Preference # 17: Song Preference: Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings

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C A L U M :


"I’ll keep tossing rocks at your window"

You were pretty sure it was past midnight, judging by the darkness, but for some reason your mind just wouldn’t let you sleep. Just as you were starting to drift off, you heard a quiet tapping noise coming from the other side of the room. Not thinking anything of it, you closed your eyes again and tried to sleep, but the tapping continued until eventually you waked over to the window, hoping to not find some sort of demon tapping on it, and flung the curtains open. Through the darkness of the night, you could just about see the figure of your boyfriend, Calum, stood next to your tree with a handful of stones. So that’s what the tapping was!

"Calum? What are you doing here?" You hissed down at him, being cautious to not wake up any family members.

"I missed you Y/N! It’s cold out here, can I come in?" He whisper-shouted up at you. Without waiting for an answer, he climbed up the drainpipe and clambered through your window, landing in a heap on your floor. He grinned at you and straightened himself out before jumping on your bed, dragging you in with him. Getting to sleep was a lot easier with Calum’s arms around you.

M I C H A E L :


"They’ll tear us apart if you give them the chance"

There was no escaping the hate. It was everywhere: on the streets, in school and worst of all on twitter. You knew what you signed up for when you started dating Michael, but this was getting out of hand. One night when Michael was out late at the studio, you opened your laptop to twitter and scrolled through your mentions, every hateful comment worse than the last.

'Maybe they're right,' you thought. 'Maybe I'm not good enough for him.' Tears streamed down your face as you tossed the laptop onto the floor, a huge crack distorting the screen and all the messages on it. Angry and hurt, you stormed around the room, punching walls until your knuckles bled and throwing things to the floor. Due to your cries, you didn't hear Michael enter the house and run up the stairs to find you. The second you laid eyes on him, you collapsed to the floor in a sobbing heap, the broken laptop discarded at the other side of the room. He wrapped his arms around you and carried you over to the bed, setting you down softly before bringing you into his side in a warm embrace.

"I c-cant do this a-anymore Mikey," you sobbed into his chest. "T-they hate me." You could feel him tense up with anger t whoever had made you feel like this, then he said into your hair, " Baby listen, I love you to pieces and I don’t ever want to see you sad like this again. They’ll tear us apart if you give them the chance and I really don’t want that to happen, please don’t listen to anything bad they say. I love you." Your breathing evened out as your sobs subsided and you cuddled into his side. They say nobody’s perfect, but they must have forgotten about him.

L U K E :


"Run baby run, don’t ever look back"

"You’re not seeing him again! He’s not good for you, Y/N!" Your mum screamed at you. She never approved of you and Luke’s relationship but now she was forbidding you seeing him? This was a new low.

"I don’t care what you say! I love him and he makes me happy, so what’s your problem?!" You yelled back.

"We’re not discussing this Y/N! You’re not to see him, and there’ll be consequences if you do! Now go to your room, you’re grounded!" You stormed up the stairs and slammed the door, grabbing your phone to call Luke.

"Hey, Y/N, what’s up?" His thick Australian accent said through the phone.

"Apparently I’m not allowed to see you any more," you replied, getting angrier by the second.

"I’ll be there in 5, get enough stuff together for a couple weeks, see you in a few." He hung up, leaving you slightly confused. We’re you running away?

As promised, 5 minutes later you got a text from Luke: ‘I’m outside, don’t let them see you leave love you x’. As you silently crept downstairs, making sure you wouldn’t be seen, your heart fluttered with excitement and the anger washed away. Luke was outside when you opened the door and he took your hand in his and slung your bag over his shoulder. “Run, and don’t ever look back,” he whispered as you ran off into the night together. He was all you needed.

A S H T O N :


"Just sneak out and don’t tell a soul goodbye"

Tonight was the night of your boyfriend’s band’s big concert and you weren’t allowed to go because you ‘had too much homework to be wasting time going to silly concerts.’ Or at least, that’s what your parents told you. But if there was ever a better time to be rebellious, this was it; there was no way you were missing Ashton’s big concert. Once you knew your family was all downstairs, out of the way, you climbed through the window and down the drainpipe before running as fast as your legs could carry you. On your way to the venue, you text Ash that you were out alive and to meet you outside the venue, which he did. As soon as he saw you, he ran towards you and spun you around, hugging you tightly.

"I’m so glad you could make it, babe," he whispered to you as the fans stared at the two of you longingly. The concert was amazing; you couldn’t have been prouder of Ashton as you danced in the front row, surrounded by screaming fans.

"This next song goes out to my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N! Love you babe!" Ashton announced as he started drumming the beat to She Looks So Perfect.

Credit to: fangirlpreferences

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