Fixing Things {Part 11}

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{{So, this chapter takes place right after chapter 10, it is the next day. Eddie wants to badly apologize to Tony and the others for just ditching them. P.S If you enjoy this fan fic you will most likely enjoy @thayer_fan_102   's Gene Simmons x Paul Stanley Fan Fiction, it is amazing. This Chapter of "Just like paradise"  is connected to their newest Chapter of "Gene x Paul"}}

Sunday: The two lovers ended up waking up a little later than usual, it was 10 am. When Eddie woke up, he noticed that David was already up, and standing by the motel phone, and he seemed pretty excited... "What is it, David my love??" asked Eddie. David smiled brightly, then replied "PAUL STANLEY IS HOSTING A PARTY, AND I AM INVITED!!!" Eddie smiled back, "Am I invited?" David walked over and hugged Eddie, then stated "Of course you are! I hate being away from you!!" although, David really didn't want Eddie possibly cheating on him with Tony. Eddie got out of bed, and put on some nice clothes with David. The two got in a cab, and went to the party. Once they got there, Paul got mad at Eddie for showing up because he wasn't invited....

{{Fast Forward to after the party..}}

The party was weird...The members of Queen were there, and Freddie kept trying to hit on David, and David kept having to explain that he was already in a relationship..But if you have watched the movie "Bohemian Rhapsody" you would know that Freddie didn't always like it when people he liked got into relationships.. *cough* Mary Austin and David Wigg *cough*  Also, John Richard Deacon (Born August 19, 1951) pissed on the floor..then everyone else started to piss on the floor. Paul kept dissing Eddie, and that #triggered David..So the two left earlier, and got a cab back to the motel. At least Eddie got a really cool picture with Gene Simmons!!!! (Ignore the fact that Eddie looks like a frog that got hit by a car)


Once they got back to there motel room Eddie stated that he needed to call someone

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Once they got back to there motel room Eddie stated that he needed to call someone. Eddie on the phone: "Hey Tony.. I'm really sorry for ditching you and other guys..Just remember when you got drunk and kissed me? Well.. my beloved David saw, and then ran off.. Tony, I really want to start hanging out with you again..But you need to understand that I am in a HAPPY relationship, and I don't want your ass trying getting drunk, and trying to kiss me with your crusty ass lips in clubs.. CAPEESH?!!" Tony had just woken up on Ozzy's couch, and picked up the phone and heard Eddie's rant. Tony was suffering from a really bad hangover..He barely knew what the fuck happened, all he knew is that he woke up in Ozzy's house, and that Eddie was ticked off. Tony on the phone: "Wait..what happened.. Sorry dude I can't remember ANYTHING from last night at the club... How do you know it wasn't all just a bad dream?? I wouldn't kiss someone who was in a relationship..and plus I am dating Joh- I mean Ozzy!" Eddie got annoyed by Tony's response, but had to stay sane, with his reply. Eddie on the phone: Look..It did Happen.. I know I sounded mad, but I am wasn't your fault, just please don't get in the way of David and I's relationship again.. Capeesh?" Tony apologized and agreed, Then Eddie hung up. Although Tony didn't really believe Eddie..did he really get THAT drunk..? 

Suddenly.. Ozzy walked over, crying to Tony..with an angry look on his face, then stated "W-WhAT T-HE F-FUCk  T-T-TOoNY!! I T-TRUSsTED YOU..H-hOW DA-ARE Y-YOU K-KISZ Ed-EDIE!!!!!!!" Of course..what Ozzy just said looked illegible as fuck..But Tony understood every single word..Eddie wasn't lying about them kissing.. "I know.. I am really sorry babe..I was drunk, and I believe I had mistaken him for you" stated Tony. Ozzy started to tear up a little less.. Tony pulled Ozzy on the couch, and the two began to make out. Things were finally fixed between them...

Eddie crawled into the bed with David, and started cuddling him. David began to blush, David turned around and kissed Eddie on the lips. "Thanks for settling things with Tony..I was worried" stated David, Eddie smiled then replied "I needed to let him know that I was YOUR property, but I also wanted to let him know that I didn't hate him.." David smiled and hugged Eddie, then stated "You're so mature, I love the way you deal with issues and drama!" Eddie blushed, then replied "Thanks.. I try, but sometimes it is difficult...Some people make it difficult.." David frowned and hugged Eddie more, then David nervously asked "Am I one of those people..?" Eddie picked David up and kissed him, then replied "certainly not!" David blushed, and kissed Eddie back. Eddie carried David to the bed, and laid him down. Then Eddie got on the bed, the two of them began to make out. David and and Eddie began to strip, and then they started to have very loud hard rough gay ( ͡sʘe ͜ʖ ͡ʘx

Michael and Alex managed to make it back to the apartment complex last night, and they both spent the night in Alex's room. The two have since woken up, and they are worried as fuck about Eddie and David. Alex  sat down, and started to cry in the corner... Michael quickly ran over and asked what was wrong, and Alex replied "Everything!!! What happened to my brother..I may not show it ALL of the time, but I do care about him....What if.. he is dead???!!!" Alex began to cry more. Michael sat down next to Alex, and hugged him then tried to comfort Alex "It is gonna be okay..I guaranteed that Eddie is perfectly fine, it probably just ran off to have some faggot festival with David..." stated Michael. Alex began to tear up less, and tightly hugged Michael, then asked in a nervous tone "Do you really think they are okay..?" Michael smiled, and replied "I know they are okay.. there is no way that Eddie would let something happen to David.." Alex grinned, then added on "Yeah..Your right, Eddie loves David WAAAAAAAAAY too much to let something happen..lets just wait until they come back..." Michael agreed, and the two sat on the Alex's couch.

Around 2 hours have passed, and Eddie and David got interrupted by a knock on the door. "You guys need you check out..It is 3 pm, also, you guys have gotten some noise complaints.." stated one of the hotel employees. Eddie sighed, then asked "Can we have like 10 more minutes..just so we can get kinda caught us at a bad time..." The Worker agreed. Eddie and David got dressed, then checked out. The two lovers got a cab back to their apartment complex.

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now