Preference #47: Supernatural {Part 1}

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Ashton: Ghost

Rumour had it your new school was built on a graveyard. But what school doesn't have some creepy backstory. Walking in on your first day you thanked god that it was the beginning of the school year rather than some random day in April. The hallways weren't full of student yet so you could easily make your way through the hallway without bumping into someone. However you still managed. You were knocked to the floor.

"Ow!" you mumbled rubbing your wrist. You looked up to see who you had bumped into but you just saw a boy looking at you with his mouth wide open. Thinking he may offer you a hand to help you up you remained on the floor. "Are you going to help me up?" you asked slightly annoyed.

"Y...y... you can see me?" he questioned.

"I can see you're not being polite," you mumbled under your breath. He slowly reached his hand to you to take, which you did. Where your hand met his he looked at it with astonishment. He reminded you of a fish.

"You're touching me," he said astonished. He was beginning to creep you out. Taking your hand back you awkwardly laughed,

"Well, I'll see you around..."

"Ashton," he whispered.

"Ashton!" you smiled at him and walked away. You were right. You would see him around. You would be the only student to see him.

Michael: Vampire

There was a boy at your school. He was pale and his eyes were dark and lifeless. No one ever spoke to him and if they did they mysteriously vanished not long after. Maybe it was just a coincidence. But you didn't believe in coincidences . Today you would see for yourself what everyone was talking about. He was sat alone like always in the lunch hall. Ear buds in his ears his head bouncing slightly to the tune only he could hear. You sat opposite him. He didn't look at you. You cleared your throat to get his attention but then realised he could hear you due to the music. You waved your hand in front of his face and he looked at you with a scowl.

"Go away," he growled. Raising you eye brow he understood it would take more than that to make you go way.

"Do you not know the rumours about me?"

"Yes. Everyone who talks to you disappears."

"Then go away. Can't you see everyone looking at you right now? They are already whispering about how and when you will disappear."

Smirking and leaning forward, you replied. "I'll take my chances."


"I want to get to know you. Find out if what they say about you is true."

"You will most certainly find out."

Luke: Veela

Veelas are described as pale beauties with golden hair. They searched their whole lives if they had to, to find their soul mate. When you learnt of the Veelas you immediately thought of Luke. For you he was the living perception of a Veela. But things like that doesn't exist... does it?

"What are you reading about?" you heard a voice ask. Looking up you saw him – speaking of the devil.

"Veelas." You replied. Luke was talking to you... he had never spoken to you before! What changed now?

"Veelas huh. What's your thoughts on them?"

"They sound great. Apparently they are the descendants of sirens. Mostly female but they can be male also! Everyone who looks upon them falls for their beauty. The thought of a soul mate just makes me so happy. The thought of someone being yours forever and you being theirs..." you trailed off. He was probably going to laugh in your face. But he didn't. He seemed to be looking at you with... adoration,

"Well," he grinned, "Did you know the search for their soul mate begins on their 18th birthday,"

"No I didn't," you honestly replied.

"Well did you know, it's my birthday," and with that he winked at you and walked away leaving you very confused.

Calum: Werewolf

You lived in a very small town. It was said the elders of the town were werewolves. That was how you could tell who had moved into the town and who had been there since the beginning. You were walking the halls of your school late one night. You had stayed back for some extra studying for the final you had coming up. You were about to leave when you heard a commotion in one of the near halls. As you got closer it became quiet and a very tall boy pushed past you and he growled. Confused you walked closer to where you thought the ruckus was coming from. As you got closer you were sure you had heard a dog whimpering in pain. Walking closer you found a large dog on the floor licking blood from its paw. You walked towards it when it noticed you. It began to back away but you raised your hands to signal you meant no harm.

"It's ok puppy," you walked closer. It looked at you unimpressed. "Not puppy?" it stopped backing away from you and you got close enough to touch it. Reaching out it flinched. You took it's paw and looked at the wound when you touched him warmth flowed through your body and you felt the happiest you had ever felt. You looked into the wolf's eyes and became lost in them. So lost in fact you missed its transformation from wolf to boy.

Credit: mikeyclifford-the-kitten

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