Getting David Help {Part 8}

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{{So, this chapter is a direct follow up from chapter 7. WARNING this chapter is rlly depression and emo UwU, and even a bit cringe and cheesy! ALSO, there is slight smut. But nothing too intense. btw if you enjoy this fan fiction, please share it with friends, I am having trouble growing!!}}

Still Thursday: Eddie was starting to get extremely worried for David. So Eddie got up while David was sleeping, and walked over to a local rehab center. Eddie signed David up to the Rehab center to help him with his cocaine and drinking addictions. Eddie really cared about David, and didn't want to loose him. Eddie had witnessed David over dosing many times in past, and had enough of it. Eddie walked back to David's apartment, Eddie was afraid that he was gonna witness David doing cocaine or drinking again.. Eddie opened the door, and to his surprise. David was sitting at his coffee table drinking lavender tea, looking worried. "Hey David.. I'm back" yelled Eddie. David got up and ran towards Eddie, then jumped on Eddie and Hugged him. 

Since David jumped on Eddie like a psychopath and hugged him, it cause Eddie to fall down with David falling on top of him. Eddie hit his head on the door frame, Eddie rubbed his head, then whined "OWWWWWWWW" David (Still laying on Eddie, looked at him worried. "Are you okay, Baby?" asked David in a worried tone. Eddie looked into David's eyes, and just realized that David was laying on top of him. Eddie began to blush then finally replied "Yeah.. I'm fine Babe" David smiled and then leaned in and kissed Eddie on the lips. Eddie kissed back, and started to sit up with David. David broke the kiss, and sat on Eddie's lap, facing towards him. Eddie started to hug David, then decided to tell him about the whole rehab thing.. Eddie was worried that David was gonna get mad at him..

Eddie looked into Davids eyes, then told him the news "David.. remember when I left a bit ago?" David nodded "yes" then Eddie continued, "Well, I was booking Rehab for you.. you know to help you your addictions." David began to cry tears of joy, David looked deeply into Eddie's eyes, and quickly hugged him. "THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!" yelled David in a grateful and happy tone. Eddie blushed and hugged David back, Eddie was so glad to see that David wasn't mad. "So when is my first appointment?" asked David. Eddie Smiled, "Tomorrow at noon, so make sure you get a good night sleep tomorrow" replied Eddie. David hugged Eddie tighter, "I love you so fucking much" stated David for like the 420th time. David brushed his fingers through Davids hair. "I love you too... That's why I wanna help you" replied Eddie. David sighed and started to tear up.. "It's a shame you and I can't go public.." stated David in a depressed tone. "Yeah.." agreed Eddie...

David turned on the T.V.. and It was there was an commercial about AIDS, HIV, other diseases  and about the fears of sex.. mainly gay sex. David started to cry, and buried his head into Eddie's chest. Eddie teared up a bit himself, and started to brush his fingers through David's hair once again. "it's gonna be okay babe.. we just need to be careful." David looked up at Eddie, and started to smile.. "Lets hope so.." replied David. "I know so" replied Eddie.. David smiled more, and pecked Eddie on the lips.  "I love how positive you are!" stated the bleach blonde haired homosexual. "Thanks, I try my hardest!" replied Eddie. David pecked Eddie on the lips again. Eddie stood up, and pulled David up to his feet. "I'm getting hungry, do you wanna go get food?" David smiled, then replied "Sure!" Eddie smiled back, "I know a Pizza place, named Pizza Slut. Wanna eat there?" asked Eddie. "Sure, why not!" replied David. 

The two walked over to Pizza Slut. When they opened the door, one of the cashier's noticed them She had really bleached fried hair, blue eye contacts, a cheap tan, huge fake boobs, and shitty make up on.  "OMMMG YOU GUYSS ARE JIMMY PAGE AND ROBERT PLANT!!!< PLEZ SLEPT WITH MEEE" she yelled. David and Eddie looked at each other.. Then walked out of the restaurant. "No wonder why the place is called pizza slut!" stated Eddie. David laughed, then hugged Eddie. "Lets just go to the local corner store, and buy a sandwich or something'" stated David. Eddie hugged David back, "Sure!" replied Eddie in a cheery tone. The couple walked over to the corner store, once they opened the door and walked over to the sandwich section. Eddie and David looked at the sandwiches for around 5 minutes, until they both saw one they liked. Eddie and David both ended up picking the same exact sandwich, a BLT. Eddie and David blushed. "Hey.. can we just get a bigger BLT and eat it together?" asked Eddie while blushing. David smiled and agreed. David found a bigger BLT and the two brought it too the cashier and checked out. After the two lovers checked out, they began the walk back to there apartment complex .

Eddie and David agreed to go back to Eddie's room for the rest of the day (and night ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) around ten minutes passes, and the couple finally made it back to their apartment complex, and walked into Eddie's room. David sat on the couch while Eddie went to the kitchen to cut the sandwich in two, as Eddie was innocently about to cut the sandwich, he tripped and accidentally slit his wrist. Eddie let out a scream in pain "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK! OUCH!!!" Eddie continued to cry. David freaked out, quickly got up, and ran to the kitchen to help his beloved Eddie. David grabbed  a ton of paper towels and swiftly wrapped them around Eddie's wrist. Eddie sat up and hugged David, Eddie was still really shocked and shaking. David hugged Eddie tightly and started comforting him, "It will be okay, I'm here babe!" whispered David. Eddie slowly got up, and continued to cut the sandwich. David walked back to the couch, and sat down. After Eddie cut the sandwich in half, he started eating one half, then he walked over to the couch and kindly gave the other half to David. "Thank you so much sweetheart, and by the way are you okay now?" asked David in a worried tone. Eddie brightly smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine now..even trough it does hurt." David pulled Eddie on to the couch, and started cuddling him while the two were eating the sandwiches.  

Michael and Alex were sharing a bottle of Jack Daniels in Alex's bathroom, the two started to get a bit drunk ((Of course)) Alex leaned in a kissed Michael. Michael blushed and kissed back, then the kissing turned into making out. Two made out for around 20 straight, then Alex lead Michael to his bed, and the two continued to make out there. After around 30 MORE minutes of making out, the two started to make gay love ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) this went on for around an hour. The two started to get tired, it was 12 am. So, Alex and Michael got dressed, and went to sleep. Michael fell asleep with Alex in Alex's bed. 

David and Eddie also started to get tired. Eddie decided to wrap up his wrist with REAL bandages before bed. Eddie started to walk to is bed, but then stopped to ask David, " you wanna stay here tonight?" David nodded his head "yes" and followed Eddie to his bed. The two laid in bed, and David took off his shirt for bed, when Eddie just slept in his clothes, because it was fucking cold and Eddie didn't wanna get fucking pneumonia. Eddie grabbed a blanket over David and himself. David began to spoon Eddie, Eddie began to blush. 30 minutes passes, and the two finally fell asleep. David was nervous for his rehab meeting at noon tomorrow, David knew he needed it, especially since Eddie was worried for him. David wanted to clean up for Eddie and for himself. Although David knew that Eddie had problems as well, Eddie would always smoke and drink, and worst of all...Eddie had a weird obsession with sucking on metal guitar picks, like what the fuck. That could cause serious issues in the future??? But yet, David knew he was doing MUCH worse than Eddie. Eddie was able to somewhat control himself, when David couldn't. David knew he needed Rehab, or he was gonna die. David didn't wanna die, he loved his Eddie too fucking much.

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now