The Day Of The Concert {Part 4}

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{{So this takes place right after Chapter 3, and it is hard to read without cringing, Warnings: Medium Smut}}

Tuesday: David randomly wakes up at 7 am in the morning, to take a shower, and notices that Eddie has his arm around him in bed. David Blushes, and then starts to feel bad. If he gets up to take a shower, he may wake up Eddie.. But David thought that he smelled horrible (t(o be more exact, Jack Daniels and Glitter))  So David got up to take a shower. David locked the bathroom door, stripped, and got into the shower. 

Around 15 minutes passes and Eddie slowly wakes up and notices that the bed didn't smell like Jack Daniels and Glitter anymore, so then he knew, David was gone. Eddie got a bit worried because of the fact that David almost tried to go ahead and jump, the day before. Eddie got up, and heard moaning noises in the bathroom, at first Eddie was afraid that David was cheating on him in the bathroom. So Eddie picked up a guitar string, and managed to get the lock on the bathroom door open.

Eddie walked in on David touching himself in the shower. Eddie started to blush and he screamed "WHAT THE HELL, DAVID?" and David looked back at Eddie through the shower glass like a deer in headlights. Finally, David responded while covering his *huge* junk "I'm so sorry you saw that, babe". Eddie's "virgin" eyes were no longer virgin. Eddie looked traumatized, and replied "While.. at least you're okay.." David smiled, "So you don't think I'm gross now?" David replied in a confused tone. "Not at all. My eyes have been trough a lot.. The amount of times I have seen Michael naked.. dear lord" Eddie replied while laughing. Then David started to laugh. "Seeing you nude is actually quite a refresher. I think it has cured my eyes from the amount of times I have seen Michael nude. You're really sexy" replied Eddie in a seductive tone

David blushed really bright "You are too.." replied the blonde haired most likely gay man known as David. Eddie blushed for the 2.9025973th time.. Eddie started to take his clothes off, David blushed trough the glass. Eddie finished taking all of his clothes off and got into the shower with David. The two of them started to hard-core make out, and it starts to escalate. David gets on his knees and starts to suck Eddie's "" Erect-ric Guitar."" Eddie and David really start to get into to it, but then suddenly...

"I REALLY NEED TO TAKE A HUGE HOT STEAMY SHIT!" yelled Michael from the other side of the door. "Then *moan* use the *moan*other bathroom *moan*" Eddie yelled back. "BUT ALEX IS PUTTING ON EYELINER IN THE OTHER BATHROOOOM, AND THAT'S REALLY IMPORTAAANT ALEX NEEDS LOOK SEXY FOR THE SHOW IN A FEW HOURS"  Eddie rolls his eyes and cringes. "Fine then, asshole" replies Eddie in an annoyed tone. David pulls his plump lips away from Eddie's "Erect-ric Guitar" and makes a cute pouty face. The two get out of the shower, and put on outfits they left in the bathroom for the show. As the two walk out of the bathroom, Michael looks at them confused, but then runs in the bathroom to take his huge hot steamy shit. 

"I am so sorry that got ruined" stated Eddie. "It's fine. At least we didn't really get caught.. Michael was too focused on his bowel movements." Replied David. Eddie laughed, and quickly kissed David on the lips, and starting playing with David's hair. "I've never said this to you before, but you have amazing hair" stated. David blushed, "Thank so much!" he replied. David hugged Eddie tightly... then there hug was interrupted. 

 Micheal busts out the the bathroom (with toilet paper hanging from his ass crack) "GUYS! I JUST TOOK THE BIGGEST CRAP EVER!" David and Eddie look at Michael, disgusted.. "I think I am gonna throw up.." stated David. Eddie ran over to the other side of the hotel suite, and got a trashcan for David to throw up in.  "Awww! Thank you so much baby- I mean buddy (holly)." David replied nervously. Thankfully, Michael was too much of an idiot to realize that David Just called Eddie "baby". Suddenly, David leans over the trash can and starts to throw up, Eddie quickly pulls David's beautiful hair back. David was so grateful.

Out of no where, Alex busts out of the bathroom door and screamed, "GUYS, I FINALLY FINISHED MY EYELINER! IT LOOKS PERFEC-" then Alex noticed the sight before him (David throwing up, Eddie holding David's hair back and playing with his hair, and Michael dancing around with toilet paper hanging from his ass crack. Alex just walks back into the bathroom and hides.  Finally,  David finished vomiting. "Are you okay, Davie?" Asked Eddie in a worried tone. "Yeah I'm fine" David replied.

((Ok time jump to the concert (which will be kinda rushed) because this chapter is getting longer than David's..uhh..Hair..Yeah his hair.. and it is 2 am))

The band walks out on stage, as David walked out he did a little jump on stage. "HEY BASTARDS, ARE YOU GUYS READY TO HERE OUR STUPID OVER-PLAYED SONGS!" the crowd cheered 

The band began to play "Hot For Teacher" and during the entire song, David and Eddie kept making romantic eye contact with  each other. Next, the band played "Panama" and Eddie and David kept making romantic eye contact. Finally, The band started to play "Jump!" this was their last song because David tried to do a dramatic Jump and ended up ripping his pants and hurting his foot, also the song gave Eddie horrible Vietnam flashbacks from when David almost jumped off the mall roof. Also Eddie's guitar solo is kinda shit in that song. 

The band packed all of their instruments up, as the crowd boo-ed.

As the band got into the limo that was gonna take them back to the hotel, Alex decided to try to start shit. "Great Job David, you ruined the show!" Alex snickered. "Hey, leave him alone.. it wasn't his fault" explained Eddie.  Alex leaned over David. ((whom was sitting between them, with Michael on the other side of Alex)) Alex slapped Eddie harshly, and Eddie started to fight back. After awhile, it turned into a full on fight, with Michael defending Alex. But David just sat there, and because of that. Alex got annoyed and punched David in the eye and knocked him out, which lead to him getting a black eye. "WHAT THE FUCK!" yelled Eddie, while catching David. "That's what he gets for ruining the show!" Alex snickered. "BUT HE WASN'T EVEN APART OF THE FIGHT, HE WAS JUST SITTING THERE!" Eddie snickered back.

Eddie picked up David, and moved him to a farther up seat. Then Eddie sat down next to David. "What the hell Eddie.. are you just gonna be a pussy and walk out of a fight like that?" Michael said in a bratty annoying tone.  Eddie rolled his eyes, and started cuddling David. Michael and Alex looked at each other, then looked back at Eddie and David. Michael and Alex started to whisper to each other. "Hey Eddie.. I'm sorry"said Alex. "Me too!" said Michael. "I forgive you guys" Eddie replied. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

They finally make it back to the hotel.

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now