Wrap Party

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Melody POV:

Kura and I were head to a wrap party. Which meant I had to wear a dress, I don't mind the short kimono's, for some strange reason, but dresses were a whole another stories. (look at pic)

"I can't believe I agreed to this..." I said.

"Come on, Melody. It not that bad and you look lovely," Kura said taking my hand in his.

I smile and kiss his cheek.

We continue to walk until I noticed Mizuki in the back of a taxi.

"Hey, isn't that..."

"Sadly, yes it is." I said as shook my head. "I wonder what he doing out here?"

"Let's go check." Kura said.

We got to the car and Kura said, "Hey, what's a snake doing in a place like this?"

"Tengu... Tengu, I'm so glad! Please give me money! 5,840 yen!" Mizuki begged.

"Money?" Kura asked.

Man, first Nanami and now Mizuki... Who's next to ask Kura for money?

Skip to different location-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

"You've come an awfully long way. Running an errand for Nanami?" Kura asks.

"No, I came to see you." Mizuki said.


"Kurama! Melody! There you are!" We turn to see Kura's and, now, mine manager. "I told you two that there's the TV drama wrap party at 6 o'clock! Where do you think you're going! If you two were to skip out and go home, my position as your manager would be..." He stopped noticing Mizuki. "Oh? Are you a classmate of Melody's and Kurama's?"

"No."Kura and I said together.

"Yup! I came to see them." Muzuki said.

"Oh, then you should come to the wrap party with them. You'll get to eat lots of tasty food." our manager said excitedly.

Kura and I were giving him and death glare and said, "Hey, hold on."

"Wrap party?" Mizuki asked. "Maybe I'll check it out."

"Come, come." our manager said.

"We said hold on, didn't we?!" Kura screamed.

"Do you ever listen?!" I shouted.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kura, Mizuki, and I sat at a table eating. Mizuki looked like death ran over him, it was funny.

"Not tasty." Mizuki complained.

"Stop whining, Mizuki." I said before taking a sip of my blueberry lemonade.

"And it wasn't made with you in mind, after all." Kura finished for me. "So, what's the familiar of my love's sister doing here?"

"Cute, Kura." I said kissing his cheek. He blushed with a smile.

"What about yourself? Why do you live in a place like his?" Mizuki asked. "I walked around all day today, but... The air soaks up as much malignant energy as the people give off and lays thickly over the city. It hurts for me to even breathe in this place. It's so sickening. Gorging on the malignant energy that they themselves give off."

"Did you run away from home?" Kura asks.

"That's you, right?" Mizuki says. "I wouldn't do something like abandond my own shrine."

Mizuki was about to eat a tomato, when Kura eat it instead.

"Then go on home to your shrine already." Kura said as he licked his lips. "You're not ready for this place yet."

"What?" Mizuki asked.

We got up and our manager come over. "Kurama! Melody! There you are! You two have to say hello to Ms. Tayama!"

"Alright calm down," I said grabbing Kura's hand.

We walked over to Ms. Tayama.

"My daughter is a fan of yours. I'm sure she'll be jealous when she finds out that I met you two in person. Let me get a good look at those faces, you two." Ms. Tayama said.

"The honor is ours to be meeting one of the greatest actresses of this century." Kura and I said in unison.

"My, you two are such flatterers. And I must said you two are the best couple I've seen in a long time." Ms. Tayama said while blushing.

"Ma'am!" I heard a voice. We turn to see a young girl coming over with some drinks. "Ma'am, I-I-I brung ya yer drink."

"What is that?!" Ms. Tayama asked.

"What?" the girl asked.

"I am having dessert right now!" Ms. Tayama stated. "A sugary spirit like that won't clean my palate! Weren't there any more decent drinks!"

"M-My apologies! I'll bring ya some right away!" the girl said before taking off.

"Make it fast! Honestly!" Ms. Tayama complained.

"Who is she?" Kura asked.

"She's my new assistant, but she moved from the country and she's completely useless. And she wants to be an actress. It makes me laugh." Ms. Tayama says

Unknown to Ms. Tayama, I felt my powers react to statement. A few of the glasses by the buffet suddenly broke, scaring a few people.

"Oi Melody, calm down." Kura tries to sooth me.

This woman... Reminds me of... That horrible excuse of a FATHER... And it pisses me off...

A thin black aura surrounds me, but it disappears when Kura kisses me on my cheek.

"Melody, why are you upset?" Kura whispers in my ear.

"She... Reminds me... Of my father..." I said in a hush tone.

I told him of the times father would mentally and almost physically abuse me. When we started dating we took each other about our pasts and things ike that.

"Sh, Melody, he won't hurt you again," Kura said, finally calming me down.

Likely no one noticed my anger.

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The girl came back with Mizuki's brew of sake. Ms. Tayama yelled at her, but when she tasted the sake, she was impression was her assistant.

Kura and I also had some. We agreed not to tell Tomoe.

We sipped and it was amazing.

"This aroma takes me back." Kura said.

I smiled and kissed him quickly. He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist.

Overall, one of the best moment we've ever had.

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