Preference #3: Still Into You (Paramore)

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L U C A S: "And baby even on our worst nights, I’m into you."

You and Luke had beed constantly fighting. Be it about him never being home, you two not spending enough time together, or just missing him, there was always something to argue about. Tonight was no exception.  “FOR FUCKS SAKE LUKE I HAVEN’T SEEN YOU IN THREE MONTHS BECAUSE OF THE DAMN TOUR DO YOU REALLY NEED TO GO OUT WITH THE BOYS TONIGHT?!” You screamed, fighting the tears that were on the verge of falling out of your eyes. “GOD DAMMIT (Y/N) I’M GOING OUT WITH THE BOYS CAN YOU JUST STOP BEING SO FUCKIN’ CLINGY FOR ONCE.” Luke shouted at you as you stood in front of the door, blocking him from leaving your shared apartment. This caused you to cower back and side step away from the door, while whispering, “I’ll see you in the morning. I love you, Luke,” as you looked away and a tear silently rolled down your cheek. You heard him sigh behind you, but didn’t look back, as you made your way to your’s and Luke’s shared bedroom. By then the tears were already a steady stream. About a minute later you heard the door creak open and the bed shift with the familiar weight of your boyfriend. Two strong arms were wrapped around your waist as Luke dipped his head into the crook of your neck. “What about the boys?” you sighed as he trailed butterfly kisses from your neck, down your shoulder and back again. “I can’t leave with us like this, babe,” he said quietly, “I love you so much, (y/n), and you’re not clingy. I’m just an ass.” He said with a chuckle. “You got that right,” You smirked, as you leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips.

A S H T O N: "Recount the night that I first met your mother, and on the drive back to my house I told you that I loved ya."

"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Irwin! Dinner was fantastic," You said genuinely, while standing on the porch as Ashton’s arm snaked around your waist. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you tip-toed and pecked his lips, causing his mom to sigh, adoring you and how happy you make her son. "(Y/n) I’ve told you how many times, call me Anne!" Ashton’s mom laughed lightly. "You know you’re welcome here anytime, (y/n). Even if Ash isn’t with you." Anne said warmly, making your smile grow. "(Y/n)! Do you really have to leave?" Lauren pouted. "Yeah, we wanted you to help us build our fort!" Harry said, looking from you to his older brother. "C’mon guys share, you two had her all night, I need some (y/n) time, too." Ashton said as he cheekily placed a hand on your bum, which was conveniently turned away from his family. "Next time, guys, I promise." You replied to the younger kids, who acted just as their 19 year old brother did still, as Ash dragged you by your waist to the car. "Well, I guess we can say you have officially won my mum over with your charm," Ashton smirked down at you, placing a hand on your knee as he pulled onto the highway. "I’m just glad they like me." You smiled, relieved that Anne and the kids had enjoyed your company just as much as you did theirs. "Like you? (y/n), they loved you! Lauren has never spoken more than 4 words to the boys, but tonight I couldn’t get her to shut up!" You blushed at the obvious compliment, feeling the anxiety return as you spoke your next words quietly while not meeting his eyes, "Well I guess it does help that I’m in love with her oldest brother." Not knowing how he would respond, you glanced up at him, seeing Ashton was already staring at you in awe. He pulled the car over to the shoulder. "You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that, (Y/n)." He whispered against your lips. "I. Love. You. Too. So. Much." He said in between the pecks he placed on your lips.

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