Preference #11: You're Younger Than Him

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Luke: “Hey, y/n, I’m gonna have a few friends over later tonight. Try not to bother us, okay?” Your older brother pushed past you and you glanced up, grinning slyly. “Are any of them cute?” You asked, leaning over the counter and meeting his eyes. Your brother just glared at you. “Y/n, stay away from them, they’re all over 19. You’re 16 and you’re still my baby sister. Just stay in your room or something.” He shrugged and walked away. Knocking sounded from your front door and you raised an eyebrow. “This is later tonight?” You asked before walking over and tearing the door open to see four boys standing in front of you. They were all pretty attractive and you smirked to yourself, already planning the night out. “Hi, boys,” you purred. “I’m y/n.” One boy with the prettiest blue eyes you had ever seen raised an eyebrow at you and leaned against the doorjamb as the other boys walked past him into your house. “I’m Luke.” He stuck his hand out and when you grabbed it to shake, he twisted it up and pressed his lips to your knuckles. “Come on, guys, let’s go to my room.” Your brother’s voice boomed through the room and you rolled your eyes before perking up. “Can I come,” you asked, looking at Luke and he grinned, nodding his head. Your brother watched as you both walked into his room and curled up next to each other on his floor, giggling. Somewhere throughout the night you heard him clear his throat and met his eyes, but he wasn’t looking at you. He was looking at Luke and you could hear the blue eyed boy gulp. “Luke, she’s 16.” Luke just looked into your eyes and shook his head, slightly mesmerized. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I really don’t care.

Michael: You were walking in the park when you saw a flurry of brightly colored hair fly past you at high speed, accidently catching one of your bracelets to his pants zipper. “Ow!” You yelled at the harsh tugging at your wrist, but when you looked up the cry fell from your lips. “Oh. Hi.” You said, staring up at him, your eyes wide with wonder. He was beautiful and you were seriously going to have a panic attack, but he rolled his eyes at you and hissed out an unpleasant hello back. You furrowed your eyebrows. “I’m sorry did I do something to piss you off?” You asked, slightly peeved, but when he gestured to his crotch and hand dangling right in front of it, you blushed. “I’m kind of late for class right now,” he explained, nodding to the college building in front of you. “You’re in college?” You asked. “Uh, yeah, why?” He squinted his eyes at you before brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. You chose to ignore his question and pulled your bracelet free from his zipper. “Well, you should get to class now. Bye.” But when you started to walk away, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist and you twisted around to look at the boy again. “What did you say your name was?” “It’s y/n.” He nodded thoughtfully. “Y/n, how would you like to go out for coffee some time?” He smiled shyly, but when he saw you shake your head, it fell. “I’m sorry, but that’s probably not a good idea, I’m only 17. And you’re in college.” The boy sighed and shuffled his feet before offering a sad smile. “Can I at least get you’re number?” He asked and you watched him, questioning whether that was really a good idea, but he was really cute. “You know what, yeah. You can have my number, and I would love to get a coffee with you.” He looked up at you in surprise and smiled. “I’m Michael by the way.”

Calum: Voices reached out to you from downstairs and you crawled out of Calum’s bed, pulling on a pair of his boxers and one of his t-shirts on the way to his bedroom door. “Calum, mate, we’re only looking out for you,” You could hear Ashton say. You furrowed your eyebrows and placed your bottom on the top step of his stairs. Calum cursed loudly. “Guys, I get that you care about me and shit, but there’s nothing you can say that will change the way I feel.” You heard Michael sigh. “Calum, she’s really young. Too young for you, mate.” You sighed and played with the hem of Calum’s t-shirt, groaning internally at the age difference between you and your boyfriend. Calum was 21 and you were only 17. You were turning 18 soon, but everyone was worried, because your parents disapproved of your relationship with Calum. You wouldn’t put it past them to try to get Calum in trouble for dating a minor. With tears in your eyes, you walked back to Calum’s room silently and packed up all your stuff. You tiptoed down the stairs, hoping to sneak out the back door and call Calum later to explain, but Luke caught sight of you. “Y/n?” All the boys looked up from their heated conversation to look at you. Calum frowned. “Babe, why are you leaving?” You shook your head, refusing to let tears fall, but some did anyway. “Cal, they’re right. I’m too young for you. I don’t want you getting in trouble, because of me.” Calum looked at you in disbelief. “Babe, no. I love you so much. I don’t care.” He walked over and cradled your head in his hands, kissing all over your face. “Don’t leave me. You’re my everything. We’ll figure this out, but don’t leave me.”

Ashton: Walking into your best friend’s house, you smelled freshly microwaved popcorn and perked up. “Ash,” you called out, collapsing on his coach. He walked into the room and giggled at your crumpled form. “Hey, sleepy. What’s up?” You glanced up and groaned. “College sucks. I hate it. And it’s only my first year.” Ashton threw himself on top of you and nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah, I used to hate it, too, when I was a young whippersnapper like you.” You sighed and shoved him off of you. “You’re so lucky you’re down with it.” Ashton shrugged and pinched your side. “What do you think of a movie night?” He asked, already standing up to collect the popcorn from his kitchen. You mumbled incoherently and draped a blanket over yourself, snuggling into the cushions. Ashton placed a bowl of popcorn in your lap and turned the movie on, deflating next to you on the coach. He threw an arm over your shoulder and kissed your forehead. Somewhere throughout the movie, you passed out and when you woke up Ashton was lying you down in his bed. You pretended to still be asleep, but froze when he sighed and quickly kissed your lips before wrapping an arm around your waist and settling down in the bed next to you. You didn’t move for a few minutes, but eventually you looked up at Ashton to see his eyes wide open staring at you. “I knew you were awake,” he whispered. “Sorry,” he sighed, but you shook your head and pressed your lips back into his. “I’m okay with this as long as you’re okay with being with such a young whippersnapper,” You murmured, playing with his curls, causing a soft smile to grace his features.

Credit to: sucklarryscarrot

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