Preference #51: Supernatural {Part 5}

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Ashton: ghost

The next day you felt unnerved at school. Back to when you thought Ashton was stalking you. But this was worse. While you weren't sure what Ashton stood as back then, with the boy from last night you couldn't get the grin from his face out of your mind's eye. Ashton was stalker-y, this guy was creepy. This was worse. You looked around whenever you felt his presence but you never saw him. You wished you could talk to Ashton right now, tell him how you felt, maybe he could keep an eye out for you. But since he walked away after that... Was it a fight? Since he walked away from you, you couldn't find him anywhere. You hung around after school like you normally did to see Ashton but he never turned up. You began to walk slowly home when you heard footsteps coming from behind you.

"Oh I thought you weren't coming," you sighed while turning around. Gasping you saw it wasn't Ashton but in fact the guy from last night.

"Who are you waiting for girl-y?" He cocked his head to the side with a smirk. "Been talking to whispers? The voices in your head?" He came closer and you felt the adrenaline running through your veins. However, despite the adrenaline, your feet refused to move. "You are a freak you know that!" This time he was closer than before. He was leaning over you but despite his shoulders moving as if he were breathing you felt no breath. "How can you see us?!" He shouted. He was a ghost too.

"I don't know," you whimpered trying to get away.

"If you don't know, this will be a shock to you," and with that he smacked you across the face and you fell to the floor. Grasping your face you looked up in shock. "What?" You whispered to yourself. How did he touch you?

"Get away from her!" You heard Ashton's voice.

"Ashton!" You shouted, "Please help me!" Ashton ran towards the two of you and pushed the guy out of the way. His eyes were full of thunder and the lights began to flicker.

"I said get away from her!" With that the locker doors flew open and shut over and over. The bully ghost looked slightly scared and mumbled something before disappearing in a flash. Ashton was quick to your side. "Y/N, are you ok?" He takes his hand to cup your face but hesitated. Getting an idea you touched his hand. Literally touched his hand. You both gasped. "You can touch me!"

Michael: vampire.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here." A cold harsh voice asked. The kiss with Michael was stopped too soon for your liking. You couldn't help but give out a small whine from the sudden stop. You both turned to see an older looking man smirking at the two of you. Michael immediately pushed you behind you and his fangs bared at the stranger. "Seems the witch was correct. You would fall for one of her kind. And yet you protested too much."

"If you hadn't kicked me out of the family for something I hadn't done yet then maybe I wouldn't have." He snarled back.

"I came here to invite you back but it seems too late,"

"I wouldn't want to come back even if you asked. Why would I join people who had so quickly thrown me away in the past?"

"We are your own kind. Why would you want to stay with these... humans?"

"She is a human. I would stay with her until the end of the world." You squeezed his arm in recognition of what he said. The other vampire hissed in disgust.

"You need to be punished for your crimes. I just need to think of how..." He trailed off. The smirk returned when he saw your frightened face. Michael tensed and gripped onto you tighter.

"Don't you dare." At that the vampire ran at you and tried to rip you away. The vampire had large nails which cut your arm in the struggle. This made the vampire even more frantic. He lost concentration and Michael overpowered him. The stranger lay still on the floor.

"Shit." Michael cursed. "I'm in even more trouble now. He was one of the leaders. How is your arm?"

"Fine thank you. Is it bothering you?"

"Not at all." He looked up to see a shocked group of students looking at you. "We need to go!" He grabbed your arm and you ran from the school.

Luke: Veela

Luke took you to the room the mating ritual would take place. The room was dark only lit by candle light. In the middle of the room was a white stone and on either side of the stone were two cushions.

"You sit there." Luke said pointing to one of the cushions. Nodding you walked towards it and sat down. Luke took the other sitting opposite you. "We say each other's name and I accept you. Then we place our hands on the stone and I bite you then vice versa. Ok?" again you nodded slightly nervous. You felt uneasy. Despite Luke telling you would be fine you still felt like something would go wrong. Clearing his throat Luke said,

"Y/N I accept you," he nodded towards you signalling it was your turn.

"Luke Hemming I accept you," you placed your hands on the rock and you felt the wind escape your lungs. Thinking this was normal you didn't say anything. Luke's eyes were fully black and you wondered if yours were the same. He lent forward and nuzzled your neck before his teeth sunk into your upper arm. It didn't hurt. It felt... strange. But not in a bad way. You could argue it was pleasurable? He sat back in the upright position. Leaning forward you bit his shoulder in the same place he bit you. But something went wrong the moment you did. You felt like you were on fire. Screaming out in pain you pulled back.

"Y/N what's wrong?" Luke frantically asked. "Y/N!" you couldn't stop screaming. It hurt so much.

"Mum! Dad!" he shouted and they burst through the door. His father ran to Luke and his mother ran to you. Despite asking for help his veela side began to feel uneasy that he couldn't help you. He wanted to help you not his parents. Sinking to his knees he felt helpless. He also began to feel your pain as his. What had gone wrong? This was supposed to be a simple ritual. Eventually the pain was too much and your vision went black and you could no longer here your own screaming or the commotion around you.

Calum: Werewolf.

Weeks had gone past and Calum and yourself had become closer. You weren't sure how you had lived your life without him. When you got too far away you just felt the need to be with him. He knew your emotions and you had known his. People at school had noticed you were a couple and of course there were rumours about the two of you. That night you two were going to meet in the woods as you normally do. But Calum was running a little late. He had text you to say a teacher was holding him back a few minutes to check over his homework but he should be there in about 5 minutes. You found the normal meeting place and sat down on a log. You waited and you waited but he still hadn't come yet. You checked your phone and you had no new messages. You heard rustling behind you. Turning around you saw it was a wolf walking towards you. This wasn't Calum's wolf. In fact you weren't sure you knew this wolf at all. Over the few weeks you got to know a few of the wolves. It stepped forward and began to snarl at you. Standing up you held out your hands in front of you. It come closer and closer.

"Stop!" you shouted. "You can't hurt me! I am an imprint! It's against your laws for a wolf to hurt another's imprint!" The wolf stopped walking towards you and in front of your eyes it turned into a human. It was the guy who bumped into you the day you met Calum! "You! You shouldn't be here!"

"You are right little one. I shouldn't be here and wolves can't hurt others imprints. This is why I'm now human. I can do what I want to you in the form," he started walking towards you again but before he could reach you Calum's wolf came and jumped on top of you.

"I warned you what would happen if you came back." A voice boomed into your head. It took you a moment to realise it was Calum's wolf. The man whimpered under Calum struggling to break free but he couldn't. Pressing his paw to his throat Calum stopped the oxygen flow to the man's lungs which slowly knocked him out. Growling at the seemingly lifeless bodies Calum growled at him. Remembering you were in potential danger he rushed over to you and began to... squeak? You began to laugh and you ran your hand though his thick fur. "I'm ok Calum. Thank you."

Credit: mikeyclifford-the-kitten

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