Double Date {Part 13}

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{{So, this takes place a 2 weeks after chapter 12. So it is now December 14th. Eddie and David now both live in Eddie's room, David permanently moved in!  Also, This chapter was co written by  GomerPyle911 please go follow them!! Also, I am so freaking sorry about how long and annoying this Fan Fiction is turning out, I will do a time jump to like a year or so later on, maybe like chapter 20?. I want David and Eddie's relationship to go to the next step, (engagement??? marriage??? Adopting a child???) So, I wanna jump the relationship  soon!! Also, sorry for huge delay, I am busy because of school,holidays, and moving!!! And yes, the next chapter will be a Christmas chapter, it will be out soon!!! (Because gays love Christmas)}}

Saturday: It was around 6:30 am, and David randomly woke up to Eddie cuddling him. Eddie was still asleep, and had really tight grip on David. The blonde haired man decided to try to fall asleep, but then he heard the phone ring. David didn't wanna get up, because he knew it would disturb Eddie. But the phone kept ringing, and ringing.. David was starting to get annoyed, but right when he was about to get up, Eddie woke up due to all of the ringing. "Good morning, Eddie Love!" stated David in a preppy tone. Eddie smiled, and hugged David more. "Good morning to you too, sweet heart.. but what the fuck is all of that ringing" asked Eddie, "The phone" replied David. Eddie rolled his eyes, and got up to answer the phone. Eddie on the phone: "Hello, who the fuck is calling this early??" Ted Nugent replies on phone: "It is me, Ted Nugent!!! Sorry, for calling you so early.. but I have just recently met the love of my life, and I am really excited. I heard you just started dating someone, I was wondering if you wanted to go on like a double date or something?"

Eddie was shocked, him and Ted haven't talked in years..ever since their break up. Eddie and Ted dated for a couple months on the down-low, before Eddie had developed feelings for David. Ted and Eddie didn't break up for any bad or dramatic reason, the two just grew apart, and ended it on tame note, and remained friends. Eddie on Phone: Oh my lord! Ted! I've missed you, we haven't talked for awhile.. I am so sorry for being rude.. How have you been??" Ted on the Phone: I've been I said, I had just met the love of my life!" Eddie on phone: "So who have you been dating???" Ted on phone: "His name is Samuel Hagar, Sammy for Short. He is really nice and cute!"  Eddie smiled, he was happy to know that Ted had also moved on. even through there breakup was mutual and non-dramatic, Ted was still really sad over it, and Eddie was worried that Ted would never get over it. Eddie on phone: "Aww, I am so glad you're happy!! Come over later, and we well go on a double date!! I got to go now, bye!!!" Ted on phone: "Okay!! I will be over in around an hour, with Samuel!!" Eddie on phone: "Alright!!!" *The call ends*

Eddie ran back over to the bed, and started to cuddled David again. "Sorry that took so long, babe. Ted Nugent is coming over soon with his new boyfriend, so we can go on double-date!!" replied Eddie is preppy tone. David smiled "Ohh sounds fun, I'm down!! I remember Ted.. he was a really cool guy, who was totally not over-political.. when are they coming???" asked David. Eddie smiled "In around an hour" replied Eddie. David sat up, "We should probably get dressed then.." stated David. Eddie agreed, and the two got dressed. Once they finished they sat down on the living room couch, and started cuddling. David began to brush his hair, once David was done Eddie began to play with David's hair. Eddie kissed David, which in a few minutes turned into a make-out session.

Around 30 minutes had passed, and Eddie and David were really getting into it. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door, Eddie apologized to David. The two got up, and opened the door. it was Sammy and Ted, "Hey, so are you guys ready for the double-date?" asked Ted.  Eddie smiled and replied "Where should we go??" asked Eddie. Ted grinned,  "HOW ABOUT WE GO ON A HUNTING TRIP!!! I LOVE HUNTING!!!!" suggested Ted. Eddie rolled his eyes, but before he could say anything, David budded in "Well.. I do need a new fur coat.." stated David.  Ted smiled brightly, "THEN CAN WE GO HUNTING???" asked Ted. Eddie rolled his eyes, but finally agreed. "Fine.. Lets go hunting..." replied Eddie in an annoyed tone. The four of them got into Ted's pick-up truck ((that was the most hill billy car I could think of)) and went to a hunting location. 

Once they got there.. they noticed that Ted didn't bring them to a hunting location. Eddie was  starting to get really really confused, "Hey..where did you take us...?" asked a worried Eddie. Ted laughed then stated, "I took us to a random forest so we can do "couple stuff" "  David, Eddie, and Samuel all began to blush. The four got out the pick-up truck, and ran into the forest to do "Couple Things..."  Around an hour passed, and to sum things up.. thing started to get REALLY steamy between the two couples. The love making lasted for around 6 hours straight, it was insane...!

Suddenly, they all heard noises in the bushes..They all stopped what they were doing, and got dressed. The four of them stared at the bushes for around ten minutes, then finally a cute baby fox jumped out of the bushes!!! Eddie looked over at Ted..then gave him a death stare "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT..." stated Eddie in a strict tone.  Ted rolled his eyes then replied "I wasn't even thinking about hunting it!! I Swear, it is too fucking cute!!" Eddie rolled his eyes back "mmhmm, okay" replied a smug Eddie. The fox slowly approached David, David kinda started to freak out.. but remained calm. Samuel got terrified, and ran off to Ted's pickup truck, and jumped in the passenger seat.. What a pussy. The other three decided to head back to Ted's pickup, once they were getting in..they noticed something. The fox had followed them into the pickup truck... "AHH THE FOX IS IN THE TRUCK!!!" screamed Samuel loudly. David rolled his eyes, then stated "Shut up, Sammy! it is just a fox.."

It took literally over an hour.. but they finally got the fox out of the truck. The four of them finally started heading back to Eddie's and David's apartment complex. It took a fucking hour because they KEPT hitting traffic, but they finally got home. Eddie and David walked up to their room, Ted and Samuel followed to say goodbye. Samuel smiled, "Bye Eddie.. and whatever the other guys name was.. it was fun meeting you guys!!!!" stated Samuel in a preppy tone. "Uhh my boyfriends name is David.. but anyways.. Bye, I hope we can do this again, I had so much fun.. it was super sexy" replied Eddie. Ted, Samuel, Eddie, and David all disgusted the thought of having a Christmas party on the 25th, and they all agreed to have it at Ted's house, because why not. Once Ted and Samuel left, Eddie started calling all of his famous friends, telling them about the party, and David was gonna invite some of his famous Rehab friends!!... I wonder who is gonna show up???

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now