The Beach and The Dragon King's Eye (Part 2)

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Melody POV:

"I've been waiting all this time for you to come play in the water, Tomoe." The Yōkai said.

"Who are you?!" Nanami asked.

"The face of the great Dragon King, ruler of the seas." The Yōkai said as he ripped off his cloak. I recognized him, that is Ryuo Sukuna. "You better not have forgotten it!"

I looked over at Tomoe, he looked like he shit himself.

"Kei! Ami!" Nanami shouted.

"Sorry, but I'm gonna ask the spectators to stay out of this." Ryuo stated. Then a giant oyster came up behind Ryuo, while he said, "Since I've got to collect a debt from an old friend now."

"Well now, I have no idea what you are talking about." Tomoe said with a smirk.

Then tentacles shot out and grabbed Tomoe.

"Tomoe!" Nanami screamed.

I summoned my battle axe.

"I'll remind you, you stupid fox!" Ryuo said pulling out a note pad... Here we go, he keeps track of everything. "526 years and 208 days ago, at 18 minutes and 41 seconds past 2 AM, Tomoe, the Yōkai fox, attacked and wiped out seven dragons, as well as three sharks, five rays, and one sea slug platoon at the north gate of the Dragon King's Palace.  He destroyed the north gate and other buildings. The destruction claimed virtually the entire northern wing of the Palace. And he stole my right eye from me, Sukuna, the Dragon King, and fled."

Hosetly, what does Kamehime see in him. He's a calculating nutjob...

"I'm going to make sure you pay back this loan. Giant White-Lipped Oyster!" Ryuo commanded the oyster.

The next thing I know, Tomoe was shallowed by the oyster.

"Hahahahahaha, You can slowly turn into sustenance for the oyster now! In two days or so, there'll be a king-sized pearl all ready to go! And I plan on getting to an old friend!" Ryuo shouted with delight.

"Just what one would expect of Your Majesty, sea slug." a slug said.

"The despicable wild fox was no threat to Your Majesty as you are now, sea slug." another slug said.

"Damn straight! For 526 years and 208 days, I've been strength training every day, after all. Let's head straight back to the Palace, call my friend, and have a celebratory banquet!" Ryuo screamed.

"Sea slug!" the slug say.

"Hey!" Nanami shouted. "What do you think you're doing to Tomoe?!"

"What's with these girls? Why are they still awake?" Ryuo looking in our direction.

"Give Tomoe back!" Nanami yelled as she ran to Ryuo.

"Ah-ah!" Ryuo yelled splasting water at Nanami. "Sorry, but the show's over. So long, girls!" Ryuo said as he disappeared into the water.

Nanami and I grabbed on to the oyster. I made my axe disappear and formed my gills, so I could breath.

I noticed Ryuo saw us on the oyster and he grabbed both of us. He swam to the surface, once air filled Nanami, he said, "You two sure are persistent girls."

He set Nanami a rock nearby, he looked at me and noticed my gills. "Knock it off already, all right?" He said to Nanami.

"Where's Tomoe?!" Nanami demmanded.

"I had the sea slugs transport him. He's long gone." Ryuo then took out he note pad and said, "I did you the favor of carrying you all the way here. We'll just say you owe me. Pay me back someday." He said throwing Nanami an I. O. U.

"Fine, whatever. I don't care, just give us back Tomoe!" Nanami screams.

"I'm afraid his debt is bigger than your. ANd things won't be right until the debt's been squared away. Give up on him." Ryuo said turning away.

"What do I have to do?!" Nanami shouted. "What do I have to do for you to give back Tomoe?!"

This caught his interest, "Let me think..." He turned to us and lifted his eye patch. "Give me back the right eye that he took from me and maybe I won't be against sparing his life. My eye is a pill of eternal youth and immortality. It's said that whoever swallows it will gain great powers. 526 years ago, I lost it to an insignificant Yōkai. In other words, I, the Dragon King, had defeat carved into my face!" Ryuo explained, then recovered his eye.

"If I return that eye, you'll spare Tomoe?" Nanami asked.

"If you return that eye? You say it so simply. It's been 526 years. I'm sure something's happened to it by now. So, there you have it. Give it up." Ryuo said turning.

"Wait!" Nanami screamed.

"Eh?" Ryuo groaned.

"Promise me. That if you get the eye back, you'll spare Tomoe."

"I don't know what you're planning to do, but... All right, then. I'll hold the fox as collateral for two days only." Ryuo said.

He was about to leave when I said, "You better keep your words, Ru-kun."

He froze and turned me. He swam in front of me and grabbed my face gently. "Meme... Is that you?" he asked witha shocked expression.

I smile, grab his hands and said, "Maybe we can ride a turtle with Kame-kun again."

His eyes widen

Ryuo POV:

I remember that voice and face anywhere... It seemed only days ago Melody came to the Dragon Palace with her mother when she was six...


"Ru-kun, is it sate to ride a turtle?" little Melody asked as we get on a turtle. (look at pic)

I smiled at her, "It's okay, Meme. I make sure you don't fall." I said.

"Are we ready?" my beautiful wife, Kamehime, asked.

"Yep," Melody said excitedly.

We flew off into the water, Melody was giggling the whole time and I was just happy knowing she was happy. Personally, Melody was the daughter I never had, but wanted. I promised myself is always protect her, even if she was miles away.

End of Flashback:

Melody POV:

Ryuo let out of my face and said, "Melody you must come with me to discuss the matter, while she gets my eye."

"Okay," I said. I turned to Nanami and say, " Tell Kura what is going on and I'm safe."

She nodded her head, then Ryuo and I were off...

I wonder how this would end...

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