Eddie's Extremely Hot & Sexy Birthday {Part 16}

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((HAPPY LATE AS FUCK BIRTHDAY, EDDIE. So, some time has passed. It is now January 26 (aka EDDIE'S BIRTHDAY) this is gonna be Eddie's 24th birthday, since this fan fic is mid 70s to early 80s time era, and also because I like the numbers 2 and 4. David and Eddie did get into a small fight on New Years..because Eddie went out drinking with Tony Fucking Iommi and Ozzy Osbourne ((BTW.. Ozzy just got diagnosed with Parkinson's  disease.. please go give him some support!))  But David and Eddie made up! and drank 69 bottles of Jack Daniels together to celebrate..they were gonna drink 70..but Keith Richards and Michael Anthony stole the 70th bottle!!1!11!! Also, Eddie and David attended Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley's marriage..it was beautiful!))

Sunday~ it is 9 am, and Eddie is still asleep. David is awake planing for Eddie super hot and homo birthday party, David invited a few rock 'n roll friends...including Tony..yuck. David didn't WANT to invite Tony..but he knew that him and Eddie were amazing friends.. and he had too..ugh!  David had to be super-duper quite, because he didn't want his sexy little Eddie to wake up, while he was planning! Around 2 hours had passed, and David had all of the planning done. David had set it up at Billy Idol's house, because he didn't want Tony's germs in their apartment, and why not. Also, Michael and Alex offered to help with planning..so things got done A LOT quicker. Micheal and Alex got a taxi to bring them too Billy Idol's house to help Billy with decorating. The Epic Surprise Party was gonna start at 6 pm..and was gonna end at... who knows?. David was glad that they had left.. because David wanted to wake up Eddie to a sexy surprise- 

David had bought some super-hot lingerie the night before, David began to put on the super-hot lingerie. Once he finished, it was now 12 am. The feminine blonde man walked into the bedroom, and jumped on Eddie. David began to kiss Eddie's neck..It took around 5 minutes..but then Eddie woke up. "Good Morning babe, and Happy Birthday" stated David. Eddie blushed, and quickly sprung up..and that was when he noticed what David was wearing, and blushed deeper. "T-t-thank you babe.. and lovely outfit" said Eddie, as he grabbed David's thick ass. David moaned as Eddie grabbed his rear, then seductively replied "I bought it just to impress you, babe" David blushed, then place his hand on Eddie's chest. "Well...it definitely worked.." stated Eddie in a sexy tone. After Eddie said that..David couldn't help it anymore..and the two began to make out..which lets just say..it later escalated..by a lot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Around 3 Hours had passed of Eddie and David making hot gay homo love. David and Eddie were really into it..but then the stupid phone rang! David apologized to Eddie, then went to the living room the take the call..It was Michael and Alex with a list of people who were attending..it was pretty much the same list that Ted and Sammy had for the Christmas party. It made David wonder..What the fuck are all of these random 60s/70s/80s Rock Stars doing..like how are NONE of them on tour..and why are ALL of them gay..even the females? That was when David Lee Roth remembered that he was sadly a Character in a stupid gay Wattpad fan fiction written by a Teenage girl, whom has no life. Come'on guys.. I HAD to break the 4th wall at SOME point in this sin of a story, I did it in my Beatles fan fiction like 10 times!!!1!!!!!

Once Alex and Crackhead-I mean Micheal finished reading off every name on the list, David approved all of them..then hung up so he could continue doing gay shit with Eddie. David and Eddie continued to make out some more, this lasted for around 30 minutes. Then the two lovers decided to cuddle for awhile, Eddie began to play with David's hair. "You're like a Diamond, Dave" said Eddie in a sweet tone, David blushed deeply and kissed Eddie passionately on the lips. Then the two began to get pretty hungry, David wanted to take Eddie to a fancier restaurant, since it was his beloved Eddie's 24th birthday. 

Eddie and David decided to go to this fancy Italian restaurant that was a few blocks away. David had been saving up money for Eddie's special day, so they could eat somewhere better, unlike Domihoes or Pizza Slut. Eddie and David got dressed, since they were still naked because gay. The two just walked, they were spending way to much money on Taxi's lately. On the walk, the two just talked about life, and their feelings. It took around 20 minutes, but the two finally got to the restaurant. Thankfully, it wasn't very busy, it only took them a little over 5 minutes to be seated. 

{~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓭𝓲𝓼𝓮~} Eddie Van Halen x David Lee RothWhere stories live. Discover now