Preference #4: You're a Bet (Part 1)

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Calum: You can’t decide if your decision to eavesdrop was good or bad, but you’re sure of one thing - you’re absolutely furious. It shows as you shove clothes in to a duffle bag, the angry tears streaming down your face being violently wiped away by your shaking hands. You thought he loved you. You thought it was real. And that’s what he keeps insisting as he bangs on the bedroom door. “Baby, please let me explain. I love you more than anything, you know that! It’s all just a misunderstanding!” His voice is raspy and you can tell he’s been crying, but it doesn’t faze you. You can’t let yourself be sucked in to a poisonous relationship. “Fuck off, Calum.” You shout through the door and pack the remainder of your belongings in your bag, glance at the window, and make your decision. You crack open the window - going through the door would never work, as soon as you saw his face you’d break - and toss your bag outside, thankful that your flat isn’t too far off the ground. With one last glance around the room, Calum’s cries echoing in your ears, you jump out the window and walk towards your car, tears streaming down your face as you walk out of his life.

Ashton: "I’m sorry, but I can’t take this." You watch as Ashton hands the wad of cash back to Michael, guilt encompassing his features. You’re relieved that he doesn’t take the money, but at the same time you’re absolutely furious and hurt beyond belief. "Why not? We agreed on this. You date her for six months, I give you $400. Are you seriously giving back four hundred dollars?” Michael is incredulous, his eyes wide as Ashton stares blankly at him. “I’ve found love, Michael. I’m not just going to give that away for $400.” Michael shrugs and shoves the money in his pocket before patting his friend on the shoulder and walking towards the front door. You crouch behind the table in an effort to avoid his line of sight and sigh in relief when you hear the door shut. But then the tears come. You don’t know why, because you know that Ashton loves you - I mean, he denied $400 for you - but everything just feels wrong. The tears are beginning to stream down your face when Ashton walks in to get a drink. He notices you quickly, his eyes widening. “Babe, I swear, it was just a stupid be-” You shake your head. “I know, Ash. But it still hurts.” He looks at you guiltily and comes closer towards you but you hold up a hand. “I need some time to think.” Your voice cracks and he nods, eyes watering as he walks out of the kitchen.

Luke: "Are you fucking kidding me?" You shout, startling the two boys sitting on the couch. They hadn’t realized that you’d come home and had been talking about the bet when you walked in. "Babe, I can explain-" You hold up your hand and glare at Calum, who’s fidgeting nervously.  "You dated me just so you could have a bigger wallet and an inflated ego, and now you want to explain? I don’t think so, Luke. Now get the hell out of my apartment before I do something that I’ll regret.” Calum’s disappeared out the back door and Luke’s eyes are shining with tears, frozen as he watches tears stream down your face despite your attempts to maintain your composure. “Y/N, please, just let me explain.. In the beginning I did it for the bet, but then I fell in love with you. I love every single part of you, Y/N, and if that won’t change your mind then I don’t know what will.” Tears fall more rapidly now and he’s closer to you, mere inches apart as you cry. All you want is for his arms to be wrapped around you but you have to stay strong. “Get out.” You murmur, hugging your arms to your chest as you watch him walk away. The slam of the door is the final straw and you collapse to the floor, sobbing.

Michael: It doesn’t take you long to put the pieces together. The hushed whispers, the increasingly false friendliness the boys had towards you, the wad of cash in the back of his jeans pocket - they all point to something you’d never wanted to think about. And as you sit in the bedroom, zoning out as Michael drones on about your breakup, it finally clicks. “Wait.” You say suddenly, causing him to stop in the middle of his sentence. “This isn’t even a real relationship, is it? This past year was caused by your participation in a stupid bet.” He struggles to form a sentence, his mouth opening and closing rapidly, and his actions confirm your suspicions. “I knew it.” You murmur and stand up, beginning to shove things in your bag. He’s still frozen on the bed, watching with blank eyes as you tear apart the bedroom. “I hope the rewards you get are worth it,” You say as you toss a framed photo of the two of you to the ground, watching it shatter. “Because I know that walking out of your life will be just as rewarding for me.” But as you walk down the hallway, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill, you can’t help but think about how wrong you are.

Credit to: Blowingmichael

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