Preference #41: "Gold Rush" - Ed Sheeran

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Smoke alarm went off at 9 
I woke up, wiped the sleep out of my eyes
She left a note “I’ll be back in 5”
Well, I’m still waiting for that moment to arrive

Waking up to a loud, repetitive beeping at nine in the morning was not a pleasant occurrence for Calum. With a groan, he rolled over, stretching before he sat up and sleepily rubbed his eyes. He reached over, trying to hit the alarm beside his bed to turn it off, but that was when he realized that the noise wasn’t coming from the alarm.

"Fuck!" He cursed, standing up quickly to run down the stairs and into the kitchen, where a dark grey smoke was clouding the room. He found the source -which was a short circuited outlet- and unplugged everything from it before pulling a chair from the kitchen table to stand on in order to reach the rather tall ceiling and turn off the smoke alarm.  

"(Y/n)!" He called once he had successfully turned it off and placed it back on the ceiling. "Why didn’t you turn the smoke alarm off, babe?"  

He waited a moment, and the only response he received was silence.  

"(Y/n)?" He called once more, stepping down off the chair and moving it back to it’s original spot, sending a quick glance over at the outlet that was now stained black before he made his way up the stairs. He headed back into the room you two shared, thinking that maybe you were still asleep, since you were quite a deep sleeper sometimes.  

When he got back to the room, he was met with an empty bed, the blankets thrown off of it from where he had jumped out of it and ran downstairs only moments earlier.  

Walking closer to the bed, he saw a note laying on your pillow, a frown making it’s way to his lips as his eyes skimmed over the paper, the handwriting he knew as well as he knew his own written sloppily across it.  

"I’ll be back in 5! xx"  He read out loud to himself, instantly wondering where you could have gone so early in the morning.  

He set the note on the bedside table, before he pulled the blanket back onto the bed, doing a sloppy job at making it, but still making it to say the least.  

In all of the excitement of waking up in the morning to the smoke alarm going off, he was still shocked that he hadn’t noticed the lack of your warmth next to him.  

He walked over to his closet, pulling out a random shirt and a pair of sweats, deciding that he’d just wait for you to come home. He assumed that you had probably just gone to the store, or maybe you went for a jog, the morning air always seeming to put you in a good mood.  

But now, hours after he had found the note, the smoke now all vented out from the back door, he was still waiting for you to return.  

"Where could she be?" He asks himself, staring down at his phone with fingers hovering over your name. He wanted to call you so badly, not because he didn’t trust you, but because he was worried maybe something had happened to you.

He quickly pressed your name and hit the send button, chewing nervously on his bottom lip as he listened to dial tones, each seeming to last longer then the one before it.  

"C’mon, (y/n)! Answer your phone!" He muttered, his stomach doing flips at the thought of something being wrong with you. But as he continued to listen, hopeful that maybe it was just taking you a bit to pick up the phone, he felt his heart drop into his stomach when he was met with your voice mail.  

"Where the hell is she?" He said to no one but himself, locking his phone and setting it next to him with a sigh.  

I was told to put my job in front of you
But it won’t hold me like you do

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