Denial & Realization {Part 1}

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{{So, It is November 23rd. The band is spending the night at a fancy upper-class hotel in New York City. They are staying in a suite with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, and a main room (with TV, couch, chairs, tables, ETC. }}

Monday: Eddie sat down in a  red chair next to a coffee table and started to question his sexuality, and started thinking to himself. "I've never thought I was gay, but lately, I have been thinking about David a lot.. I mean he is beautiful, but I like chicks... and it's not like David looks like a chick, I mean he does have some pretty feminine features, but for the most part he still looks like a guy... I am so confused..." 

Eddie's train of thought was suddenly cut when he felt something hit his head, his brother Alex, had thrown a beer can at him.  "Hey, bro are you okay?" Alex asked in a worried tone. "What, yeah.. I'm fine, totally fine..." replied Eddie, in a nervous tone. Alex, of course was able to tell that something was wrong, but was also able to tell that Eddie seemed uncomfortable, so Alex left to go get more beer with Michael, because Alex threw his last can at Eddie (Dumb-ass). 

Eddie was starting to get really stressed, and was afraid that David was gonna find out, and wouldn't wanna hang out anymore, or even worse, he was afraid that Alex would be ashamed to be his brother if he were to find out.... Eddie started to break down in tears, he felt like a piece of shit, what if these feelings were gonna ruin EVERYTHING for him... Eddie put his head down on the table, with his arms covering his face, and continued to sob. 

Suddenly, Eddie heard a soft, but yet deep voice in his ear... "Are you alright?" asked a concerned David. Eddie slowly moved his arms away from his face, and it took him a few seconds to realize who it was, "Oh hi.. D-david.. and yeah I'm f-fine.." Eddie said while lifting his face up. David wasn't going to let Eddie lie to him like that, so David replied "You're obviously not alright.. what do you need, drugs, beer... whores???  Eddie started to tear up a little more.. and David started to feel a bit guilty, "d-did I say something bad, if so I apologize, I am a bit tipsy right now" stated David in a worried tone. Eddie turns around hugs David's torso, "No, you didn't say anything bad.." David started to look confused. "So, whats wrong?" asked David. 

Eddie takes a deep sigh "It is hard to explain, I've just been thinking about some stuff lately.."  David started to tear up a bit himself, it was difficult to see his friend like this. Suddenly, David got an idea. "Hey Eddie, do you wanna go shopping.. I could really use some new pants and hair spray" Eddie started to smile, "Sure!" he replied. Eddie got up and hugged David tightly, David hugged back. A few minutes pass and the two leave the Hotel room and start to walk down the hall, and that was when they saw Michael and Alex walking BACK to the room with the beer.  David decided to greet them,"Oh hey, Alex and Michael!" Alex looked at David and Eddie Confused. "Where are you two going?" asked a snicking Alex. "The Mall." replied David. "Can we come?" asked Michael and Alex . David looked at Eddie, then looked back at Michael and Alex "No, Sorry. I want some alone time with Eddie.." 

Alex and Michael started to walk back to the hotel room, and for some foolish reason,  Alex decided to yell "FAG" at David. As a result, David got embarrassed, but yet didn't deny the claim ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now