The Next Day {Part 7}

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{{So, this chapter takes place RIGHT after part 6 (since it is the next day) BTW, in the photo I used, David's ass looks better than most female super models! ALSO, I wonder what Eddie is staring at?? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) }}

Thursday: Eddie wakes up at 8 am due to his phone ringing, he picks it up to see who the fuck was calling him so early! Of course, it was David..So Eddie HAD to be nice..Even though he was tired and pissed. Eddie talks into the phone "Good Morning sweetheart, is something wrong?" there was award silence for a second, then David finally nervously replied "Yeah.. So I put on a pair of tight leather pink cheetah print pants..but they are too tight and will NOT come off..I need help..sorry.." Eddie starts to laugh, then replies "Okay, I'll be there soon babe!" Eddie leaves his room, and starts walking over to David's room.

Eddie knocks on Davids door. "The door is already opened, babe!" David yelled. Eddie opened David's door, and walked in.  David yelped in pain,"HEEEEEEEEEELP" Eddie ran over, started to help David take his pants off. "OUCH, THAT HURTSSS!" David yelped. Eddie felt bad that he was hurting his man, but David needed help with taking his stupid pants off. David kept whining, but then finally, Eddie got them off. David blushed and hugged Eddie. David backed up, and looked nervous. "Whats wrong babe..did I hurt you???" Eddie asked in a concerned tone. David gulped, then replied, "No.. I just lied to you...The pants weren't too tight to take off.." Eddie looked at David confused, then asked "Then why did you want me here???" David blushed, and then stated "Because.. I missed you..badly.." Eddie blushed, then replied "I missed you too..I could barely sleep last night without you..."  David looked down at Eddie, and then hugged him tightly. "I love you so fucking much!!!" stated David to Eddie.  Eddie hugged David back, and replied "I love you so fucking much too!!" The two hugged for around ten minutes, then sat down on David's couch.

Alex finally wakes up, he had a horrible hangover. Alex tries to get out of his bed, but then just falls on his face. Alex gets up, and goes to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. As Alex was making coffee, he heard a loud knock on his door. Alex stopped making his coffee, and walked over and opened the door. It was Michael.. Michael looked really nervous. "Uhh..Michael.. you alright???" asked a nervous Alex. Michael bit his lip.. then teared up, Alex started to get really worried. Suddenly, Michael spit it out, "I LOVE YOU, ALEXANDER!" yelled Michael. Alex had a confused look on his face then replied "I love you too,'re like my best friend..!" Alex blushes.. then corrects Alex " I want to be with you.. I have feelings for you.." Alex started to blush, then replied.. "Michael.. I think I have feelings for you as well.." Michael blushed bright, then asked "Is that you.. or the alcohol talking.." Alex laughed, then replied "I am a bit hungover, but it is ME talking" Alex leaned in and kissed Michael.

Eddie and David are still sitting on David's couch. Suddenly, David started to lean on Eddie, and began cuddling him. Eddie started to blush, then David brushed his hand over Eddie's crotch. Eddie began to have an "anime nose bleed", David quickly moved his hand. David looked at Eddie and asked in a worried tone "Are you okay..babe.." Eddie looked into Davids Eyes and replied "Yeah..I'm good" David walked over to the bathroom, grabbed some tissues, then walked back to the couch with Eddie. David started to clean up Eddie's nose bleed. It took around 10 minutes for Eddie's nose to stop bleeding. David threw the tissues away, and then hugged Eddie. "You alright?" asked David. Eddie hugged David back, and then replied "Yeah I'm all good now! Thank you so much, babe..although I am bit light headed..." Eddie start to lean on David's shoulder. David started to get a bit worried.. But let Eddie lay there for a bit. Ten minutes passes, and Eddie gets up. "You alright babe?" asked David. Eddie Smiled and then replied "Yeah, I feel fine now..Sweetheart.." David smiled back. 

Then, David began to frown, and started scratching his arm. David walked over to a table, and pulled out a razor blade, and started to cut something on the table. Eddie looked over confused, then David pulled out a straw, and started to snort it.. That's when Eddie realized.. David was doing cocaine. Eddie began to tear up a bit..what if David over-dosed AGAIN. Eddie ran over and pushed David to the floor. David slightly sat up, and asked in a ticked off tone "What the fuck did you do THAT for!" Eddie didn't reply.. Then Eddie began to tear up.. David began to feel guilty. Eddie started to hug David, tightly.. Then stated "David..I love you so fucking much.. and I don't wanna loose you..Please quit the cocaine!" David sighed, and started to tear up himself, then replied "Eddie my love.. I need cocaine to keep myself ALIVE!, I know it is bad but I need it, it makes me happy!!!!" Eddie teared up more and crossed his arms, then replied "Am I not good enough..Do you seriously need cocaine to keep you satisfied?" David sighed and then hugged Eddie. Eddie blushed, and hugged David Back. "I'll try to quit..for you" stated David.

Eddie smiled, and hugged David tighter. Then Eddie replied "I'm sorry if I was a little rude or harsh.. I just really don't wanna loose you. I really love you.." David blushed then hugged Eddie even tighter, and kissed his neck. "I don't wanna loose you either.." replied David in soft tone. Eddie picked up David, and lead him to couch again. The two cuddled for awhile, then David started to get tired, and feel asleep in Eddie's lap (UwU!) Eddie was still really worried about David's addiction..Eddie really hoped that David would quit. Eddie wanted to spend the rest of his life with David, and wanted David to be safe and healthy.. Eddie gulped and started playing with David's amazing hair. 

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now