Little Sister Quits (Part 1)

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Melody POV:

"What do you think, Melody?" Tomoe asks from atop a tree branch.

"I, personally, don't think you need to cut the branches. But, that's help to you." I said before walking inside.

I enter my room and three glowing orbs... Not again...

I grabbed the pink orb and saw Kate Perry needed a new song. I gave her the topic of teenage dreams.

I grabbed the blue orb and saw Bruno Mars sitting at a piano needed help. I gave him a heartbreaker idea.

And finally, I grabbed the black and white and saw Andy Biersack tapping his pen against a notebook. I made the words wretched and divine appear on his notebook.

The orbs faded away, meaning they got what they needed.

"Melody! Come here!" I heard Nanami yell.

"What does she want now?" I ask as I walk to living room.

I sat back next to Tomoe and lean my head his shoulder. He starts stoking my hair as we stare at Nanami.

"What did you want, Nanami?" Tomoe asks.

"We're going to hold an autumn festival at the Mikage Shrine!" Nanami said holding up a poster that said, 'Mikage Shrine Autumn Festival to Attract More Worshippers Project.'

I felt Tomoe stop and he stiffened...

Oh boy, this will not be good...

"Then people will come and they'll know that Mikage Shrine isn't a scary abandoned shrine." Nanami said happily.

Tomoe's aura grew slightly heavier...

"Wow! Sounds fun! I'm all for it!" Mizuki said excitedly.

"Ridiculous." Tomoe said annoyed. I moved so he could get up and he walked to the door. "A sacred ritual for the sake of attracting visitors? You can leave me out of it." With that he left the room.

I didn't like Nanami idea just as much as Tomoe, but I won't stop.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Nanami called another meeting about the festival, which was a week away.

Mizuki suggested giving the guests sake...

Tomoe suggested we capture some Yōkai and put them on display...

At the moment, Mizuki, Orikiri, and Kotesku were commenting Tomoe on his idea.

"Tomoe, if the Yōkai go on a rampage?" I asked.

"Oh... I forgot about that..." Tomoe said looking at the side.

Suddenlysmoke blew into the room... This is most likely Kura's work...

"Food requires a permit from the health department, so you'd better not. If it's a festival, you could probably just do a sacred kagura dance, or let people draw their fortunes at the shrine office." Kura said.

Once again, how in the hell does he do the special effects?

Then, everyone, but Tomoe and I were praising Kura.

"What are you doing here?!" Tomoe asked.

Kura brought out a letter and said, "I received a letter from Nanami and I wanted to see my mate. Anyway, Nanami's letter said she was worried about the good-for-nothing fox and gang."

Tomoe went gloom and doom, again...

Then he pulled out a box and said, "Here you go. I bought you a souvenir. The famous sweet, Yam Love."

"Wow! Thank you, Kurama!" Nanami said happily.

"And for my beautiful Melody, a handmade purple leather journal," Kura said as walked over to me and gave me the journal. (look at pic)

"Aww, Kura. You didn't have to," I said giving him a kiss.

"I know your blue journal was full, so I thought you neede another." Kura said hugging me. And I hug him back.

"Kagura dances used to be performed here in the past, as well." Tomoe stated.

"What?" Nanami asked.

"I merely thought it would be too great a burden for Nanami, so I did not mention it." Tomoe answered.

"Oh-ho?" Kura and Mizuki said together.

I noticed Tomoe aura hint a trace of jealousy in it... His love grows ever so slowly...

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I silently watched in the shadows as Tomoe dresses Nanami in traditional kagura dancing clothes.

Tomoe love grew slowly again, but hey it's growing.

"You wear it... Incredibly well." Tomoe complemented as he looked at Nanami reflection.

"R-Really?" Nanami asked with blush painted on her face. "You've taken great care to guard the shrine and you approve, so I'm sure it'll go well."

Tomoe smiled and said, "Perphaps. IIf we are doing this, we must make it in time for the festival. I will teach you rigorously, so be prepared."

"I'll work hard!" Nanami said excitedly.

I noticed the rest of the group eating the Yam love sweets from a different door way.

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