Preference # 14: He wants to cuddle

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L U K E: It was early in the morning when your alarm clock started ringing. You sighed and got up, leaving a still sleeping Luke in bed alone. About half an hour later you had taken a shower and got ready to leave for work. You walked back into your bedroom, where you saw a tired Luke still in bed, one eye open. “Baaaaabe, come back to bed!”, he whined, his voice raw and his blonde hair was messy. “I can’t Luke, I have to go to work.”, you answered, making your hair. “Pleeeeease Y/N.”, he begged but you shook your head. “Come on, it’s so cold in here without you. I just want a cuddle.” You sighed, knowing he wouldn’t give up. “Fine, but only for a minute.” Luke smiled widely as you climbed back into bed. His arms wrapped around your waist immediately and he nuzzled his face into your neck, breathing in your scent. “Mmmh, you’re so warm.”, he mumbled as you both fell asleep again. You knew your boss would kill you, but who can say no to a begging Luke?

M I C H A E L: Michael and you both had a day off and of course, he spent it playing video games. At first you had joined him, but after an hour you had gotten bored and started reading a book, sitting beside him on the sofa. You were so into reading that you didn’t notice when Michael had stopped his game and stared at you. You looked over, confused. “What?” He just smiled, put his controller down and involved you in a great hug, pressing his soft lips to your neck. You hugged him back, not sure what he was doing though. “Mikey, are you alright?”, you laughed as he paced you slowly back and forth in his arms. “Yeah, I just realized how lucky I am to have you and I thought it was time for a cuddle.”, he mumbled and you blushed. “Aaaw, that’s sweet. And you’re a great cuddler.”, you answered as you enjoyed feeling the body warmth of your adorable boyfriend.

C A L U M: Your boyfriend Calum had treated you a bit shitty this morning, it was nothing big, but you decided to give him the silent treatment, just because you knew how much he hated it. He came into your shared bedroom, where you were sitting on the phone, scrolling through Tumblr. “Babe, do you know where my hoodie is? I can’t find it.”, he complained, not realizing that you were still mad at him. When you didn’t answer, he came over to you. “Babe? Don’t tell me you’re still pissed? Come on, I’m sorry, okay?”, he tried but you kept looking at your phone. He sighed and you sat in silence for a few minutes, until he suddenly pinned you down on the bed, tackled your sides and peppered your face with wet kisses. You really didn’t want to, but you had to laugh. “Aah, there it is. I knew you can’t resist. I’m too awesome at cuddling.”, your boyfriend smiled down at you. “This isn’t even a real cuddle.”, you pouted, giving up your silent treatment. Calum then turned around so that you were on top of him and wrapped his arms tightly around you. “Better?”, he asked and you nodded, before he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips.

A S H T O N: It was in the middle of the night, when you heard Ashtons voice waking you up. “Babe?”, he whispered and you immediately knew that something was wrong. “Yes? What’s wrong?”, you asked as you put on the lights. Your boyfriend was looking at you with wide eyes, pale face and sweat on his forehead. “Uhm, I had a nightmare. Could we maybe cuddle a bit? That would help a lot.”, he answered, a bit embarrassed. You smiled and nodded before you turned the lights off again and embraced him in a hug. His head rested on your chest as you slowly ran your fingers through his hair. He fell asleep to the steady beating of your heart and you looked down at him and admired his beautiful features before you drift off to sleep as well. As you woke up the next morning Ashton was still wrapped up in your arms, so you kissed him awake. When he opened his eyes slowly and looked into yours, he remembered the last night immediately and smiled thankfully. “Thanks babe.”, he murmured and kissed you.

Credit to: itsallaboutimagines

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