Christmas Love Fest!!! {Part 14}

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{{So, this takes place 11 days after chapter 14, so it is the 25 of December!! (aka Christmas, and Yes I know David Lee Roth is mainly Jewish, but lol)  at Ted Nugent's Mansion and yes, I know guys..this chapter is a little on the late side, .. but i have been busy because of the holidays, sorry!!!}} 

Wednesday:  Eddie and David are getting ready for Ted Nugent's Christmas party tonight, it is 12: pm, and the party starts at 6: pm, Ted claimed there will be a TON of rockers there..Even the Black Sabbath guys ((P.s, I just really fucking like Black Sabbath)) This thought made David worried.. because you know.. the night at the club..with Tony and Eddie. Eddie and David have been dating for such a short period of time, but David was pretty sure that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Eddie... and he didn't want some crusty ass missing finger-tipped metal SG play'n hippie to get in the way of their homo love. Ted said that Kiss will also be there since him and gene get along well.. and so will Zeppelin, Stones, Queen, and a few others. David is hoping that this Christmas part will just turn into a giant gay "love fest"  with glitter and lotion..... David wants there to be lotion so Ozzy doesn't get fucking dehydrated while kissing Tony... Totally not for dirty reasons.. this is a Christian Fan Fic (....Said by no one) 

David and Eddie have already showered, (together, of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Now, David and Eddie were trying to pick something to wear..It was a lot more difficult now since they now lived together, and shared outfits. David picked out this sparkly pink tight suit, David changed into to it, then asked for Eddie's opinion. "Hey Eddie.. does this look good on me?" Asked David in a worried tone (he thought the suit made him look fat, kinda like Axl Rose now.) Eddie turned around, and blushed. Eddie walked over and grabbed David's ass, "it looks amazing on you..especially your ass.." stated Eddie. David blushed, and thanked Eddie, then the two hugged and kissed.  after the two of them got fully dressed, and put on a shit ton of make up, it was around 1 pm. 

Alex and Michael also moved into one room together, and they had also just finished up getting ready. Alex and Michael walked up to Eddie and David's room, once they got there they knocked on the door. David quickly answered, and hugged Alex and Michael, then Michael and Alex entered Eddie and David's room. Michael admittedly sat down on the couch, and starting drinking a mini bottle of Jack Daniels, that he pulled out of his pocket. David, being the social butterfly that he was...didn't like the random silence, so he decided to break it. "So, how has everyone been lately??" asked David is a cheery, upbeat tone. Alex sat down next to Michael, and the two smiled at each other, then began to hold hands, revealing a ring on Alex's finger. "Well...Michael proposed to me!!" stated Michael in an extremely excited tone. David and Eddie both stood there in shock..the two barely started dating,but yet.. they use to hook-up all of the time... oml what is happening. David and Eddie hugged Michael and Alex, Congratulating them. The four of them were so happy..that they all burst into tears...ruining their makeup. Alex pulled Eddie aside, and started to get a little smug, then whispered. "Sooooo, Edward..when are you gonna propose to your little Fruitcake" Eddie stood there in shock, he didn't wanna rush things with David.. but yet he loved him so much. Finally, Eddie was able to reply. "Not anytime soon.. I wanna keep things slow with David..and plus, I wanna save up money too get him a reeeaaaaalllly nice ring" stated Eddie. Alex just grinned, and walked away.  The four of them went to the bathroom to fix their makeup.

((Time Jump to the party, because it is 3 am.))

The four of them arrived at Ted's house, they were all welcomed and let in. It took around an hour for the party to really get full. Mainly famous rock stars showed up, including Queen, Elton John, David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Kiss,  Led Zeppelin, and uh... Black Sabbath. A guest that NOBODY was expecting was Debbie Harry..just Debbie Harry..but not her band, Blondie. Suddenly, Pat Benatar walked up behind her, and the two began to make was really fucking hot... After that, Mick Jagger and David Bowie started shagging in the middle of the was lovely, then same thing happened with Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.. and quite a few others. It was super hot..but David was feeling a little sick, so ran to the bathroom to throw up. Eddie attempted to follow David, to help keep his amazing hair back..But Eddie was stopped by a familiar voice. 

"Heeeeeeey Eddie!!! It's me Tony Iommi... I had no idea you and your little fruitcake were coming..and I bet it won't be the last time tonight!" stated Tony. Eddie busted out into laughter because forced sex jokes/references are funny kids, just ask Seth MacFarlane! Eddie and Tony hugged, then sat down on the couch with Ozzy and started talking about life. Around 40 minutes had passed, and Eddie started to worry about David. Tony started to notice that Eddie was acting weird, "Hey Eddie.. are you seem nervous" asked Tony in a concerned tone. Eddie got up, "I need to go check something.." muttered Eddie. Eddie quickly ran off to check on David, before Tony could even blink. Eddie banged on the bathroom door, it took around 5 minutes, but then David finally opened it. Eddie rushed in, and shut the door, and started to comfort David, "Hey David.. are you alright??" asked a concerned Eddie. David blushed, and then sighed "I wasn't actually feeling sick...I lied, I really just felt over whelmed.." stated David. Eddie hugged David tightly, and manged to calm him down. The two walked out of the bathroom, back to the living room.. and everyone was rather drinking, talking, making out, or doing god knows what.

Suddenly, the song "Beast of Burden" by the Rolling stones came on, and lights dimmed down. All of the couples began to slow dance..or make out. Eddie and David started to dance, but it was difficult because only David knew how to actually dance. Eddie ended up stepping on David's feet like 80 million times, but David was so in love that he didn't care. Once the song ended, everyone went make to whatever the fuck they were doing before.. But not Eddie and David, the two started to make out like there was no fucking tomorrow...But then a fight started to break out.. interrupting. 

Michael started to get drunk, and he threw a empty Jack Daniels bottle at Keith Richards, which #triggered Keith, because he wanted it to be full..since he is Keith Richards. After that, everyone besides Eddie, David, Tony, and Ozzy lost their fucking minds... there was Blood, Hair, Sweat, Tears, and Liquor flying EVERYWHERE! Also, John Richard Deacon (August 19, 1951) pissed on the floor like 20 times, because he was afraid that his Freddie daddy was gonna get hurt. Robert Plant got really drunk, and stood on a coffee table, and started singing about how he wanted to suck Jimmy Page's Erect-ric Guitar. Pat Benatar and Debbie Harry stopped fighting everyone, and started to do hot lesbian shit again, because why not at this fucking point. After like 4 hours of pure fighting between everyone..things turned quite gay again!! (in more ways than one)) David Bowie made everyone smoke some pot, because 420 blaze it and because it calmed everyone down.

Everyone just kept partying, and partying... for HOURS. once 3: am hit, everyone was passed out..and fallen asleep. David and Eddie were all curled up with each other all innocently and sweet.. well everyone else was just knocked out in the weirdest ways.. Like Gene Simmon's tongue was licking Paul Stanley's ass.. but on second thought.. I think that was on purpose. Also.. Robert Plant's mouth was on Jimmy Page's Coc- you know what, for my own sanity.. I am NOT going to finish that sentence, even through Jimbert is hot. Merry late as fuck Christmas everyone!! and Happy late as fuck New Years!!!

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now