Day Of The Wedding (The End)

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(( Hey everyone, sorry I've been gone for so long. My laptop broke, but now I have a phone! I have been through a lot lately (insecurities, multiple breakups, ditched by a lot of friends) but, I'm back now, this is gonna be the wedding episode, this takes place in the let's just act like Gay Marriage was legal then..because it should've been!!!!))

A year later:
Eddie and David have moved in to a bigger house, and are pretty settled down, David has quit drinking, and now David and Eddie are planning on getting married. The issue is.. they just don't know where yet, they don't want paparazzi there stalking them.
Eddie and David are planning on having the wedding at an underground club in Hollywood.. no matter how unprofessional it sounds, it's the love that matters!!!
It is December 20th: David wakes up at 9 am, and looks over at Eddie. "Man.. I'm so happy that I'm gonna marry this sexy as fuck guitarist guitarist whispered David in a sexy voice. David got up, put a robe on, and decided to start cooking breakfast. David look around the kitchen to try to figure out what he was gonna cook. David looked in the fridge and found some eggs, "hmm.. I like eggs.. but I don't know how to cook them.. but fuck it.. I'm David Lee Roth.. I'm gonna try" thought David. David got a pan, and just as he turned on the stove, a he felt a tap on his shoulder.. his scared David so much that he burned his finger. "THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKK" shouted David. "Honey.. it was just me.. sorry I scared the literal fuck out of you.. are you okay sweetheart" replied Eddie. David sighed in relief "thank god it's you my sexy sweet honey bunny Eddie.. Im alright.. but I accidentally burned my finger.. but it's okay!" explained David. Eddie kissed David's finger, and then pulled him closer.. "I love you David.. I can't wait to marry you today..what time is the wedding again???" Asked Eddie. "It's at 4" replied David. Eddie passionately kissed David, then said "I can't wait to marry your sexy ass".

David blushed and then grabbed Eddies ass.. suddenly they heard a loud knock on the door. Eddie rolled his eyes, and went to open the door, it was Alex and Michael of course. "DO WHENS THE WEEDING?" yelled Alex. Eddie rolled his eyes again "please.. keep it quiet.. the wedding has to be kept private" asked Eddie. "No, WEEDING, not Wedding! Give me some weed!" screamed Alex. Eddie took some weed out of a hat on David's desk, and gave it to Alex. "Thanks bro! But actually, when is the actual wedding?" Whispered David. "It starts at 4 pm" replied Eddie. "Sounds gay!" Added Michael. David walks over "yeah, not fucking shit Sherlock? Want a fucking bottle of Jack Daniels?" Teased David.."OOOO FUCK YES" stated Michael. "I was joking, man boobs" replied David. Michael started to cry, so David went to the fridge and got him some fucking Jack Daniel's. "Thanks daddy" replied Michael. "If you ever call me daddy again, I am gonna blend your balls up in a blender, and make u drink it" yelled David. "Will it have alcohol, if so,.I'm down!" Responded Michael. David face palmed, and then hugged Eddie. "Hey, Michael, Alex, can you guys go to the "the club" and help set up the wedding?" Asked Eddie..both Alex and Michael agreed, and went to the club.

The second Michael and Alex left, Eddie shut the door and jumped on top of David. David blushed extremely bright red. Eddie began to kiss David's soft lips. David kissed back, and even added tongue. David got really into this, and began to slowly grind on David, David slowly began to moan. "Do you want me to Cock a Doodle Do you? Asked Eddie in a sexy tone. David looked at Eddie in the eyes and said "GO AHEAD AND FUCK" Yelled David. (Okay they had sexy time I'm not explaining this, it's 3 am and I'm trying to listen to 420 Steel Panther songs before bed)

Their little sexy time lasted for about 3 hours, which made Eddie concerned about the time. "Hey David, what time is it?" Asked Eddie. David looked at the clock, "it's 12 pm, babe" replied David. Eddie's eyes widened "fuck.. we should start getting ready for the wedding!" Said Eddie as he jumped off the bed. "Oh shit yeah.. we would go pick up our suits from the tailor.. let's take my motorcycle!" suggested David. Eddie smiled, and picked David up while they walked outside.

David hopped on the motor cycle, and Eddie got on the bitch seat.

They quickly dashed off to where the wedding going to take place, the two quickly got into their suits and prepared for the wedding.

Jump to the wedding because I want this fan fic to be over finally 😭

So many rockstars we're there. The Black Sabbath guys, Ted Nugent, the guys from Styx, Brian May.. it was one giant sexy sausage fest.
Eddie stood at the end of the aisle, as David walked down it. This was when everyone realized that David's pants had the ass checks cut out, so everyone in the audience began to cat-call him. It was sexy.

David made it to Eddie. The wedding person who Weds the people, (uhh fuck who do I make this.. fuck uh Eric Clapton I fucking guess)

Eric Clapton begins to say all of the boring bullshit, and the Eddie and David hardcore make out. It gets so fucking streamy that everyone in the crowd begins to make out.

After around 10 minutes, everyone is ripping off their clothes and plugging their guitars into everyone's amps. It turns into a giant fucking rock n roll orgy. Everyone is hardcore going at it for fucking hours.

Lemmy Kilmister starts smoking a cigarette has he poundcakes Sammy Hagar. This pisses off Ted Nugent, so starts putting gasoline in his 4-wheeler that's in the building. He spills some gasoline on the ground. Lemmy poundcakes Sammy so hard that he drops the lit cigarette into the gasoline

Place blows up. Everyone fucking dies and their bodies get eaten by alien lizard monkeys.

Closing Statements-------

I hope y'all enjoyed this beautiful fanfiction. This is finally the end of Just Like Paradise. Thank you for the support, and make sure to force your family to read this.

This fanfiction was quite the journey. It started as a joke, became serious, then ends as a joke. I hope you all found this entertaining!

I'll write more fanfiction in the future, and I'm actually working on OCs!! But it will be awhile. I don't have much passion for writing, I never really have. But this fanfiction was still fun as fuck to write.. and I know it's made thousands of people extremely happy!
I'm very proud of this fanfiction. Yes, it's offensive. Yes, it's dark. Yes, it's a line crosser. But.. it's mine, and I love that. I know this fanfiction isn't everyone's cup of tea, in fact it isn't really even my cup of tea. I don't know why I started it, but I'm happy I did. Because of "Just Like Paradise" I've met many amazing friends. This fanfiction changed my life, positively. My one goal in life is to make others happy, and to entertain others. I know this fanfiction did that, and that makes me feel extremely proud. I'm extremely sorry that Im having to end it, especially on such an abrupt note. I know this isn't a good ending, I wish I could make it better. But a bad closing is better than no closing at all. Everyone deserves to have closure. I hate it when fanfictions never have an ending.

Again, thank you for the support. Please still share this story with others. Just because it's over, doesn't mean the joy has to be 😊

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