Kura, we're stil on for the beach, right?"

"Yeah, I convinced my manager. So we're good to go."

"Good, Nanami and her friend might go too. So, we could meet them there, I know your car is really meant for two people."

"Yeah, that's true..."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, being a famous pop star... I'll attract attention, so I'm worried that will ruin the trip."

"You know I could use a spell kinda like Nanami's white talisman to make your presence like air."

"Oh my lovely Melody, you are a genius!!!!"

"Hehehehe, okay. Call me when you get close to the shrine when you pick me up."

"Got it. I gotta go, love you."

"Love you." I ended the call and head back to the classroom. This Saturday is going to be fun.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"What do you mean I can't go?!" I heard Nanami scream from her room.

I just finished getting ready (look at pic) and walked into Nanami's room/

"You just can not go to the beach!" Tomoe shouted. By the way, I'm still mad at him.

"Why not?! Ami went out of her way to invite me along! And Melody going with Kurama! This is unfair!" Nanami complained.

Oops, I forgot to tell Tomoe that...

"First, the ocean is a hotbed of demonic creatures. If you were human, it might be a different story, but you are a land god. What if I let you go alone and something were to happen to you? Besides, I can not go into the ocean. So, you can not go. Second, Melody is going with WHO?!?!" Tomoe said.

"I won't be alone! Melody and my friends will be there!" Nanami shouted as she stood up.

"And, besides your sister, what can they do?" Tomoe asked.

I then felt my phone vibrate and saw it was Kura calling. I answered, "Hello."

"Hey, I'm at the corner. You ready?"

"Yeah, see ya in a sec." I hung up and walked outside.

I ran down the stairs carefully, unlike my sister would, and saw a red car. I ran to the car and knocked on the window. I heard the click, opened the door, and sat down.

"You are looking cute today. I hope you're not trying to make me jealous?" Kura teased.

I closed the door and looked at him, then kissed his cheek. "Why would I need to do that?"

"Point taken," Kura said as we sped off.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We meet up with Nanami, Ami, Kei, Tomoe, Mizuki. I had put the spell on Kura so his fans wouldn't surround us asking for autographs and pictures.

I opened my cahir and set down next to Kura. I set bag down and started taking my shirt off.

"Maybe you should stay in your clothes, Melody." Kura said. "I don't want anyone else seeing you in a swimsuit."

"Now you're sounding like Tomoe."

"Nevermind," Kura said quickly.

I smile at my victory and took off my shirt, shorts, and hat. I see Kura staring at me with wide eyes, he started drooloing a bit.

"Kura, your going to flood the beach if you don't stop drooling," I said with a smirk.

He snapped back to reality and wipped the drool away. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the water, stopped when the water reached our chests. I lay back in the water and floated atop it, Kura joining me.

"This feels nice, me and you relaxing. No tours, no god work. I kinda wish we were normal humans sometimes." Kura says looking at the sky.

"I know with you mean," I said as carefully stood up.

Suddenly, a spike of love shot through the atmosphere. I look to the shore to see pink aura surrounding Tomoe, he must have seen Nanmi do something cute. I put hand over my mouth and giggle.

"What's up?" Kura asked as he stood.

"Tomoe's love for Nanami is growing, no matter how much he denies it," I said we walk back to our spot.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kura and I were soaking up some sun, I heard Nanami panting from afar. I sat up and saw her catching her breath.

"Kura," I said as I stood up.

He looked  and the same as I, we ran to Nanami.

"Nanami, are you okay?" Tomoe asks now joining us, with Kei and Mizuki.

"Tomoe, Ami when missing and she can't swim!!" Nanami shouted.

I looked at Tomoe, he face was laced with conflict.

"Please, Tomoe! Find Ami..." Nanami asked.

"Leave it to me."Tomoe said as he walked to the water.

"Oh? Are you sure about this, Tomoe?" Mizuki asked/teased.

"It is a request fromnone other than Nanami herself. It can not be helped." Tomoe said before disappearing into the water.

After a few minutes, Tomoe resurfaced with Ami. We run towards them.

"Ami!" both Nanami and Kei screamed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. I swallowed a lot of water." ami answered as she coughed up some water.

"Stupid Ami! Honestly! You had us worried!" Kei criied out.

"Thank goodness, " I said.

Nanami thanked Tomoe.

Suddenly, I felt the air grow heavier and a barrior started forming. The people fell asleep, only Nanami, Tomoe, Mizuki, Kura and I were wake.

"Thak you, Tomoe," I voice said from behind Tomoe. We turn to see a figure in a cloak on the water.

The voice was husky, it was a male and his aura... A Yōkai!!!!!!!!!!!

"Thank you for coming into the ocean. Thanks to that, I've finally been able to find you." The Yōkai said, most likely smirking.

Tomoe face was covered with worry.

This can't be good...

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