Heading Home {Part 6}

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{{Sorry for huge delay, a lot has been going on in my personal life lately. Also, this Part was originally a lot darker, so I lightened it up a bit. So now it is a bit shorter!!!}}

{{So, the band are waking up, and they are heading off to the airport for their flight back home)

Wednesday: David wakes up at 5:am , while being cuddled by Eddie. "Man, Eddie is so fucking cute. I am so fucking lucky!" David thought to himself. David leaned in a kissed Eddie's still sleeping head, then David kissed Eddie's lips. Eddie quickly wakes up, and smiles at David. "Good morning, sweetheart" David whispered to Eddie. Eddie deeply blushed, then asked "D-did you just call me "sweetheart?" David smiled at Eddie, "Y-yes..do you have a problem with it??" David replied nervously. Eddie leaned in closer and dramatically kissed David. The Kiss went on for around 5 minutes, until Eddie pulled away. "So, I guess you don't mind if I call you sweetheart?" Eddie blushed, "Nope not at all!...Sweetheart!"

{20 minutes passes. The whole band is finally awake, and they rushed to the airport, they are are getting on their 1st class flight. The band quickly gets into their fancy as fuck 1st class seats. Sitting: Eddie and David are sitting next to each other, and Alex and Michael are sitting next to each other, because this fan fic is cliche AF}

"Man, this plane sure is fancy.." stated David. Michael smiled, then jokingly, replied "I hope we don't end up like Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper!" The entire band just stared at Michael, then Eddie gets scared and curls up with David. Alex slaps Michael across his stupid, alcoholic head. Eddie tries to curl up with David more, but suddenly Eddie's knee accidentally pushed down on David's dick, leading David to let out a moan in pain. Eddie quickly noticed what he did, and apologized "I am so fucking sorry, David".. Eddie hugged David tightly. David hugged Eddie back, "It's fine, honey" David replied. Then the two kissed.

Michael and Alex looked at each other..Then blushed, Alex and Michael looked at each other, blushing for around 4 minutes, then looked away, nervous.  Eddie and David look over at Michael and Alex and start laughing. "You two really like each other, don't you?" David snickered. Alex crosses his arms, and starts to blush. "I'm not a fucking gay.. I swear" snickered Alex back. David rolled his eyes, and replied "If you're not, then why do you keep letting Michael stick is penis in your-" David was quickly cut off by the pilot on the mic explaining the rules for the flight, after the pilot explained the rules for what felt like hours, and the engine for the plane started, and the band calmly put their seat belts on {Because safety is important, children}

Suddenly, the plane engine started, and the plane started to take off.

Eddie got scared, and started to cuddle up in David's hair. David began to comfort Eddie, and hugged him. Alex and Michael started to laugh their asses off! Eddie was being such a gay little pussy! Eddie started to hug David tighter every time the plane got higher, David blushed and kissed Eddie on the forehead. Alex gagged, and pulled a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his pocket, and started drinking away. Michael's eyes lit up once he saw that Alex brought Jack fucking Daniels on the plane, Michael knew he was in love..but not with the Jack Daniels.. Michael was in love with the man who was drinking the Jack Daniels, Keith Rich- I mean Alexander Van Halen! "Hey, can I please have some of that?" asked Michael. Alex hesitated, but then kindly replied  "Sure, why not!" then the both of them started drinking away. 

Eddie had sweetly fallen asleep in David's hair (UwU soft bean uwu soft boy OwO!) Once again, David started to think about how proud he was to be with Eddie, he was so fucking cute, and really sweet and thoughtful, but most importantly.. Eddie has a huge... Electric guitar.. yeah Electric guitar! Eddie was also really good at playing with it! David hoped that one day, him and Eddie would get married, and would get to play with around with Eddie's Electric Guitar! ((Not to be confused with Eddie's "Erect-ric Guitar" David already played with that.. Twice)) But then David remembered, gay marriage wasn't quite a common thing yet, and that they were gonna get judged if they even tried, but yet.. David wasn't THAT worried, I mean he was in one of the stupidest rock bands in music history.. People already judged the hell out of him. But yet, David really loved Eddie..and wanted to be with him forever!

Alex started to get pretty drunk, and started making out with Michael. Then suddenly, Alex grabbed Michael's crotch. Michael blushed, and quickly moved Alex's hand. Alex pulled away from the kiss and stated "I love you, babe..." to Michael. Michael blushed, even through he was aware, that it wasn't Alex who was talking.. It was the Jack Daniels talking. But Michael wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. Michael hated the fact that he had to get Alex drunk in order for Alex to actually appreciate him.. Sometimes Michael honestly felt like he was raping Alex, I mean he had Alex's consent..well Alex's drunken consent, Michael wanted Alexander Van Halen, not Alexander Van Drunken. Suddenly, Alex passed out and fell onto Michael. Michael quickly propped Alex up, and started cuddling him, Michael signed and started playing with Alex's hair.  

{{A few ours has passed, and the plane had landed. The band got off the plane, the band got a cab from the airport to their apartment complex. Each member went to their rooms and started to unpack their suit cases. They were all happy to finally be back home, and Eddie was happy that they had much better luck flying  than,Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper. Home Sweet Home! Then they all fell asleep because they were fucking tired from the flight.}}

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now