Preference #55: Supernatural {Part 9} Final Part

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Ashton ghost:

The long breath was your last. Of course your parents mourned. Your friends mourned. To them you were gone and never coming back. Ashton hoped. He knew there was a chance for you to come back. Days turned into weeks and he began to accept you would never come back. A small percentage of the dead become ghosts and the chances of you becoming a ghost was small. Just when he had lost all hope he was wondering around the school. People walked through him like they always did. People gossiped in what they thought was secrecy and he went back into being nothing. He had been pretty much alone for the past 90 years (apart from the odd supernatural creature who stumbled his way) and he was going to be alone once again. Walking the halls he bumped into someone. Looking down he saw you. His mouth dropped open.

"Are you not going to help me up?" you asked repeating the first thing you had ever said to him.

"Y/N!" he shouted helping you up with no second thought,

"I see in my absence you haven't lost your guppy face."

"I thought..."

"I'm sorry. You can't get rid of me so easily," you smirked before hugging him. He held you close and refused to let go for a few minutes.

"I don't want to get rid of you. Ever."

"Well that's good since I think we will be together as ghosts forever... Did you go to my funeral?"


"Were people crying?"

"They were hysterical."

"That's good, well it's not... but it's nice to know people care about me so much."

"I care a lot. A lot of a lot. I love you Y/N,"

"I love you too Ashton."

Michael vampire:

You both walked outside to see if you could find out if Michael was still a vampire.

"Well you aren't burning in the sun!" you said cheerfully.

"If you haven't noticed I've never burnt in the sun..." he replied in a bored tone. He walked over to a log and pulled it apart in anger his fangs showed. "I'm still a vampire!" he shouted. He stormed back into the witches house with you following him. "What are you playing at?"

"Well I lied. There is no cure for being a vampire.... However. I have let you have the best of both," she explained. "You still have the powers of a vampire but you have a soul and your immortality has gone. In shorter terms. You are a human in every sense of the word – you just have vampire skills." You both nodded understanding what she meant.

"How can I trust what you say?" Michael asked.

"Find out for yourself," she passed a knife to Michael. He raised it to his finger and sliced his finger which caused him to bleed. He gasped. Normally he would heal instantly. His immortality was truly gone.

"I'm human," he gasped dropping the knife to the floor "Y/N, I'm human!" he picked you up and spun you slightly.

"Sorry to interrupt the happiness. But I would like to warn you, human or not you are being hunted down by an angry family of vampires." Putting you down Michael smirked,

"So Y/N, are you ready to live your life as a fugitive?"

"Yes," you grinned back. You would do anything to stay with Michael. Even if it meant giving up your old life.

Luke Veela

It took a few years to realise that you couldn't get pregnant. You and Luke tried and tried but it never worked. Eventually you went to a doctor who finally told you what you had suspected. For a while you felt as if you couldn't look at Luke. You felt as if it was your fault.

"I'm sorry Luke,"

"What for?"

"That you had to be mated to someone who couldn't give you children."

"I would rather I had you and no children then millions of children and no you,"

"Millions of children?" you smirked. It felt good to do something that wasn't a frown. "We both know why I can't have children."

"The curse." You nodded at his answer. You both sat there in silence until you had an idea.

"We could adopt?"


"Well I was cursed because an orphan veela stole the stone. If we adopt we could stop another veela family being cursed by an orphan veela. I mean we have a new family stone and it hasn't been used yet. If we adopt an orphan veela the stone will then belong to them and their descendants." Luke grinned.

"That is a great idea Y/N. We can go talk to the council and see if that logic works but I don't see why it wouldn't. you are brilliant."

"I know," you grinned. You stood up, "Lets go now."


"Yeah why not now? We've been trying for years and now we can go see if we can finally get one."

"I'm so glad I got fated with you Y/N,"

"I'm glad too," you blushed. You really were. You were Luke's soul mate and he was yours. Your bond was so much stronger than any other married couple. You would never fall out of love or get divorced. You would be together forever.

Calum werewolf

Your prediction was correct. Calum would become the greatest Alpha. Well, the greatest alpha you know. You can't really make a judgment. Especially when biased. But the wolves respected him and followed him through everything he said and not through orders but through love and loyalty. They even accepted his judgement to help Michael the ex-vampire and his girlfriend hide in their camp as their wolf scent will mask their scent from the vampires who were trying to kill them. Of course people were a bit weary at first but after a few months they were truly part of the family. When you gave birth to a boy the wolves were happy they had found the new Alpha to be. When your son turned 10 he changed for the first time. You couldn't have been prouder. Of course to anyone else having your son turn into a giant dog may have been strange but since The Luna was guiding you she helped soften the blow of strange things. When he was 16 you were shopping in town with him looking for new school supplies when he bumped into a girl knocking her flying. He quickly grabbed her and from that moment he never let go. You took them both back to the camp and told Calum what happened.

"Remember when we met?" you asked,

"Yeah, you missed the fact I had turned from wolf from to a boy."

"I was distracted."

"Distracted by my handsomeness?"

"Shut up Calum," you pushed him slightly.

"you also called me a puppy. Last time I checked puppies weren't the size of cars."

"I wish they were. How great would that be. Giant puppy. I wish you were a giant puppy."

"you are so lucky I love you. You are so strange."

"But that what makes me great!"

"Yes it is."

Credit: mikeyclifford-the-kitten

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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