Preference #42: Youre brother finds a used condom from you and another member

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*Orginally called Your Brother is in The Band and You’re Dating Another Member and They Find a Used Condom*

Ashton: “Ash what’s wrong you look like you’re going to be sick.” He didn’t think anyone noticed, but you did. Ashton shook his head quickly, covering his mouth with his hand. “I’m fine.” He mumbled. You hurried over to him, “Are you sure?” You laid a hand on his back, walking with him over to the bathroom. Ashton waved his hand shooing your touch away. “What is it?” “I uh, I found something.” He swallowed hard. “On the floor in your hotel room.” His words were sweating out of him, he felt so embarrassed bringing this up. You furrowed your eyes at him. “Something of yours…and Luke’s.” Ashton looked down at the floor. You were confused for a moment, but suddenly a light bulb went off in your head. “Oh. Oh!” You raised your eyebrows, cheeks flushing red. “Oh my god.” You giggled nervously as Ashton nodded his head. “Yeah, how about next time you just make sure you throw it away. Ok?”

Michael: “Where did you even find that?” You exasperated, shooting straight out of your seat. It was like Michael had called a press conference with you in order to confront you about it. “It was on the living room floor.” You really thought you had thrown it away, but in the heat of the moment with Calum, you could remember how things escalated quickly soon after. “Mikey I don’t know what to say.” You admitted with a shake of your head. “I thought I tossed it, but I guess-“ “I feel like I need to sanitize this entire house now.” Michael interrupted you, laughing. You nodded and when Michael noticed he quickly shook his head, “Oh no don’t even tell me you’ve done it around the house I think I’m going to puke.” He rambled and you grinned, slightly nodding an ashamed yes. “That’s disgusting so how about we just drop the subject and never talk about it again?” His proposal was ideal and you couldn’t have agreed faster.

Calum: Ashton made sure to always be extra careful with you. Dating his friend’s sister was something he never thought it would do, so he promised Calum he would take extra care of you. “I don’t know when or how or why. All I know is that I found it and it’s really grossing me out.” But when Calum approached him about finding one of your used condoms it was every bit of embarrassment that could happen to a person. “Oh man I-I don’t know what to say.” Ashton admitted, feeling his words leave him in the situation. If you were just a friend of Calum’s this situation probably wouldn’t be as severe, but as his girlfriend’s brother was standing before him he felt hopeless. Calum took a shaky breath. “I’m just making sure you’re taking care of my sister.” Another breath and a wince. “And being safe.” Calum shuddered at the thought as Ashton gave him a sure pat on the back. “You have nothing to worry about, Cal. I promise.”

Luke: When he found it, he immediately thought that Michael was cheating on you because he believed you were going to wait until marriage to do anything sexual. “You’re such a dick Michael! Have you told her?” Luke walked into the room in an outrage, pushing Michael away from you and up against a wall. “Luke what the hell?” You screeched, trying to yank him away, but he wouldn’t budge an inch. “What the hell are you talking about?” Michael finally replied, breathless in the moment. “I found your condom! Are you going to tell my sister that you’re cheating on her with some slut?” A silent second passed then you found yourself laughing hysterically, Michael beginning to chuckle at the situation too. “What’s so funny?” Luke spat. “Luke,” You began, rubbing your forehead, “That condom was mine.” Shocked, Luke pulled back from Michael, “Y-yours?” He stuttered and you nodded. “Yeah, well ours.” You finished wearily. “Oh.” Luke whispered, backing even further away from you both. “I’ll just um, be leaving now.” He continued out of the room in a hurry, mumbling more ashamed sorry’s.

Credit: harryzalmighty

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