Welcome Home, assholes! {Part 12}

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{{So, this chapter takes place RIGHT after part 11, this chapter is mainly just more fluff, so don;t expect anything too important}}

Still Sunday: Eddie and David walk up to Alex's room, Eddie gulped, then knocked on the door. It took a few minutes, but Alex finally opened the door, and began to cry tears of joy.. "I WAS SO WORRIED THAT SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE THE BEST BROTHER ANYONE COULD HAVE ASKED FOR ((because he brings home the bank)) EDWARD!!!" cried Alex as he hugged Eddie. Eddie hugs his brother back, and begins to comfort him "It's okay.. I'm fine, David and I are back now. also, please don't call "Edward" it is embarrassing!!" stated Eddie in a calm tone. David was shocked.. He had no idea that Eddie's real name was "Edward" David began to softly giggle.  Alex and Eddie hugged, and Alex finally started to calm down. Then, David budded in "Eddie.. is your name really "Edward" ???" asked David, while trying not to laugh. Eddie smiled, "Yes, my name is Edward Lodewijk Van Halen.. I know it is a bit embarrassing"  replied Eddie. David smiled, and David struggled to hold back from laughing "What the hell does ""Lodewijk"" mean.. is that like some type of German cuss word??" asked David in a sarcastic tone . Eddie started to laugh really hard that statement, and finally replied "No, it means "Louis" in Dutch.. I'm Dutch. my family and I are from Amsterdam.. which is in Netherlands, did I or Alex NEVER tell you this??" David was shocked.. how the fuck did he NOT know that his beloved boyfriend was Dutch, David was ashamed in himself. "I am so sorry Eddie.. I seriously didn't know this... are you mad??" asked David in a worried tone.

Eddie hugged David, to comfort him "No, I am not mad, not at all! I am a little surprised through that neither of us told you.. But at least you know now!" stated Eddie. David hugged Eddie and laughed. Suddenly, Eddie kissed David on the cheek, and then kissed him on the lips. Alex watched, and gagged. Eddie stopped kissing David for a second, to give Alex a dirty look, then went back to kissing David. Once the two finished kissing, Alex invited them inside, and the two lovers accepted and walked into Alex's room. Eddie sat down on Alex's couch, right next to Michael, whom was downing a huge bottle of Jack Daniel's. Eddie started to laugh, "Hey..if you keep drinking that, you'll most likely die.." stated Eddie in  a partially serious, and partially joking tone. Michael rolled his eyes, and replied in an annoyed tone "Shut it, Edward.. At least I am not a coke-head like you're little" fruitcake"..."  Eddie got mad, and slapped Michael, Michael fought back,  and the two got into a violent physical fight. David and Alex just thought they were messing around until around 30 minutes later when they finally realized what was happening between Michael and Eddie, Michael's lip with was bleeding, and Eddie had a black eye.

David and Alex ran over,  but right when they got there, Michael punched Eddie really hard, causing the younger man to have concussion and pass out. David grabbed Eddie, and sat down on the couch, with Eddie in his arms. Michael began to tear up "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that.." apologized Michael. David rolled his eyes, and hugged Eddie more. "it's okay Michael.. just please don't do this again" demanded David in a strict tone. "I SWEAR.. I WON'T" replied Michael in a scared tone, as he was hugged on too Alex...worried as fuck. David kissed Eddie's unconscious head, and cuddled him tighter. Around 15 minutes had passed, and Eddie still didn't wake up, David got worried and insisted on calling an ambulance. The others agreed, and they called an ambulance. It took around 5 minutes too get there, and finally arrived. A medic walked over to the door, and knocked to ask what was wrong. The medic was shocked to see Alex Van Halen answer the door! Alex, Micheal, and David explained what happened. They all helped load Eddie on to the ambulance. The other three got a cab, and followed the ambulance to the hospital. Once the three got there, they were forced too sit in a waiting room while they rushed Eddie to the emergency room.  David was beyond worried, what if Eddie was somehow in a coma?? ((This chapter is somehow starting to accidentally sound like a duff-novoselic-starr fan fiction, you guys should check them out.. their fan fictions are much better than my crass. They are one of my main influences/supporters!!!))

Around an hour has passed, and nor David, Michael, Or Asshol- I mean Alex know anything about Eddie or his injury. David began to have a mini panic attack, and started to think of the worst. Finally one of Eddie's nurse walked out and explained that Eddie was okay, he is just suffering from a really bad concussion, and will be passed out for awhile. David was happy to know that Eddie was alive.. But David was still worried, he kinda wanted to stab Michael.. But they needed a bassist, so he couldn't...  why couldn't they be like The Doors.. and not have a set bass player?? That was when David remembered that The Doors were far superior.. ((Please don't fucking kill me, you-tube "music critic"  Become the Knight... Mike I am HUGE fan of you and Van Halen.. But The Doors are epic..))

David asked if he would stay in Eddie's room until he woke up, David walked over, and whisper's in the nurses ear about how Eddie and him were a gay couple.. At first she didn't believe him until David pulled out some photo's of him and Eddie together, kissing and shit. She believed him, and let him stay in Eddie's hospital room. David was so happy that he hugged the nurse, and walked over to Eddie's room. The nurse unlocked the door for David, and let him in. David sat down on the floor next to the hospital bed that Eddie was sleeping in. Eddie was hooked on to on an oxygen tank ((IDK how the fuck hospitals deal with people in severe unconsciousness..I'm not Brain Harold May.. So, I am just gonna exaggerate this shit like how Kim Kartrashian exaggerates her tits)) 

Suddenly (haha I like that word) another nurse interned the room, and questioned why David was there, David got worried, and tried explaining that he was Eddie's boyfriend.. But this nurse didn't understand "Just because you're a male friend of his.. doesn't mean you can be in here.." she snickered. David rolled his eyes, took a deep breath and explained more "No. Edward Lodewijk Van Halen and I David Lee Roth are in a romantic and sexual bond, known as a "relationship." "  explained David. The nurse finally got it through her peanut-sized brain that Eddie and David were a couple, and let David stay.  Around 2 hours  passed, David was really worried and began to cry, until he felt a hand touch his shoulder, David quickly turned around..it was Eddie he was awake. "I'm awake babe... what happened??" asked Eddie in a confused tone, David stood up and hugged Eddie (whom was sitting up in the bed) "OML I WAS SO WORRIED.. YOU WERE KNOCKED OUT FOR HOURS!!! I AM SO FUCKING GLAD THAT YOU'RE OKAY..OML!!!" explained David in preppy tone while crying tears of joy and hugging Eddie. A few minutes passed and the Nurses walked in and told Eddie he was fine to leave. They got Eddie checked out of the hospital. Once Eddie was checked out, the 4 band mates got a cab back to their apartment complex.

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now