Trying to Get Better {Part 9}

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{{So, this is the morning after the last chapter. Also, it is the day of David's First Rehab session, and it is now December 1st!!!!}}

Friday: It is 9 am, and Eddie's alarm goes off. David quickly wakes up, and notices he is still spooning Eddie. After around 10 minutes of thinking, David finally figured out how to free himself without disturbing Eddie. David got up, and left Eddie's apartment room, to go to his. David walked over to his apartment room, opened the door and walked over to his wardrobe, it took awhile to pick something. David finally found a fancy suit and tie, and he wanted to know if it would fit him. David decided to just change in Eddie's room. So, David grabbed the outfit and walked back to Eddie's room, David knew that Eddie had a key underneath of welcome mat. David got the key, opened Eddie's door, and went back to Eddie's bedroom to change. As David was taking off his pants and undergarments, that's when Eddie decided to wake up. "Good morning bab-" Eddie quickly cut himself off when he realized David was changing in front of him, Eddie began to blush. David started to laugh, then snickered. "You act like you have never seen me fully nude before!" Eddie blushed more, and decided to change the subject ((Eddie was triggered that David's Erect-ric guitar was slightly longer than his)) "So, are you excited for you're rehab session?" asked Eddie. David started to put on the new clothes, then replied "I'm a bit nervous..but I really do wanna turn my life around.. mainly for you baby <3!"  Eddie blushed.

David finally finished putting the out on and yes it did fit him, so now that David had his outfit planned, it was time to get cleaned up. David took the outfit off, and walked over to Eddie's bathroom, and sat the outfit on the sink counter. "Hey Eddie, can I use your shower?" Eddie smirks, "Only if I can take a shower with you!" replied Eddie, pervertedly. David blushed, "Come on in!" yelled David at Eddie. So, Eddie grabbed a new outfit, Eddie took his clothes off, set them on the counter along with the new outfit and got into the shower with David ((for the second time)) The two began to make out, but that was the only sexual thing that happened, because Eddie knew that David needed to go to rehab, and he didn't want him to be tired.. or even worse, horny... the two showered for around 50 minutes then got out.  Eddie and David grabbed their new outfit off of the counter. The two got dressed, and then walked out of the bathroom, it was now around 10 am.

Eddie rubbed David's suit, which made David blush."Nice suit, David!" stated Eddie. David blushed more, "Thanks!" replied David. Eddies smiled, then asked "Hey David..can I style your hair?" David hesitated for a bit, because he loved his hair..But he loved Eddie more..So he agreed, "Sure Eddie..Why not!" Eddie walked back into the bathroom, and he grabbed some hair products and supplies, and set them on the counter. Eddie grabbed one of his chairs, and dragged it into the bathroom...Eddie was struggling, So David began to help him move the heavy chair. Once they got the chair in the bathroom, David sat in the hair. Eddie asked David to close his eyes, then he started styling David's hair. David was really nervous, he was afraid that Eddie was gonna fuck up his beautiful hair. After almost an HOUR of styling, Eddie was finally finished. David looked in the mirror.. and he was SHOCKED, by what he saw... he couldn't believe what Eddie had done...

David's hair looked AMAZING!! David had no idea how talented Eddie was when it came to styling hair. David got up and hugged Eddie, "My hair looks fantastic!" David stated in an excited tone. Eddie blushed, for like the 1 millionth time in this fan fiction. "I'm so glad you like it!" said Eddie it in a proud tone. David hugged Eddie tighter, Eddie started to hug tightly as well. The hug when on for around 30 minutes.. But then was suddenly interrupted when David glanced over at the clock, it was 11:30! "Fuck..Eddie we need to go to my my rehab session" Eddie grabbed David's hand, and they rushed out the door, and they got into Eddie's car. Eddie quickly drove David to his rehab session, the session was going to take 3 hours. Eddie was going to wait in the car, until David was done.

David checked in and walked into the meeting room. He was shocked to see that David Bowie, Robert Plant, and Freddy Mercury were there!  {{Let's ignore the fact that David Bowie, Robert Plant, and Freddy Mercury are from Tea Country.. this is my stupid fan fic..not yours!}} The Session lasted for so fucking long! it took an extra ten minutes because Robert Plant plant was so drunk that he started sharing weird things that he wanted to do to his guitarist, Jimmy Page.. The things he shared were very, very..VERY sexual.. and made David wanna shoot himself, but yet he loved his Eddie too much to pull a Kurt Cobain! After the session, David walked over the bathroom..He opened the door to walk on David Bowie and Mick Jagger in the act. Bowie and Mick Jagger screamed, and quickly stopped when they saw Roth. David (Lee Roth) ran off.. and Just took a piss outside. Finally, David made it back to Eddie's car, and quickly got in the passenger seat.

"So.. How was the session?" asked Eddie curiously. "uhh.. Good.. but some weird shit happened.." replied David in a traumatized tone. "What happened? You can explain it on the drive. " stated Eddie, as he started the car and started to drive. David explained all of the weird shit that happened, once Eddie got to the Drunk Robert thing, Eddie couldn't help but to bust out into laughter. David was laughing too, "That isn't even the best part, I also walked in on David Bowie and Mick Jagger having sex!" stated David. "GOD.. you poor thing, you witnessed so much!" stated Eddie in concerned tone. "Yeah.. still better than seeing Michael nude!" replied David. Eddie started laughing so hard, that he almost crashed the car into a stop sign, which scared the fuck out of David. A few minutes passed of the two joking about how fucking repulsive Michael is, the two finally made it back to their apartment complex, and walked back to Eddie's room. Also..David was scared for his next rehab session next week, but he had to do it for himself and Eddie...

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now