A Snake Wants My Sister To Be His Bride!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Hell No!!!! (Part 1)

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Melody POV:

I was watching everyone in class cleaning the room as I listen to some Breaking Benjamin on my Iphone.

"Hey, check it out!! It's a snake!!!" Isobe shouted.

I got up from my seat and walked towards the group. They had backed a white snake into a corner.

"Leave it alone! White snakes are messagers of the gods, you guys are risking divine retribution," Nanami said as she picked the snake.

"Ahhhhh, she's touching a snake!!" Isobe squealed.

"Oh brother, man up Isobe!!!" I shouted at him.

I watched as my sister let the snake go from a window. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a mark on Nanami's wrist.

Uh oh...

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nanami and I came home and were greeted by Orikikr and Kotesku.

"Welcome home, Lady Melody and Lady Nanami!" They shouted together.

"Where's Tomoe?" Nanami asks.

"Preparing this evenings meal," Kotesku answers.

We walk to the kitchen and see Tomoe putting in mushrooms into a soup pot.

"Please tell those aren't mushrooms I smell." Nanami whines.

"I wonder if your lack of good taste has something to do with your intelligence what it comes to white talismans?" Tomoe asks as he tastes the soup.

"Ah, Tomoe we got a problem..." I said lifting up Nanami's wrist.

Tomoe turned and his eyes widened a fraction. Then he grabs Nanami's arm and asks, "Where did this mark come from?"

"She picked up a white snake at school," I said taking a sample of the soup. The flavors exploded in my mouth, "Best brew yet, Tomoe."

"Thank you, Melody." Tomoe said before turning to Nanami.

"I guess I'm allergic?" Nanami said.

"Well, this snake left its mark of favor." Tomoe said.

Oh shit...

"What does that mean?" Nanami asks.

"He chosen you to become his wife, little sis," I answer while face palming myself.

"Yes, and I would like to know how you became friends with the snake in question..." Tomoe asks/demands.

Skip story~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So, a white snake wanders into the school and you swept in and recused it. How heroic of you..." Tomoe says irritatedly.

"I wish you could have seen him, he was beautiful." Nanami said cupping her hands to her chest with a smile.

"Well, he'll be coming for you son. So, I'll get a glance before you go." Tomoe continues.

"Oh good, then you- Wait, coming for me?!" Nanami shouts.

"Correct, your heedlessness has lead you to be betrothed (sp?) to a snake!" Tomoe yells. "Don't worry. I let anyone lay finger or scale on you, Nanami."

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nanami and walk ahead of Tomoe, who was reading one of Nanami's books.

"So, you sure you can pull this student thing off?" Nanami asks.

"Positive, I read the whole book last night," Tomoe answers not looking away from the text. "It amazes me how many scenarios you humans can come up with..."

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