Preference #31:How You Two Meet

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Luke~ Online

About a year ago Luke Hemmings followed you on twitter and started to D.M. you. After a month of direct messaging you two became close. You guys eventually exchanged phone numbers. A few months later you and Luke were really close and he considered you kind of like a girlfriend, but he was has been on tour and you guys have never officially met in person. He tried to Skype you everyday, but that was the most you two have been to physically close. It was around the time Luke usually calls and you were just finishing cleaning your room. You hear your laptop ring you were quick to answer it.
“Hey Y/N.” Luke said with a giant smile.

“Hiiiii!” you sang with a bigger smile

"I have got a surprise for you!" he sang, biting on his lip ring.

"You do?" you asked slightly confused.

"The boys and I are coming to LA for a bit to work on some new songs and they are gonna let us come to your city to hang out for a couple days!" he almost screamed with excitement.

You were almost to shocked to reply. You never actually thought you would be able to meet Luke. You smiled and with all the excitement in you, all you could say was you couldn’t wait. The rest of the night you and Luke worked out the details of him.

About two weeks later you were standing in the airport waiting for Luke to get off. You were some jeans and a loose maroon shirt. You looked down at your phone and Luke texted that he had just landed. You were waiting at the terminal for Luke. A few minutes have pasted and you haven’t seen Luke yet. Then you felt two arms wrap around you. You turned around with his hands still around your waist. You look up and see Luke with the biggest smile on his face. He leans down and kisses you on the cheek.

“I have been waiting to see you.” he whispers smiling into your cheek.

Your wrap your arms around his neck.

“Me too.” you breathe.

You and Luke faintly heard the screams of fans coming to greet you guys.
“As much as I love hugging you, the fans are coming so we have to go talk to them.” he told you.
You nodded and walked to the crowd of fans and greeted them

Calum~ Walking Dogs

“See you in a bit!” you said to her neighbor. You took the last dog you and put the end of the leash in your hand. Every Saturday you take the dogs on your block for a walk. You were halfway through with your walk when you stopped at a park to give the dogs some water. You were about to get up to put the last dog on the leash when it saw a rabbit and took off. You took the end of the other dogs’ leashes and took off after the dog. You were running when you accidentally tripped over your own foot. You luckily held on to the rest of the dogs leashes when you tumbled down. AS you began to gather all of the leashes a you heard a voice from behind you.

"Need any help?"

"Um, no thanks I think I got it."

Right as you stood up another dog yanked you back down. You sighed in embarrassment, and the boy giggled. He let out a hand to help you up. 

"My name is Calum."

you finally made eye contact with the boy and you felt like you were going to melt. a cute boy, a very cute boy had talked to you and you had just fallen straight on your ass. You looked down and something caught your eye. He was shirtless. You might of been staring for too long because Calum forced a wimpy cough to break the awkward silence.

"Oh, um I am y/n."

"Well nice to meet you, y/n." Calum said with a huge grin.

You smiled back at him.

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